What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
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What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?  

Strona 10 / 20
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


From what I've read its at the board bootloader level, the behaviour is required if you want to be able to update firmware with the current hardware.

This post https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/issues/1253   may give you more of an idea of why it works as it does.

Opublikowany : 21/06/2021 10:21 am
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @neophyl


From what I've read its at the board bootloader level, the behaviour is required if you want to be able to update firmware with the current hardware.

This post https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/issues/1253   may give you more of an idea of why it works as it does.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying that and also thanks for the link. At least I know which trace to cut now. 🙂

Opublikowany : 21/06/2021 10:38 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


"Is there a technical reason for that reset?"

The reset line is required for flashing the firmware e.g. with PrusaSlicer.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 21/06/2021 4:12 pm
Noble Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


My only issue with it is the number of profiles allowed and the length of names.  it would be nice to associate a filament type with the sheet so that if you have it preheated for flex and the currently selected sheet is associated with petg it prompts you to pick sheet.

I frequently switch between tpu and petg.  So I'm switching between my Ttpu or Stpu and Ttpu or Tpetg profiles(S being smooth and T being textured).  Sometimes it would be nice if I preheated for FLEX and I had one of the *petg profiles selected that it would maybe warn me or let me select which sheet profile.

Opublikowany : 22/06/2021 5:12 pm
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @sebastian-4
Posted by: @neophyl


From what I've read its at the board bootloader level, the behaviour is required if you want to be able to update firmware with the current hardware.

This post https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/issues/1253   may give you more of an idea of why it works as it does.

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying that and also thanks for the link. At least I know which trace to cut now. 🙂

Do start cutting yet. There is an easier option to disable the resets. The only small down side is that you have to enable it again before a firmware update. Or use the reset button at the right time.




See the 3rd post of John_R here.

Opublikowany : 22/06/2021 6:32 pm
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @baklin

Do start cutting yet. There is an easier option to disable the resets. The only small down side is that you have to enable it again before a firmware update. Or use the reset button at the right time.




See the 3rd post of John_R here.

Wow, thanks! This looks great. I'll give it a try.

Opublikowany : 24/06/2021 2:16 pm
Trusted Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I'd love to see a function to exclude one of the instances live during a print.

Many's the time that I've been printing 12 or more instances, and one has turned to spaghetti, and then wrecked the rest of them.

An option to exclude one or more instances during the print would be very helpful.

Opublikowany : 30/06/2021 8:40 am
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @tomas-kapler

I would also like to have an option to turn off/cancel the bed leveling procedure for the just started prints - when i printed something and i have allready leveled bed, it took a minute or so and i have to wait at the printer. 

Second that. It is especially annoying when doing tests

i3 Mk3 [aug 2018] upgrade>>> i3MK3/S+[Dec 2023]

Opublikowany : 01/07/2021 10:42 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


You can do that already by changing your workflow.  First create a gcode 'print' file that basically does the start up and mesh levelling process but afterwards doesnt actually print anything.  Save it to your printer and call it something like Preprint or Meshlevel.  Up to you if it includes commands to cool down.

Then make a copy of your printer profile and remove the mesh level part of the start gcode and save.  Use the 'new' printer profile to slice your files.

Now when you print a file it wont do any mesh levelling as the gcode isn't in there for that.  You can run the Meshlevel 'print' at the start of each session or whenever you want to.

Opublikowany : 01/07/2021 11:09 am
Famed Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I didn't keep track of all the requests but I guess we could group them into two broad categories -- convenience features and new capabilities. Convenience features make life easier but they're strictly speaking not necessary. Just yesterday I was ejecting filament and thought "wouldn't it be nice it the printer actually remembered what filament it was -- just as the Mini does--  as it would save me two seconds to select it?" Clearly a nice to have. Others in that category have more or less straightforward workarounds, such as what neophyl just described in response to John-6'a request, or features that are addressed by Octoprint. 

Arguably more interesting are genuinely new capabilities such as what @01pad suggested, canceling individual parts.

Yet, I suspect that truly new features take a few more bytes to implement than the space available on the board. So I'd be happy with just a couple of convenience features. 

I guess there's a third category of requests: features that are better suited for the slicer than firmware. I hope this thread has produced also some ideas for the PrusaSlicer folks. 

In any case, I'll be happy with whatever the Prusa folks pick -- as long as it's not implemented in a way that irreversibly affects one's workflow. Some of the suggestions I saw here I can see how they benefit a certain number of people but would also affect others in unreasonable ways. One example is implementing confirmation prompts for certain things such as sheet types etc. Astroprint did something like that, prompting user to confirm that the sheet is clean, which was a real hassle for many users and they eventually rolled it back.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 01/07/2021 11:26 am
Reputable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?
Posted by: @neophyl


You can do that already by changing your workflow.  First create a gcode 'print' file that basically does the start up and mesh levelling process but afterwards doesnt actually print anything.  Save it to your printer and call it something like Preprint or Meshlevel.  Up to you if it includes commands to cool down.

