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Vacuum Bags for Filament  

Eminent Member
Vacuum Bags for Filament

Does anybody know a good brand for Filament dryer bags?

I was looking on Amazon and found many different options. They all have mixed reviews about how good the seal is for the bag. Any advice would be great!

Posted : 20/03/2025 1:13 pm
Trusted Member

I use those, you can buy only bags or a bundle with an electric pump:

Unlike the other bags you can find on Amazon, seals don't lose vacuum over time nore utilizations.

This post was modified 2 days ago by Scott
Posted : 20/03/2025 2:04 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament

I tried the vacuum bag from 3Djake, but it leaked constantly.

In contrast, the eSun eVacuum Kit Pro 3 works perfectly. I’ve been using it for three months now and have opened and closed it about 20 times without any issues. I use it to store my Polymaker filament spools (which are made of cardboard).

Posted : 20/03/2025 2:07 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament


Posted by: @scott-18

I use those, you can buy only bags or a bundle with an electric pump:

Unlike the other bags you can find on Amazon, seals don't lose vacuum over time nore utilizations.

I also use the Eibos bags with their pump. (I got a huge amount from one of their kickstarters a couple years ago.) I really like that the pump screws onto the vacuum port so I can be doing other things while the bag is pumping down (instead of holding a pump to the bag). What I don't like is the vacuum port is in the middle of the bag so when I put the bagged spool back into the filament's box the side bulges out a bit. The Eibos bags are heavy gauge plastic, and hold their vacuum and protect from humidity (I put one of those paper color-changing humidity strips in each bag) much longer than double-bagged zip-lock gallon bags.

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Posted : 20/03/2025 2:47 pm
Active Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament

I use a la-va food vacuum machine and associated bags. 

Posted : 20/03/2025 6:40 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament


Also, does anybody have any good advice on what filament dryer to buy? All of the ones out seems like there cheap, don't get to the right temperature, which one do you prefer and own?


Posted : 21/03/2025 4:11 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament


Posted by: @giorgio1


Also, does anybody have any good advice on what filament dryer to buy? All of the ones out seems like there cheap, don't get to the right temperature, which one do you prefer and own?


I agree that all of them seem cheap and seemingly all are made in China. If Prusa made one, I would buy it in a heartbeat. (Well I would've, now I've already got one). 

I've got this one, the Creality Space Pi. I chose that one specifically because it has a built-in fan which I assume helps a lot in drying filament. I'm happy with my purchase, except for that the built-in fan makes an uncomfortable noise. Not such a big deal regardless, since you don't want to be in the same room as it's drying anyway (it gives off an unpleasant smell). 

I wouldn't worry too much about temperatures being exact. If the actual temperature is 58 instead of 60, it won't make a noticeable difference.

Posted : 21/03/2025 4:31 pm
Active Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament

I think the Sunlu s2 dryer from AliExpress is pretty good for the price

Posted : 21/03/2025 5:01 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament

I've got a Sunlu S4 which I really like and and an esun single spell unit which I think is the same as a Sunlu S1 with a different badge, it's ok but not as effective as the S4, it needs a pot of silica in it to work effectively which the S4 does not

Posted : 21/03/2025 5:37 pm
Giorgio1! liked
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Vacuum Bags for Filament

Thanks for everyone’s recommendations!

i’m trying to decide to either get the Comgrow Filament dryer or the Sunlu S2

which is better?

Posted : 21/03/2025 5:46 pm