MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled
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MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled  

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Honorable Member

I'm glad you got it finished.  The idea behind the printed parts comes from the RepRap movement, which was the idea that you can 3d print and make your own parts. 

The fitment of the parts has not been an issue on any of my builds.  You might think them subpar to an injection molded part, but your looking at it wrong.  A 3d printed part is just that, a 3d printed part.  Its designed in a way so that it can be 3d printed and comparing it to an injection molded part makes no sense.  It's no different than trying to compare a cast part to a billet machined part or a forging.  They are completely different manufacturing processes and will yield completely different finished parts.  A more fair comparison would be too compare 3d printed parts to other 3d printed parts if your want to judge quality. 

My feeling is that no matter what happens with this MK4 you'll be unsatisfied.  I hope I'm wrong, but at this point you might be better off selling it and getting a Chinese printer.

I hope things work out for you. 

Posted : 15/02/2024 10:04 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled


Along with the parts not fitting that well it was maybe more the time it would take to assemble it that was annoying me the most, I was ready for 7-8 hours, but its double that and really quite an overwhelming amount of parts for my liking which really really bugged me the wrong way seeing I have wasted so much time on an Ender machine. This is why I really want 100% honesty with regards to printers I just can't handle more bullshit, too many people give you the wrong impression


I'ts very likely I will keep it. I really was filled with anger, I had put in double the cost of an A1 already, I wanted the proven reliability but also as a gesture to Prusa and local manufacturing. My percieved build time of eight hours is already too long if you compare price, so double that time or 3x the price for a prebuilt one is hard to justify unless it will become clear that Prusa machines have double the lifespan or something like that.. If I was tot get a Bambulab now it might just mean some new challenges so I would have to put time on that, I don't want that now... But in the future if I print enough or want multicolor I probably will give the Bambulab machines a try next unfortunately 

Posted : 15/02/2024 11:58 pm
Honorable Member

The time it takes to assemble the printer depends on the skill and knowledge of the person who assembles it. I had the printer assembled in about 9 hours including lunch, and I was in no rush. However, if someone doesn't know what a "chamfer" is and spends a lot of time googling on the Internet, and then writes a litany of "shit" here for the next few hours, then he will actually spend many more hours assembling the printer.

This post was modified 1 year ago by miroslav.h4
Posted : 16/02/2024 7:23 am
Honorable Member
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

That's how different people are.  I bet that most people assemble the printer in a maximum of 10 hours and enjoy doing so. And these people have also informed themselves beforehand and read the instructions in full.  Many would see themselves as the cause. Not everyone has a talent for practical things. Which is fine.  And then there are those who always blame others.  Those who have an office job and never do anything practical probably have more difficulties.  Someone from the field definitely knows what a chamfer is. 

Josef Prusa has said that he is no longer allowed to offer kits for economic reasons.  But because they are so popular in the community, he doesn't want to do without them.

I don't think you've embarrassed Prusa in this post. Rather yourself, sorry. 

I know it's pointless to write this here. It's not meant to insult anyone.   But it is possible to fit the MK4 in the specified time. And if you don't manage it, but others do, and then blame others......

Posted : 16/02/2024 7:46 am
Oregun liked
Honorable Member
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

And that's why Josef doesn't offer XL printers as a "pile of parts" in the form of a kit from the very beginning like the MK3 and MK4, but as a pre-assembled one. During assembly in the company, he can also use special preparations that ensure basic accuracy and speed up the work, which is not possible at home. And maybe it's also because he would have to increase the number of support workers, and there would probably have to be more of them than production employees, when the "assemblers" we're talking about start calling them. 😊😊

Posted : 16/02/2024 8:02 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

This thread has gone way off target. Please only post if you have helpful information to add. 

Personal attacks are not welcome in this forum 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 16/02/2024 8:21 pm
Oregun liked
Honorable Member
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

Dear Moderator, we did not come up with any personal attacks on the founder of the thread, we only reacted to the fact that someone vented his incompetence here, and the fact that it got to where it is is not our fault. It would be ideal to lock this thread. Which any decent newer forum system would have allowed long ago. Unfortunately, the system of this forum is very backward and the admins, as you can see, are not going to come up with something newer. And I can promise you that I will not have to comment in any way to the person who started this thread. We tried to help him, but it turned out the way it did.

