Single layer 3Dprint (to create numbered signs for testing AutoFocus camera)
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Single layer 3Dprint (to create numbered signs for testing AutoFocus camera)  

Estimable Member
Single layer 3Dprint (to create numbered signs for testing AutoFocus camera)

4 days ago I 3Dprinted @herbert's "Bed Level Correction for Prusa Mini":

Besides the L and R the remainder of the 3Dprint was single layer:

So I learned that stable single layer 3Dprints are possible (it did stick at window for more than an hour with super flat heatbed side).

For testing new 64MP AutoFocus camera I want signs with numbers 10, 20, 30, ... on top.
Like street signs, 10cm high they will be placed 10cm/20cm/30cm/... distant to camera lens.
I will mount the camera on Pan Tilt platform with camera lens at same height as sign numbers.
So basically it will be Pan only use for that platform.

Normally I design stuff with freecad, but for my latest project I used OpenSCAD.
I was surprised how easy it was to get my sign:

linear_extrude(0.2) polygon(points = [ [0,0],[10,0],[10,100],[0,100] ]);
linear_extrude(0.2) translate([-2,100]) text("10");

I did render that with F6 in OpenSCAD, and then exported as STL file.

In PrusaSlicer I reduced solid layers to 0/1 for top/bottom, and changed minimal shell thickness for bottom to 0.2mm.
Then I did render the 10-sign for my Prusa MINI+.

Instead of 3Dprinting a sign base, I used 3 Lego pieces to hold my Prusa MINI+ sign.
Yes, not the nicest "10", but good enough for the job:

Posted : 21/04/2022 8:19 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Single layer 3Dprint (to create numbered signs for testing AutoFocus camera)

The other 3Dprinted signs, only for "100" width had to be increased from 10mm to 13mm.
All Prusa MINI+ gcode files are attached:

With firm pressure the 0.2mm thick prints did fit well between two neighboring 2x2 Lego pieces.

Posted : 22/04/2022 6:22 am
lyly gema
New Member

A 3D printer uses a heated bed to melt plastic filament and extrude it into layers. These layers are then fused together by heat. 3D printers can be used to create a variety of objects, including figurines and toys. However, there are some limitations to using a 3D printer.


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by lyly gema
Posted : 08/07/2022 3:17 am
Smath Henry
New Member

This is useful for testing AutoFocus cameras, as it allows you to quickly create a series of test images and compare them with the actual image that was captured. In addition to creating numbered signs, 3D printing can be used to make custom labels, tags, and logos.


Posted : 19/07/2022 4:43 am