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Random flash poll December 8th 2021  

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Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Hello all;

As of posting this, there is about 23 days left out of 2021, and with the new year comes the hopes of new things. So I would like to know, What sort of new things would you guys like to see in the forums?

Now, This is different from the last post and feedback we got from you guys with the last updates. That feedback has been gathered up, submitted and is in the works so that the forums run smoothly.

What I am asking, and what I would like to hear about is what sort of new things would you guys like to see in the forums? For example;

  • a section of the forums with exclusive articles and content?
  • collabs with other departments in Prusa to create some specific content?
  • thoughts on some new features or add ons that would benefit the community?


You guys tell me, what would you like to see? I will leave this one up for a time so I can hopefully get a good amount of replies from you guys and then gather them all up and see what can be done. So let us know what your thoughts are on this.

Have a great rest of the week and even a better weekend folks, I will still post a regular poll question coming this friday.

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 08/12/2021 10:59 am
Reputable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021
  1. Awesome Prints should have some criteria for additions. Nominations, selection committee, ...?  Currently it is being filled up with <>.
  2. First time poster should be directed to something like: before they can post a question.
  3. dialog boxes/forms to guide new posters for good info.
  4. Unlike button.


Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Napsal : 08/12/2021 6:55 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Clarification. There is already an Unlike button, so #4 above should be Dislike

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Napsal : 08/12/2021 9:05 pm
Noble Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021


@same-old-shane :wrote

What sort of new things would you guys like to see in the forums?


(1). The ability to log in and edit my posts beyond the current 30sec or so limit, even if the new edit would require a moderation period.(With this a notification in the post that it's been edited and is awaiting moderation.) for readers of the post.

Potentially users with a certain amount of history on the forum could gain this privilege.


(2). The ability to delete unused files and images that I've uploaded to my Media library. (Meaning files that have no current associated Post)


(3). More importantly, Information on when we can expect files and images to be deleted by the forum administrators. So that we might decide if it's worth our valuable time to write How-to-tutorials, or lengthy explanations with prepared files and Images to post to the forum.

In many cases the same questions are asked repeatedly by newcomers and users can be directed to these posts for help, it's a great tool to educate new users. (These types of posts are rendered useless when the associated files are deleted. In cases of project files and images designed to demonstrate a method or Idea relative to the posted subject matter, it represents the loss of a valuable tool.)


(4). What kennd suggested:

First time poster should be directed to something like: before they can post a question.

With a couple of my own suggestions: the proposed "New User Read Me" should be abridged and should mention strongly, not only the fact that files must be Zipped to post, but also that first posts are moderated and some suggestion of the waiting period before it can be viewed by other potentially helpful users. (I don't like Spam either.)


(5). I personally would like the ability to create groups of my favorite areas of the forum and only see those displayed when I choose, perhaps this could be on my profile page. I find that when I'm writing several 10's of posts a day and I don't always receive notifications of responses (sometimes at all), or don't get them till the next day, that I miss opportunities to respond in a timely manor. I believe a feature like this would help users to maintain awareness of the areas of the forum they post to most often. I could be more specific about this.


I have more...




The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 08/12/2021 9:27 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

I would like to see an option to sort by 'likes'. This would be another way for newer users to get convenient access to the most useful posts for questions that come up over and over. It is an organic way for the entire community to curate the quality of the content. 


Napsal : 08/12/2021 9:49 pm
AnnieR se líbí
Reputable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

I would sure love to see more input from official Prusa folks on some of the common and repetitive problems that are posted here. It would save countless replies. 

Also, please allow uploading of STL and GCODE files without having to zip them. 

Napsal : 08/12/2021 11:10 pm
MysDawg se líbí
Reputable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Oh, forgot this one, sorry for extra post.

When something is out of stock in the eshop, it would be nice to know if it's just out of stock or backordered or no longer available or what. The other day I tried finding a replacement print sheet and it just wasn't there. Be nice to know if and when it will or will not be available. I had to order another brand elsewhere. 

Napsal : 08/12/2021 11:17 pm
Yveske a MysDawg se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

To add to @annier

With the removal of the item from the web shop, we also lost the ability to set notifications for availability.

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Napsal : 09/12/2021 7:05 am
Illustrious Member

.3mf file upload.

