What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
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What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?  

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Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would LOVE to see the MMU actually calibrate during Warm-Up - Instead of when everything else is ready to Print ...!!!!
It should be possible, as there is more than time enough, during the wait ...!!! + the System should already know if this is first time after Boot (and it needs to calibrate) or if this has already been done.

It would also be nice if it would be possible to have a 'Restart Print' Function (without the Temperature dropping). Right now I have to Stop Print, wait for the Filament to withdraw (cool-down has begun too) and go to rest position - before I can remove the falty first layer (that bit takes less that one minute). So when I Select Print from SD-Card again - I will have to wait minutes for the Print to start again.

Best wishes and thank you for taking Support Serious !!!

Publié : 25/02/2023 4:39 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I understand why you probably only want to support official versions, but hear me out.  I'd love to see options to select the most basic custom hardware configurations by setting a few variables.  As the MK2 series printers age, it gets harder and more expensive to replace parts with the exact ones specified if you haven't followed along with the upgrades over time.  Firmware for additional configurations could help keep more machines alive and running long into the future!

Publié : 05/03/2023 9:11 pm
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


I’m working on a new build that’s basically a MK3S with a bear frame and volcano hotend. 

For a minute, I thought that I’d be able to configure the modified dimensions in  prusa slicer BEFORE uploading the firmware, since there are fields for printer properties, and save myself this hassle.

Being able to do that would be really nice. 

I can’t speak to heat profiles and other safety-driven specs, and I can understand that this requires a lot more data on hand at Prusa, having read about their inability right now to support revo right now. But for something like a z-axis change that will only really affect initial XYZ, that’s something that could conceivably be tweakable in slicer before flashing, without a lot of mods to firmware.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Publié : 06/03/2023 1:50 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Can you modify the 'Load Filament' step! After we push the button, it needs to say 'Loading' with an extruded countdown. It needs to prevent/ignore subsequent load filament pushes until the current operation is done (think I have stacked them up 3-4 deep). Perhaps a line to monitor the Extruder rotation ! Then when it is done, it asks if it loaded correctly.  Perhaps say someth8ng so that we know a 'No' response means a repeat of the loading step.(yes, we quickly learn that!)

Publié : 11/03/2023 1:10 pm
Famed Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'm under the impression that many/most use one of those extruder motor rotation indicators.  With it, it's obvious if/when the motor is rotating.

Publié : 11/03/2023 1:27 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Indeed sir - that upgrade is on the ‘To Do list’.  But a rotation indicator does not come with the assembly kit ! 

Publié : 11/03/2023 1:49 pm
Famed Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

There is a seemingly-infinite number of extruder motor rotation indicators in the Prints section.  Pick one, any one, or make or remix one you like.

Publié : 11/03/2023 1:56 pm
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would like the option to create filament temperature preheat presets

Publié : 30/03/2023 10:32 am
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

yeah! the one thing i would like to know aboit

Publié : 31/03/2023 2:59 am
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'd like to see the source code for the USB-to-serial AtMega32U2 firmware for the mk3* as it was never released despite being "Open Source".

The GitHub repository:
is incomplete, as it is missing all the Prusa changes (checked both branches).

Evidence of the Prusa changes remains in Confluence:
and the command strings are still in the firmware.

I started asking for the source code several years ago.  Was promised it by Prusa staff numerous times.  It never appeared.  I was told to raise an issue on the repository, but that can't be done as the owner has disabled that.

SOMEBODY at Prusa still has the source code!

Posted by: @jakub-dolezal-2

What feature/change would you like to see in the MK2.5/S & MK3/S/+ 8-bit firmware?


Publié : 07/04/2023 6:28 am
Cameron R
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


Posted by: @kanai99


Posted by: @preator

I think the ability to cancel/skip an object for when one part becomes detached or some such, is very high on my useability list. But the 170c "no dripping" leveling step  in the firmware would impact me the most when I need to remote print via octoprint and a couple cameras. So that is my top request.

Thank you sir for this info keep share with us, it was very helpful for me.

Thanks for this. That was more useful for me.

Publié : 01/05/2023 6:53 am
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Just had an ideea about eliminating ringing or banding at corners completely without imput shaping

How about eliminating sharp turns and just printing corners in single straight lines connected by a curve where the extrusion is stopped, and there is more time for smooth accelleration

Publié : 12/05/2023 9:47 am
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Thank you, for sharing such good information, and for lots of love, and amazing things that you have contributed.