Then make a copy of your printer profile and remove the mesh level part of the start gcode and save.  Use the 'new' printer profile to slice your files.

Now when you print a file it wont do any mesh levelling as the gcode isn't in there for that.  You can run the Meshlevel 'print' at the start of each session or whenever you want to.

Interesting thanks


i3 Mk3 [aug 2018] upgrade>>> i3MK3/S+[Dec 2023]

Opublikowany : 01/07/2021 12:07 pm
Noble Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?


FWIW don't know if it's been mentioned else where but there is a plugin to OctoPrint that will do just that. I suspect that the code to add a UI to select the individual item would be a little clunky and would use all spare ROM. The Octoprint solution allow you to use the Window/Linux UI.

Opublikowany : 01/07/2021 12:09 pm
StanHD polubić
Active Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would love to see a timer/countdown/progress bar.. sometimes when I have load problems. I find the process can error out and the screen just sits there.. none of the buttons respond & there is no back option.

I end up switching on and off again.. has never happened during a print thankfully. 

‘Cheers GG..



Opublikowany : 03/07/2021 2:50 am
Noble Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

For MMU prints I'd love to see the time until the next filament change displayed.  With 2.4 slicer and 3.10 firmware stock MK3S+ or Single mode mmu prints will show the time until the next filament change.  I'd love to see something like this for MMU prints so I can plan to be watching when the change happens in case I need to intervene.

Opublikowany : 03/07/2021 10:38 pm
Trusted Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Hi Jakub,
i am not shure if Iam right here, please let me now,
I have a Mini+ and happy with the printer.
So I miss 2 Functions in the Software.

  1.  I love the Tuning Menu with the items inside, but it could be also helpful to change the "Z-Hebung" (see Picture) during the operating  Mode  to reduce rsults  like this do you think that is possible? 
  2.  If the print fails in order of Power Error e.g . 230v breaks down, it woud be nice that the printer starts at the latest point he printet.
    this is only helpful for huge modells

Thanks for reading my suggestion.
Regards Ulli

Es ist herausfordernder ueber Steine zu stolpern, als auf ausgetretenen Pfaden zu wandern

Opublikowany : 04/07/2021 10:02 am
Sean Roach
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

Dump all the languages but one, except for the earliest stages of first-run. Put a boot-loader that lets you pick which language you want to install from the SD card and don't install any others. I'll never need to run my printer in Italian, Japanese, French, or Spanish. That space might be enough to add more features, (after subtracting some for the boot-loader).

As I asked in another thread. A park position that places the extruder near the top of the gantry, and exposes the tensioner screws, would be nice.

Maybe an option to measure the height of an interrupted print, before it's separated from the bed, calculate how many layers have already printed based on its height and the line thickness, and resume from the assumption that that's all that's wrong. Good for spaghettied prints. Or clogged prints. Maybe.

Opublikowany : 09/07/2021 4:23 am
Dr. Keyon
New Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

8-bit vs. 32-bit MCUs are a common choice. Know the parameters of each ... If you use a high level programming language like C, or a proprietary IDE ... 

Opublikowany : 13/07/2021 4:41 am
Estimable Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

I would like to have a official  firmware support  for a volcano heater block.

I have bought one already, but am too anxious to mount it because i fear to run into problems with XYZ-calibration.

Prusa now supports 0.8 mm nozzles, therefore i think this would make a lot of sense.

Of course fan shroud and part cooling fan position have to be adapted too.


Opublikowany : 13/07/2021 9:38 pm
Paul Arden
Eminent Member
RE: What would you like to see in the 8-bit firmware?

User initiated software reset of Prusa MMU2S from MK2.5S printers (currently the hardware reset of the MMU2S resets the printer as well if you use a MK2.5S, losing the print). This is done already at startup I believe but there is no way for the user to trigger it.

Opublikowany : 13/07/2021 9:41 pm
Eminent Member

Also was mir schon oft aufgefallen ist war am Anfang die Tatsache das wen ich ASA drucken wollte beim Vorheizen mit dem hinterlegen Temperaturprofilen mein Hotend extrem schnell auf 260 Grad gewesen ist, aber das Druckbett noch ewig gebraucht hat bis zu hinterlegen 105 Grad.

Ich bin dann dazu übergegangen zuerst manuell das Druckbett auf ca. 95 Grad zu heizen und dann das Hotend. Hat nach einigen Versuche bis auf die Minute genau funktioniert. 

Wäre es nicht möglich das im Slicer oder direkt in der Druckerfirmware  zu hinterlegen mit welcher Verzögerung das Hotend nach dem Druckbett anfängt zu heizen. Würde zumindest ein wenig Strom sparen bei dem Hobby 😉 Und für das Hotend wäre es glaube ich ganz gut wen nicht die ganze Zeit über das geschmolzene Filament in der Düse hängt.

Wen mir noch was Einfällt werde ich es Ergänzen. 

Viel zu lernen ich noch habe

Opublikowany : 15/07/2021 6:52 pm
Strona 10 / 20