A system whereby those old posts and files which are still frequently referred to in recent posts, are not deleted.


Napsal : 09/12/2021 7:42 am
Estimable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Better emails for subscribed forums/topics.

  • Subject should be something like "[forum] topic", not just "New Topic" and "New Post".  (A shortened version of the forum name will be needed as many of them have very long names.)
  • Emails for for additional posts should include the full text like the new topic ones do
  • Emails should be formatted reasonably when viewed as 'text only'
  • Appropriate headers should be set so mail clients can show a threaded view

The Subscriptions tab in the Profile would be easier to work with if the scrollbox of forums was split into separate scrollboxes (or tabs) for each language.

Napsal : 09/12/2021 12:28 pm
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

So these are some great points, and forgive me, but I am going to make one reply to several posts to try and keep it somewhat organized

Posted by: @kennd
  1. Awesome Prints should have some criteria for additions. Nominations, selection committee, ...?  Currently it is being filled up with <>.
  2. First time poster should be directed to something like: before they can post a question.
  3. dialog boxes/forms to guide new posters for good info.
  4. Unlike button.


1). I can look into it and see if it could possibly be revamped a bit.
2). That post was updated a bit, and I can possibly have that come up as a sugestion for people to read. I am not saying you are complaining, and I do understand the idea of getting asked the same thing 1001 times (from working in support). It is a bit of a balancing act between remaining an inviting place and also guiding people in the right way without coming across in the wrong way.
3). I don't follow you.
4). That is something that is already being looked into already

(1). The ability to log in and edit my posts beyond the current 30sec or so limit, even if the new edit would require a moderation period.(With this a notification in the post that it's been edited and is awaiting moderation.) for readers of the post.

Potentially users with a certain amount of history on the forum could gain this privilege.


(2). The ability to delete unused files and images that I've uploaded to my Media library. (Meaning files that have no current associated Post)


(3). More importantly, Information on when we can expect files and images to be deleted by the forum administrators. So that we might decide if it's worth our valuable time to write How-to-tutorials, or lengthy explanations with prepared files and Images to post to the forum.

In many cases the same questions are asked repeatedly by newcomers and users can be directed to these posts for help, it's a great tool to educate new users. (These types of posts are rendered useless when the associated files are deleted. In cases of project files and images designed to demonstrate a method or Idea relative to the posted subject matter, it represents the loss of a valuable tool.)


(4). What kennd suggested:

First time poster should be directed to something like: before they can post a question.

With a couple of my own suggestions: the proposed "New User Read Me" should be abridged and should mention strongly, not only the fact that files must be Zipped to post, but also that first posts are moderated and some suggestion of the waiting period before it can be viewed by other potentially helpful users. (I don't like Spam either.)


(5). I personally would like the ability to create groups of my favorite areas of the forum and only see those displayed when I choose, perhaps this could be on my profile page. I find that when I'm writing several 10's of posts a day and I don't always receive notifications of responses (sometimes at all), or don't get them till the next day, that I miss opportunities to respond in a timely manor. I believe a feature like this would help users to maintain awareness of the areas of the forum they post to most often. I could be more specific about this.


I have more...


1). I will see why the current limitation is in place and then see what can be done to change it.
2 + 3). We were already discussing about file storage and such in general, and I will make a note about user management of their own files. As well as creating a new policy on file retention periods.
4). for the suggestion about the visability of a new post, I will see if that can be work on. No one likes spam, and not our moderators as they are here to assist and interact with the community, not be on spam watch all the time, but its also working on a way so not every new user is assumed that they are a spammer. I will see what can be done.
5). Good idea

I would like to see an option to sort by 'likes'. This would be another way for newer users to get convenient access to the most useful posts for questions that come up over and over. It is an organic way for the entire community to curate the quality of the content. 

Cool suggestions and similar has been mentioned. I will work with the Devs and see how it can be implemented

I would sure love to see more input from official Prusa folks on some of the common and repetitive problems that are posted here. It would save countless replies. 

Also, please allow uploading of STL and GCODE files without having to zip them. 

