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UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”  

New Member
UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”

This is more of an observation, than a complaint... but why is the shipping for the EU quoted as being 2 days? Clearly it isn’t the case. Or at least isn’t for me.

My MK3 shipping notification was sent on the 25th, so I was expecting to see it arrive here in the UK, (Yup, we’re still in the EU until next March. Thanks by the way everyone who voted leave. NOT. 🙄 ) at the latest on the 28th. Yet it’s not being delivered until the 30th.

It managed to have 24 hours in Nuremberg. Maybe it went to see the castle. And got to Blighty yesterday evening.

Anyway - I have to wait til Monday according to UPS tracking. So be it - but maybe it might be better to give a more realistic timeline on the ordering webpage? Just a thought.



Posted : 28/07/2018 10:23 pm
French moderator and translator Moderator
Re: UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”


The 2 days shipping is pretty realistic already imho, I've always received all my packages from Prusa in France in 2 days (working days obviously).
I think that the issue is more on the UPS side that didn't kept their timeline than on Prusa side.

Posted : 29/07/2018 8:47 am
Active Member
Re: UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”

My neighbours two MK3 kits is on day 5 now, hoping for delivery tomorrow. This is in Norway, but the shipping options do not differentiate between EU and Europe:

Looking at the spreadsheet, average delivery time to Norway is 5.8 days, which matches up pretty well with UPS own map:

But EU countries like Sweden and Finland take pretty much the same amount of time. Large parts of Spain and Portugal takes more than 3 days too.

The shipping options should be updated to reflect that shipping times within Europe (Both EU and non-EU) can be up to 6 days with the "2-day EU shipping" option.

Posted : 01/08/2018 4:15 pm
Trusted Member
Re: UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”

It was not on any of the 3 prusa printer that I ordered nor was the shipping cost what the web site promised.

Posted : 04/08/2018 10:28 pm
Eminent Member
Re: UPS “2-Day EU Shipping”

Yeah that seems a little messed up, although the option I chose happened to be dhl (mainly because it was cheaper), but in any case I had it here in the US within 2 days. I placed my order on Monday and it was on my doorstep on Wednesday. That's not only impressive from a shipping point of view but also a order processing point of view.

Also I got it together and so far the printing has gone pretty well 🙂

Standby to Standby

Posted : 06/08/2018 11:57 am