Posted : 16/02/2024 9:08 pm
Oregun liked
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

Hi Miroslav, 

there were unacceptable posts that I have deleted, which I am not going to discuss the content of, as this would effectively re open the issue. 

Yes, I would like the option to lock threads, as occasionally they get out of hand.  unfortunately that option is not available to me... 

Luckily most threads do not become unruly. 

Hopefully forum users will let this post pass into history

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 16/02/2024 11:55 pm
Zappes, Rainer, Oregun and 1 people liked
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

I would disagree, I think most newcommers would spend closer to 12-14 hours. Again I don't like the optimistic estimates

I disagree with it only being my incompetence, some frustration I vented where argued for I would say where fair arguments but vented potentially a bit too strongly. Also disagree with this post being locked, banning threads often get out of hand too quickly

I think you moderated this thread fairly 

Is there any file browser/manager for 3d printing models?prints having several pieces mostly necessitate having folders for each print, but its a bit slow having to press into every folder to view the 3d model

Right now, as I use the MK4 I'm immediatley drawn to the MMU3. Some more colors would be nice, but also If I understand correctly you can also use it to just swap color of the print without having to manually change the filament is that correct? I very much like that idea.

Pondering even more, the standalone Prusa XL is a little more than double the price of the MK4, and I could get it with 1-2 printheads and upgrade with more along the way. That way it would achievable. I should probably have considered that instead of the MK4, didn't even consider it for some reason. But also thats due to the long lead time and some of the growing pains is has. but having to think about print size and also when you have several printheads just to swap between colors, multicolored prints with low waste and much shorter multicolor print time and also use ptfe as supports seems great...


Posted : 18/02/2024 7:07 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 kit, really frustrating assembly wish I was recommended fully assembled

I build 2x MK3s and a MK4. These machines give me joy and fulfilment to build them and see my first print.
I also have a Bambu machine and that thing just prints, but didn't give me the same joy during the first print although it is a good machine as well.

I'm a maker and I like building things. When I was a child, Lego technic were my favourite toys. I guess if you never like building large lego sets that take hours to build, a kit isn't for you.

Posted : 20/02/2024 2:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator

I have a Mk3.9 with MMU3, 
It's a better experience than MMU1 and mmu2 were (Although I got both of them working too...)

I have no direct experience of XL Multitool. 
Multi extruders does sound interesting but for me, cost is prohibitive!

If you want to print toys, MMU3 Is a workable option. 
I Mainly use MMU3 for Personalisation so My waste piles are generally only 1mm tall because I generally print face down. 

This was an early Beta test print, when I make these cases, I generally limit the multicolour to the first five layers

However, because I was testing, I Painted the insides of the holes on the other side with random ish colours and printed it multicolour top to bottom, I Left the outer shell single colour so I could use the case afterwards... 

The other side of the case, was going well, when I Messed it up, by turning the power off in the shed...  

and by the time I realised, the heat bed had cooled tha the part had detatched... so there was no going back...

Yes you can use the MMU3 for easy colour selection. 
Or you can use the MMU3 for Spool Join, where the printer will use up a part roll in one virtual extruder and then automatically load the new roll in the next virtual extruder and continue the print.

Spiro came out quite well... This was a total guess, because the Gcode was pre compiled and I had no idea which parts were what colours
So I just used what was Loaded at the time 🙂

the wings were not provided in the pre sliced Gcode, so I did my best to scale a set to fit. 
the wings are very thin on the edges which is why the trailing edges are a little ragged... 
and I put a little too much glue in the joint to the body. 
Apart from removing supports, this is as printed. 
A little post processing tidied it up a lot

Bender also made an appearance

He was again printed with Random Colours, some were Prusament, some were Chinesium unknown brands. to see if they would work

I Made a point of trying models both with Prusament, and with lower quality filaments to get an appreciation of how the MMU3 would perform in different scenarios. 
Some prints were made in a garden shed, where the temperatures were very low. 
and once I warmed the printer up above mintemp, they printed well

regards Joan 


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 20/02/2024 3:29 pm
Oompyor, ssmith and Brian liked
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