Posted by: @bobstro

Here are a few things I've enabled in Marlin 2 on my other printer that I miss on the Mk3:

  1. The ability to change the on-board preheat parameters would be nice. Existing Marlin 2 features allow overriding the presets to specify PLA and PETG temperatures. I don't use ABS, so would rather have other info in there. In general, allow the user to change any hard-coded preset printing parameters (temperatures). I'd like a "cleaning" preset for example, but others might want PC. This exists in Marlin 2. Perhaps even adjusting length of extrusion for loading & unloading. 
  2. A better Live-Z calibration routine. Jeff Jordan's "Life Adjust" is the king, but I realize there is limited space in the firmware. Perhaps have the Live Z routine allow the user to select from gcode on disk as an option? If nothing else, increase the size of the square printed at the end of the current pattern.
  3. An automated tweaking of bed level position at each test point -- akin to the "babystepping" correction in Marlin 2 -- would make small adjustments easier. This exists in Marlin 2 but is not automated. A 7x7 test print with small squares at each position would be helpful, similar to "Life Adjust" above. 

New features that would help with very common problems:

  1. An automated Max volumetric rate test would be very useful. Load filament, heat, then step through feeding a user-selectable length of filament at increasing speeds, provide procedure describing what to look and listen for to identify maximum safe rate for each filament.
  2. An automated extrusion multiplier test. Let user set parameters, select a test print from disk, print. (This is probably a better slicer feature than printer firmware.)
  3. An automated nozzle change procedure. Unload filament, raise Z, heat to 285C, prompt through change procedure. Provide detailed GOOD instructions about the importance of nozzle spacing, how to test. Prompt through each step.
  4. An automated cold pull procedure. Unload existing filament, position nozzle, heat to user-selectable filament temp, load and extrude cleaning filament of choice. Drop temperature. Raise temperature gradually (I do pulls at 140C) and instruct on pull, referring to GOOD instructions on what to look for.
  5. Automated unclog process. If filament breaks below Bondtech gears or is stuck, a few steps to position and step through procedure to diagnose, referring to detailed GOOD instructions. This scares the hell out of new users the 1st time. A HELP menu with such options would be nice.

Might be worthwhile to point to disk (SD card) for larger diagnostic prints, provide gcode in a directory on SD card. I have a directory structure of Jeff Jordan "Life Adjust" type prints. Calibration/PLA,PETG/0.25mm nozzle, 0.4mm nozzle, 0.6mm nozzle for example.




Publié : 06/06/2023 8:38 am
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Input shaping would be nice, which also means marlin 2.1+

Not sure if possible but it would be nice to be able to cancel M109/M190.

Publié : 17/06/2023 2:31 am
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Something else that would be nice to have is a better unload filament macro. Every time I unload filament, it leaves a small knob on the end and I have to unscrew the hose fitting to get it out. Even then it's still sometimes hard to reload unless i break or cut the knob off. This is a very simple fix. Just extrude about 10mm or so before retracting and it will take that knob right off and leave a smooth tip.

Publié : 17/06/2023 4:31 am
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I think that's what the "Ramming" part of the unload procedure is supposed to do but maybe the implementation could be different/better. MY gripe with the unload procedure is why it has to heat the bed in order to unload? If my overnight PETG print is long finished and the machine is cold, why should I have to wait 5 minutes for the bed to heat when all I  want to do is unload the filament and return it to dry storage when I'm not anticipating more immediate printing?

Wasted time and electricity = wasted money.

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Publié : 17/06/2023 5:42 pm
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

yes  lol

Publié : 17/06/2023 6:40 pm
Eminent Member
Posted by: @reddawg

I think that's what the "Ramming" part of the unload procedure is supposed to do but maybe the implementation could be different/better. MY gripe with the unload procedure is why it has to heat the bed in order to unload? If my overnight PETG print is long finished and the machine is cold, why should I have to wait 5 minutes for the bed to heat when all I  want to do is unload the filament and return it to dry storage when I'm not anticipating more immediate printing?

Wasted time and electricity = wasted money.

I'm not currently running the prusa firmware but I do test most new versions briefly to see if it's worth switching back because if they can do a half way decent job with it then I'd rather let them handle it than do it myself. Anyways, if I remember correctly, the bed heater does unnecessarily turn on to unload filament but I don't recall it ever forcing me to wait until it was up to temperature before unloading. It only waits for the nozzle to get up to temperature. It also doesn't automatically send it back to cooldown after removal, which I suppose I could go either way on.

Publié : 17/06/2023 7:00 pm
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Thank you, for sharing such good information, and for lots of love, and amazing things that you have contributed.

Publié : 01/07/2023 9:15 am
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Maybe something like that you can put a few diffrent filament presets into the gcode or printer so that you dont have to make new gcodes for every filament but have on gcode and in the gcode you can choose if you want your petg setting or your pla setting

Publié : 01/07/2023 11:41 am
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