It would really depend on what it is. Staff do browse the forums for posts, but for the most part, the forum is a form of community and community based support. If (for example) there is a post about either a firmware or software update, it is posted in here to inform everyone and there is a link to that particular projects github so you can submit a ticket for a bug or issue. Those tickets go directly to the developers and they answer them over on github. For hardware related assistance, we have the support channels for people to get in touch with the support department directly.

If they also had to monitor the forums as well as their daily tasks and projects, it would slow them down a great deal, or a known issue that was discussed in the forums could already be worked on and updated over in the projects github page, so it would be important for the devs (in this case) to have a centeralized location to gather feedback from their projects.

As far as file compression, that would be taken into consideration but where this community is still very large and active, file size and space does come into plans.

For the last bit about the eshop, I can forward along your input, but the main topic is about the forum. What you could do is send an email to [email protected] and it would be forwarded over to the eshop department in the future.

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 09/12/2021 6:09 pm
Swiss_Cheese se líbí
Illustrious Member
Future Random flash polls

Can we have future polls on:

The models database: prints, sorting and searching.

Forum searching.

Prusa World and some way of contacting 'local' users without compromising privacy.



Napsal : 09/12/2021 6:52 pm
HexDriver se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Just some suggestions:



ability to edit my post for a while. Like posting late at night, sleep over it and change/correct the following morning.

A system note and date of the edit should be noted as is usual in many other forums


able to attach stl and gcode directly


Have someone flag some particularly relevant posings of specific issue to Prusa support if appropriate or some obvious tunnel between the forum and Prusa support if appropriate.


The print section has some "prints" that are simply adds for a commercial collection. They should be removed before it degenerates  like other "services" online.


Napsal : 09/12/2021 10:42 pm
jsw se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

I while back I was trying to use a RSS reader to read some of the forums here, but it didn't go well.  Perhaps I am missing the magic incantation (URL), but it doesn't seem possible to subscribe via a RSS feed to all topics and their replies for a forum.  You can get feeds for new topics, and you can separately subscribe to all replies to a specific topic, but that doesn't scale well in any RSS reader I have tried.

Napsal : 10/12/2021 1:38 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Three+1 more things:

  1. It would be nice if search returned results for language(s) chosen by user. Possibly using the user profile as a default with the ability to add more or all as well.
  2. It would be nice if search results would display more information. For example, instead of just displaying " Assembly and first prints troubleshooting", display something like " Assembly and first prints troubleshooting - MINI & MINI+" to make it easier for users to determine if it something related to what they are interested in. There are 9 different machine categories that have an" Assembly and first prints troubleshooting".
  3. "pie in sky" wish - the ability to save a reply as a "Draft" somewhere and a one button click to load it and continue to edit. If user has to interrupt the reply she has to either manually open another app and copy it over or leave it and hope nothing happens. It could even be saved locally and maybe create a notification that when clicked on will take you to the correct thread and reload the saved draft.
  4. A tutorial section where users can post a tutorial or tip topic, which will be held for approval and if approved an automatically created and linked discussion thread for comments will also be created with a link to the tutorial or tip. The tutorial or tip topic should be locked and only  the poster should be allowed to post to it, or alternatively edit it. Some method would be needed to prevent tutorial or tip images and files from arbitrary deletion. The regular deletion rules would apply to the discussion thread. I am sure that you could find volunteers(say 3 for each section?) to review and approve posts since it is a community forum. Then a moderator can release it.



Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Napsal : 12/12/2021 5:22 am
Noble Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

For the record I would have liked to mention something about the search, on many levels, but because of this forum I know more about WordPress then I ever wanted to, but if something could be done I'm on board. 

Relative to saving a draft, I have lost more then one, Long/Large, Tutorial OR long winded explanation here due to error at the time of commit, this is very disheartening and if something could be done about it that would be appreciated to say the least, that information never found its way back here because of those issues. make no mistake I don't value myself as indispensable but I'm worth while, and I can only imagine that others have not posted valuable information because of this as well.





