MMU3 printing issue
I'm having a problem with color printing on my new MK4. This issue only occurs when I try to print using MMU3.
If MMU3 and the filament sensor are off, everything looks fine. Of course, I have to switch colors manually.
I have no idea if this problem is related to the MMU3 itself, the Prusa Slicer, or maybe a bad design.
Without MMU3:
I'm using these filaments:
I have used them before with my MK3 without any problems.
RE: MMU3 printing issue
When you say manually changing, are you changing the filament in the same mmu tube or just unloading and manually moving the mmu to a different tube?
RE: MMU3 printing issue
Hello. Sorry for late reply. I print with MMU3 disabled, also filament sensor is off. I simply unload and load filament manually directly into the extruder. Also the g-code is different in this case (not for MMU3).
RE: MMU3 printing issue
Sorry for responding so late; when using the MMU3, are you printing with wipe towers? Not using wipe towers could be a cause of issues.
Another issue might be that some filament is getting jammed in the MMU3, affecting the flow of the filament through the tube. In order to fix this, check for both filament powders near the mmu gears and for dents on the wire of filament. Hope this helps.
RE: MMU3 printing issue
The white part printed by the MMU looks really under-extruded. After the print, remove the white filament from the MMU and examine it near the end for gouge marks made by the extruder. That could be a sign that the filament encounters a lot of resistance somewhere between the spool and the extruder. You can also open the MMU and try pulling the filament through manually; there'll be some resistance but it shouldn't take a lot of effort.
Or try printing the part with the white filament in a different MMU slot.