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Third contest announced  

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Third contest announced

For those who don't refresh on the blog page daily, the latest blog is announcing the 3rd model contest. See this blog entry for details:

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Veröffentlicht : 29/01/2020 5:10 am
Noble Member
RE: Third contest announced

The last two were kind of strange. Especially everything beyond first place winner, I felt questionable.

I also don't understand why they consider the popularity for the win. Only people(designer) with a big fan base profit from that. IMHO the win/announcement should make the new object popular and not the other way around.

Maybe it's only me not winning and whining 🙂 but I kind of lost interest in Prusa contests.

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Veröffentlicht : 29/01/2020 7:53 pm
Fabi gefällt das
RE: Third contest announced

I figured I'd toss my hat in the ring for this one and see what happens, mostly because I'm already working on something that would make a nice entry. But if popularity weighs any appreciable amount, then I agree then it basically gives the little guy no chance. I have no social media presence and therefore no fanbase to spam for attention. 

Veröffentlicht : 29/01/2020 8:04 pm
With_Maltodextrin gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Third contest announced

The contest was supposed to finish on 1st of March..what happened?

Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 5:29 pm
Prominent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Third contest announced
Posted by: @kyriakos-g

The contest was supposed to finish on 1st of March..what happened?

Supposedly they stopped taking entries. (Reading through the comments on the blog, apparently there were a couple entries that were submitted on March 1 in the submitters time zones that Prusa manually entered into the contest because they weren't clear that the deadline time was supposed to be UTC.) Reading the blog, they said that they would announce the winners within one week of the contest closing. Give them time, that week grace period (to give them a chance to shuffle through all the entries and judge them) is not yet over.

See my (limited) designs on:
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Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 5:36 pm
Prominent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Third contest announced
Posted by: @vintagepc

I figured I'd toss my hat in the ring for this one and see what happens, mostly because I'm already working on something that would make a nice entry. But if popularity weighs any appreciable amount, then I agree then it basically gives the little guy no chance. I have no social media presence and therefore no fanbase to spam for attention. 

I didn't design anything specific for this contest, but I submitted all my pre-existing functional models (really all I have are functional models, and I only have 5...) to the contest. I don't expect to win anything though.

See my (limited) designs on:
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Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 5:38 pm
RE: Third contest announced

Ditto, I tossed in a few things I ended up making for myself that met the criteria as well. I also hold no illusions I'll win anything. 

I suspect we'll see the results announced with the regular Friday blog post, since they skipped last week's. (Or maybe a midweek post, in light of said skip)

(In reality, if that hot-end pen holder was entered, I doubt anyone else had a chance. XD That was massively popular)

Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 5:50 pm
Prominent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Third contest announced

The tensegrity table on the featured prints this week is really close to that hot-end pen holder going by download count. My bet is on the table (probably because I'm thinking that I want to print it as well as the 756 other downloads...

But then any print that shows on the featured prints will automatically get a bump in popularity compared to anything else available...

See my (limited) designs on:
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Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 7:31 pm
RE: Third contest announced

Well, I hope it's not just by popularity/download count... I'm sure there are some really cool models among the entries that are just niche items which would simply never gain a lot of mainstream traction. Everyone can find a use for a pen holder... not so much for, say a car phone mount designed for one specific model of phone.

Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 7:39 pm
Active Member
RE: Third contest announced
Posted by: @sembazuru
Posted by: @kyriakos-g

The contest was supposed to finish on 1st of March..what happened?

Supposedly they stopped taking entries. (Reading through the comments on the blog, apparently there were a couple entries that were submitted on March 1 in the submitters time zones that Prusa manually entered into the contest because they weren't clear that the deadline time was supposed to be UTC.) Reading the blog, they said that they would announce the winners within one week of the contest closing. Give them time, that week grace period (to give them a chance to shuffle through all the entries and judge them) is not yet over.

Ok makes sense;p Especially if they are going to truly review all entries rather than just filtering by views/downloads/comments.

I do believe popularity factor is kinda irrelevant especially since it is unfair in many ways. One of them is submission 1 submit vs last day submit is gonna make lots of difference.

It would be nice if they could pick like 50/100 best entries and do a livestream.

