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XL brother - Prusa M/L ?  

Estimable Member
XL brother - Prusa M/L ?

Do you think Prusa will soon reveal for public (already developed for AFS) smaller brother of XL?

What I really expect (hope) is:

-Price range: sub 1500$

-Build volume: 27x27x27cm (9 tile)

-Built in enclosure

-Active heating

-Two tool changer

This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by 3DALHEMIJA
Posted : 11/11/2023 6:09 pm
REIFY 3D and nhand42 liked
Prominent Member
RE: XL brother - Prusa M/L ?

Smaller XL? No, because they have other printers that overlap in features with what you are looking for.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 11/11/2023 11:04 pm
Honorable Member
RE: XL brother - Prusa M/L ?

I could see a taller, and then a wider or longer be one before a smaller one.  I would like to see the removable extruder (not just the nozzle and heater bits), but full XL heads available for Mk3/4.  Maybe we’ll see that when they get to a positive supply situation next year on heads.

I’m not against your idea, but a Mk4/MMU3 in a current enclosure is pretty close to what you are asking for.  What you are asking for is a baby version of of their ‘pro’ high-temp printer.  I’ve got the E3D REVO HT (400C) version, and I’m going to update my MK3S+ with PC-CF parts and put it in a Prusa enclosure.  Not active heating, but hopefully good enough for some better performance with engineering polymers.

Posted : 12/11/2023 6:42 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XL brother - Prusa M/L ?
Posted by: @milehigh3der

I could see a taller, and then a wider or longer be one before a smaller one.  I would like to see the removable extruder (not just the nozzle and heater bits), but full XL heads available for Mk3/4.  Maybe we’ll see that when they get to a positive supply situation next year on heads.

I’m not against your idea, but a Mk4/MMU3 in a current enclosure is pretty close to what you are asking for.  What you are asking for is a baby version of of their ‘pro’ high-temp printer.  I’ve got the E3D REVO HT (400C) version, and I’m going to update my MK3S+ with PC-CF parts and put it in a Prusa enclosure.  Not active heating, but hopefully good enough for some better performance with engineering polymers.

What I would personally benefit with such printer unlike existing MK4+ MMU + Enclosure combo :

- Dual toolhead printing multimaterial (mostly PETG/PLA supports combo and technical materials) on a regular basis, quickly and without huge purge waste.

- Tinkerless air filtration and active heating capability for more advanced materials.

- Less space required (than MK3/4 Enclosure) with an increased build volume over the existing 25x21x22cm


PS. Indeed removable entire extruder would be neat.

Posted : 12/11/2023 7:11 pm
Noble Member
RE: XL brother - Prusa M/L ?

Given how Prusa struggles with getting their current launches of Mk4 and XL into order (production, QC and support are all struggling) I'd be surprised if Prusa presses on with yet another launch.

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Posted : 12/11/2023 9:46 pm
Eminent Member
RE: XL brother - Prusa M/L ?

Yes, this is exactly what I think should exist in the product line. A 9 tile smaller CoreXY with 2 toolheads, drop the XL single toolhead. 

Posted by: @3dalhemija

Do you think Prusa will soon reveal for public (already developed for AFS) smaller brother of XL?

What I really expect (hope) is:

-Price range: sub 1500$

-Build volume: 27x27x27cm (9 tile)

-Built in enclosure

-Active heating

-Two tool changer


Posted : 13/11/2023 12:53 am