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Unable to upload only SOME images  

Estimable Member
Unable to upload only SOME images

So interesting issue.  I was trying to upload images of an underextrusion after travel issue a while back and got a Wordfence 403 denial.  Talked to chat, they took email and said someone would get back to me.  No one did.  Eventually sent an email to Info@ and DID eventually get a response, but it was basically, "oh you can't attach files to posts".


So now trying to figure out on own.  What I have discovered is that it is not file size or type (JPG or PNG) but rather seems to be only photos that have been taken on our Android Pixel phone (which then goes through Google Photos to be available on computer).  Previous phone worked fine, but didn't go through google photos. Images downloaded from web seem fine.  Screen clips seem fine.  Just images from phone camera.

I thought it might be the file names, but changed those to shorter regular name to no avail.

I hijacked my own thread to try posting stuff:

Not my area of tech expertise.  Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance for ideas.

Posted : 13/12/2023 9:24 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unable to upload only SOME images

Oh should have added.  I get the Wordfence denial if I try and attach these JPGs.  If I try Upload Media just get a regular failure error like server was busy or file too big.  These are pretty small files (resized from regular size down to less than 200k).


Posted : 13/12/2023 9:26 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Unable to upload only SOME images

Are the photos actually on your computer and not just a place holder? Depends on how you have it setup but Google Photos but it can show an icon that represents the file rather than being the file. When you try and open it locally the software says "that's not a real file, I'll quickly get it and give it to you", but if you try and attach it, the software tries to attach the placeholder which logically gets rejected. If it it the place holder it will have a symbol on top of the thumbnail but I cannot remember what the symbol it. If you open the file fully on the PC first in a local application then try and attach it should guarantee it is the real file at a placeholder.

Posted : 13/12/2023 9:45 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unable to upload only SOME images

I had downloaded the files onto the computer and then resized them there.  So I don't think that was the issue, though I am no expert for sure.  I tried downloading files directly from the Pixel 7 via USB to eliminate Google Photo/Drive as the issue but computer won't recognize the phone.  Apparently a common issue I will solve at another date.

However, on my original post (link above) @Neophyl suggested resaving the images using and that did the trick completely (well at least in terms of using the Add Media button). Will try the Attach file option here as well.

Hope that helps anyone else running into an issue.  Something to do with Pixel metadata, or whatever it would be called.

Posted : 13/12/2023 10:57 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unable to upload only SOME images

Yep, Attach File working too.  Thanks Neophyl. And thanks JP for the ideas as well. 

Posted : 13/12/2023 10:58 pm