I put much effort in my entry. I really hope they read my description because it's really funny if you get all the references;p

Veröffentlicht : 03/03/2020 7:45 pm
Noble Member
RE: Third contest announced

Anyone got lucky?

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Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2020 10:17 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Third contest announced

Some people did 🙂 

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2020 10:30 pm
Noble Member
RE: Third contest announced

And congrats to all the winners!

Still, I can't really understand the selection criteria. Looks to me pretty random. For example the first place item is one of the many remixes. For example this one from 2017:


Often linked posts:
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Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2020 10:56 pm
RE: Third contest announced

TBH, ~5 business days to judge 1250 entries doesn't seem like it would have done them all justice (that's 250 a day!). I think they underestimated how many entries they would actually get, especially given this is a category just about anyone can enter (others tend to require higher level skills like mesh sculpting or advanced design). Sure, you can probably easily discount lower quality entries, but even if that left only half as high quality entries (625)... that hardly seems like sufficient time to evaluate each individual one for merit. I'm betting some pretty broad cuts had to be made based on initial impressions and categories to narrow it down that may have been somewhat unfair to folks either without above average writing or photography skills.

Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2020 11:32 pm
Noble Member
RE: Third contest announced

I'm pretty sure the wide open category was chosen to fill up the database.

The quantity is overwhelming but even if you look at the winners. I really don't understand why Household Task Planner got the first place and Birthday Board only two spools of filament.

It would be really great if PR could provide some details on decision making similar to what they have done for djedje_zr7. (giving him 50% discount for MK3 and explained why). It would be also more entertaining to read the winner announcements.

Often linked posts:
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Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2020 11:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Third contest announced

To minimize controversy  I THINK a contest should:

provide explicit criteria;

  • Are only original entries allowed, or are remixes allowed?
  • Are only 3D printed parts allowed, or if other hardware/electrical/electronics allowed and if so how much? ( Unlimited Haribo bears allowed 😀 )
  • Specify whether entry has to be recent or existing ( time frame?)
  • Provide a reasonable amount of time for contestants to design and build entry
  • Provide detailed instructions as to what you are looking for. i.e. print in place, box with lid, size restrictions, etc..
  • Don't try to judge 1000+ entries in one week.
  • List the prizes.... and stick to it.


Have an independent third party do the judging!

It is a contest and not a popularity poll

The items above are solely the opinions of the poster and do not necessarily reflect those of others.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2020 1:31 am
Reputable Member
RE: Third contest announced

To the winners. I do not think any of the comments above reflect on you, but rather on how Prusa handled the whole thing.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2020 1:36 am
Noble Member
RE: Third contest announced
Posted by: @kennd

To the winners. I do not think any of the comments above reflect on you, but rather on how Prusa handled the whole thing.

Absolutely. None of the comments above diminish the work of the winners and all contributors. My point is to make the contest more transparent and more enjoyable for everybody.

But again, maybe I’m whining because I didn’t win 🙂 

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2020 3:37 am
Reputable Member
RE: Third contest announced

I want everyone to get a fair shot at winning. Hey! If there were 1250 entries, I am sure mine came in at 1251, I am new to 3D printing and design and the process was fun and I learned a lot in the process.

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2020 3:45 am
Active Member
RE: Third contest announced
Posted by: @kennd

To minimize controversy  I THINK a contest should:

provide explicit criteria;

  • Are only original entries allowed, or are remixes allowed?
  • Are only 3D printed parts allowed, or if other hardware/electrical/electronics allowed and if so how much? ( Unlimited Haribo bears allowed 😀 )
  • Specify whether entry has to be recent or existing ( time frame?)
  • Provide a reasonable amount of time for contestants to design and build entry
  • Provide detailed instructions as to what you are looking for. i.e. print in place, box with lid, size restrictions, etc..
  • Don't try to judge 1000+ entries in one week.
  • List the prizes.... and stick to it.


Have an independent third party do the judging!

It is a contest and not a popularity poll

The items above are solely the opinions of the poster and do not necessarily reflect those of others.

I completely agree. The winners make no sense, even the Top 100 they selected. They missed/didn't care about many prints. Prusa is all to blame and i kinda feel i've just been used to fill their database.

Veröffentlicht : 10/03/2020 2:52 pm
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