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Loading Filament PA12  

Eminent Member
Loading Filament PA12


I hope that anybody can help me with a confusing trouble. When i want to get PA12 (Nylon) loaded, there is no option for PA loading on the screen ...

So i use ASA instead and the fillament gets loaded. Now the issue:

When i want to print something (PA is choosen in Slicer [Fiberlogy]) and i upload via Connect and press start printing, i have to walk 2 floors up to my printer everytime to confirm the settings ....

This is sooooo anoying and i am really pissed on that.

I am so happy with the printer (really fallen in love 🙂 )  but i believe i am doing something wrong (i hope so).

Could you help me on that issue ?


Kind regards


Posted : 19/10/2023 7:31 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Loading Filament PA12

no solution ?? really ?

Why is it not possible to load fillament by setup the temperature i want ?

This is so anoying.

Today i have implemented my chamber heater which is working well, but now: The cam (iphone5) turns off above 55° --> but webcam is still not possible.
also by turning of the heater, there is no live picture possible,- just every 10 sec ....  recording is also imposible.

This is all @#grmpf#*  - such is a software is @#grmpf#*  Prusa Link & Prusa Connect is programmed by kids: no, sorry kids you would do that better !

Posted : 28/10/2023 6:04 pm