Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure
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Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure  

Trusted Member
Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure

I set it up in pruser slicer to pause on layer 156 with a message "put in nuts".

It paused, I didn't notice for a few minutes.

I put them in.... then I pressed on the button, and it shows "info/stop print/live Z" etc.. so no obvious way to start printing again.

So on Octopi, I see there's a resume function, so the printer must have sent a pause command, and that activates the resume.

However... it had cooled down, so it started printing at 100c... so obviously failed, and 5 hour print is lost.

It's really quite poor that there's no instructions or option on the screen how to continue printing, and for anyone without octopi, I guess they just have to abandon the project at that stage, and not try to use the feature again.

Why is this feature still included if it doesn't work?

Btw: yes, i have the latest firmware, and software installed.

Sorry - just really annoyed by this.

Posted : 01/02/2025 5:56 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure

I don't use Octopi but I remember this coming up before in a previous thread.  Its because you are using Octo, it has to be set up correctly in Octo, so the instructions for that are not Prusa's problem they are Octopi's.  Basically Octo is the only way to resume as once you use that, IT is in control, and all the logic of what its doing, such as heating back to temp before resuming is all down to how IT is configured.  Basically the printer firmware isn't handling everything anymore so you cant resume from the printer properly.

Posted : 02/02/2025 1:41 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure

I thought that octopi read the telemetry and was able to send commands  to the printer, but whether it was there or not was irrelevant to the printer working away "in isolation" as it were.  It still produces the same screens and command, you can just overwrite/add with octopi...

Quite possibly then I am wrong, do you know of any instructions for this, a quick search didn't find me much!

Posted : 06/02/2025 12:47 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure

What if you put in a filament color change in the slicer? You'd have to remove/reinstall same color, but might give you a more reliable pause to allow you to insert nuts. This is what I use on my Pi3 Octoprint install the odd time I want to do this.

Posted : 06/02/2025 2:15 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Pause print (to insert hardware) results in catastrophic failure

It's a possibility.  Did you do that before the option to pause for other reasons was possible?

I did have to do a filament change when it ran out recently, and it didn't work either.  The printer asked me to push to remove, however after removing, it just sat there, and when I went to the menu system, it only had an option to remove, which I did 3 times, and it still asked me to remove...

The sensor was fine, as I could see in logs it knew there was no filament.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!

Posted : 06/02/2025 5:45 pm
Reputable Member

You might not have noticed something on the LCD menu. On my MK3S+ running 3.11 firmware (I don't trust anything higher), I simply set the filament change on the slicer by clicking the vertical bar to the right of the sliced image in Prusa Slicer. Slicer sends to my Pi4 Octoprint box and from there spooled into the USB port on printer. My printer pauses properly and on the printer LCD screen is a message to "click to unload" which I do.. But there is another message about 4 seconds after that asks.. "Did the filament unload properly". If you don't click again.. it just sits there and won't go further.. It also won't accept filament.. So click.. then another message "load filament".. now put in filament.. You now get an option of purging again (if color not solid) or ending and start printing.. When doing a filament change.. press button.. wait for the extruder to do a short purge and just as it moves snag the filament with 2 fingers.. (it only burns for a second.. 🙂 ) That way you don't get a glob on your print.

Test it on yours with a short 2 layer print.. see what happens.


Posted by: @wcndave

It's a possibility.  Did you do that before the option to pause for other reasons was possible?

I did have to do a filament change when it ran out recently, and it didn't work either.  The printer asked me to push to remove, however after removing, it just sat there, and when I went to the menu system, it only had an option to remove, which I did 3 times, and it still asked me to remove...

The sensor was fine, as I could see in logs it knew there was no filament.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!


This post was modified 1 month ago 3 times by Crab
Posted : 06/02/2025 6:54 pm