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Support for GLB  

Piotr Podstawski
Support for GLB


GLB supports colors, would it be difficult to manage such printout when you have ability to change filament feature and move the head back down in Z axis? Using current feature to change filament will cause unwanted blue line.

Posted : 12/12/2024 12:38 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Support for GLB

First, what is GLB?

Second, I don't have an MMU (or AMS, or PrusaXL), so I'd probably do this with a manual MMU technique, and plan on being near the printer when it gets to the words for the manual filament swaps during those layers.

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Posted : 12/12/2024 10:20 pm
Piotr Podstawski
Topic starter answered:


First, read about GLB format here

Second, MMU is not required since there is a "change filament" option. I'd like GCODE structure to take care about proper change and Z-axis movement

This post was modified 1 month ago by Piotr Podstawski
Posted : 13/12/2024 6:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Support for GLB

The change filament option just outputs a single gcode (often a M600 command for Marlin), filament change is then handled by the printer firmware.  It is NOT done slicer side normally.


Posted : 13/12/2024 2:10 pm
Piotr Podstawski
Topic starter answered:
RE: Support for GLB

That is right. The printer must understand (support) M600.
Normaly Prusa slicer lets you send M600 on desired levels. Let's asume my example has 100 layers. First 40 would be printed red, following 10 blue and the last 50 red again. Such solution prints unwanted line in the left part. But what if we say to the printer: print first 40 layers, then print 10 layers but only the text and then lower the head to level 41 and taking care not to drive over the text print the rest. You could manage it manualy, but you can generate errors. What if the slicer could do it automaticly?

Posted : 13/12/2024 2:19 pm
Illustrious Member

As you decribe it is not currently possible, mostly due to the calculation required to avoid crashing the elevated layers when completing lower ones later. But if you can work with just two layers it's reasonably easy by using the techniques outlined in these threads:


Posted : 13/12/2024 4:16 pm