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[Solved] restore file from gcode  

Active Member
restore file from gcode

i want to take a gcode and reload into prusa slicer ro reprint w/different parameters


Posted : 01/07/2022 2:06 pm
Active Member
RE: restore file from gcode

Depends on what you want to change.  The short answer is for a lot of changes, it's not a realistic proposition.  The information in the printing file contains directions to move the print head relative to the print bed, printing perimeters and infill.  It does this in a series of quantized layers, to make 2d approximations of a watertight shape at that point in z.  While having that might get you close to the original model, you have discarded information from the original model when choosing to put filament in places or not.  Additionally, at least for a lot of my sliced stuff, you'd have to also somehow account for any of the odd predictive stuff around nozzle flow.  Simplifiy lets you do some funky flow comp stuff that the g code would get weird.  

Basically, if you could adjust a setting on the printer control panel, you could modify the g code easily to effect the change without having to reverse engineer the parts.  Otherwise loading the g code back into the slicer or other utilities isn't a thing as far as I'm aware.  I personally use rather fancy G-code verification software as part of work, that makes sure 5 axis machines don't smash into themselves.  That software can't do anything like that for loaded code, and there are certainly folk in my industry who would love to take some of the old g-code they have and convert to models.  There's money in that industry such that if there was a legit need/business case  it would be done.  Not sure I see that happening for hobby 3d printing.  I'd love some people to prove me wrong though.  

Posted : 01/07/2022 5:01 pm