Storage of Filament
Not sure if I should be posting this question here, but.....
I'm expecting delivery of my I3 MK3S printer later today, and wondering how to store the filament. I'm aware of humidity being an issue so I should store it appropriately, but unsure of the timescales.
If I print today, then want to print again tomorrow, should I remove the filament into dry storage overnight, or leave it in the printer?
Or, print today, then print next week, should I remove and store?
Or, print today, then print next month, should I remove and store?
I'm looking to get some sort of feel for how rapidly filament absords moisture. My typical conditions will be to store filament and printer in a bedroom, at around 20 deg C, and around 40% humidity.
RE: Storage of Filament
I went all winter with the ambient humidity being in the 20-30% range and had some filaments (PLA) for weeks at a time due to non stop printing. I didn't notice any effects.
Now the humidity has been in the 40s and I've had a few spools (1 PETG and 2 PLA) out for most of 3 weeks and so far they continue to print fine.
The drier you can keep things the better, but I wouldn't stress too hard until you get into PVA and ABS.
RE: Storage of Filament
Thanks, that helps while I get the hang of things.
RE: Storage of Filament
I tend to remove and store after every print. Many times I have printed and thought I would print more of the same the next day. Then something comes up and its a day or 5 before I can print again. Or I decide to print with a different filament next time. Its not hard to clear the extruder and remove the filament when a print is done. I figure it doesn't ever make things worse to properly store the filament when not in use.