The Filament Whisperer

Napsal : 12/12/2021 7:34 am
Honorable Member
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

Some improvements I would like on this forum:

  • access to profile page without going first to Subscriptions. It's confusing.
  • disable auto-subscription. I would prefer the Subscribe check box set unchecked when I answer in a thread, and checked when I start a thread. Should be a setting in user profile.
  • ability to hide some users answers. It's not kind, but it's life: with time, we know some users answers are not worth reading. This feature is very useful on some other fora and can prevent trolls. On the admin side, when a user has too many "hides", it's time for moderation.
  • increase time to edit an answer. But not too much. 
Mes modeles publics
Napsal : 14/12/2021 7:58 am
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021

For the record I would have liked to mention something about the search, on many levels, but because of this forum I know more about WordPress then I ever wanted to, but if something could be done I'm on board. 

Relative to saving a draft, I have lost more then one, Long/Large, Tutorial OR long winded explanation here due to error at the time of commit, this is very disheartening and if something could be done about it that would be appreciated to say the least, that information never found its way back here because of those issues. make no mistake I don't value myself as indispensable but I'm worth while, and I can only imagine that others have not posted valuable information because of this as well.





I would need a bit more details, example or if it is repeatable so I can isolate the problem and then work with the devs to resolve the issue. I know its not the ideal answer right away, but if you can give me this info, we can start working on finding the cause and fix it.

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 15/12/2021 11:03 am
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random flash poll December 8th 2021


Posted by: @diem

Can we have future polls on:

The models database: prints, sorting and searching.

Forum searching.

Prusa World and some way of contacting 'local' users without compromising privacy.




Sorry, but for all your suggestions, I would need a bit more info / details on them. Short answers unfortunately do not help as it would be me trying to guess what you are talking about in more details

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 15/12/2021 11:27 am
Illustrious Member

I would need a bit more info / details on them.

Although you create them as polls these are really directed discussions.

I was suggesting you invite discussion on

The models database: prints, sorting and searching.

Why? Because new models are arriving in their hundreds, this is good, but many excellent, useful parts are sinking into obscurity because the search function is too indiscriminate and has too little data to find them again.

Filters like popular, most downloaded and the rest are examples of social media preferences - they are inherently self sustaining and so more or less useless; because they are popular they are presented at the top of the list so they are seen by most so they become more likely to be chosen, so reinforcing the preference in a meaningless loop.

The result is that there are thousands of useful designs on all of the 3D sites that are almost impossible to find while there are a few that come up every time no matter how you compose your search.

The problem is inherent to any similar user-contributed catalogue.

When new, with only a few dozen entries, everything is easy to find and users are reluctant to provide full metadata; it's too much apparently pointless effort. So the programmers make it easy to post with minimal data and offer a tagging system for those who want it.

This is fine for up to a few thousand entries but beyond 10k or so it breaks down, a more detailed, formally structured, metadata set is needed but there are already thousands of poorly described entries in the system - does it make financial sense for the catalogue host to hire someone for a few years to go through the old entries and re-enter them?

What do you do about the object spammer who reinvents the cube and then ticks every single category?

His friend who designs one object and then reposts it 300 times each personalised with a different name?

Or the talented designer who doesn't know how to describe her object?

Or the old fashioned commercial or political spammer?


A popular model of fridge is frequently damaged by coyotes throwing them at roadrunners, many people need to replace the same part; different designers describe it in their own way:

1, Acme FA1 mk 4c(2013) part no. 1234 - by the fridge engineer

2, Coolit door knob - by the person who hasn't crawled round the back to read the ID plate

3, Mandalorian fridge part - by the fan who decided on a decorative replacement

While the first is strictly the best definition most owners of damaged fridges won't know the manufacturer's part list and visitor may search for "Old Acme red latch" which will not find any of the above and so yet another version of the same part is designed and added to the catalogue.

And the next searches are done in German, then in beginner's English by a Tamil speaker...

Another issue is quality control: There is no easy way to tell whether a part is a fully functioning and tested replacement, a working partial replacement, a useful jury rig while awaiting OEM parts, a waste of time and plastic or even downright dangerous.

The recent update to the prints database is encouraging users to post a great many files for reward, this might result in lowering the average quality - there is no reward for, or measure of, quality below that contest winner.

A third is printability: Is the print straightforward for a beginner, OK for someone with experience, only for dedicated experts or is the file even printable at all?

I confess I don't know the answer, perhaps we need some sort of Wiki format so visitors who do find an object are able to refine the description and perhaps add a review so that this huge resource of design talent is not lost in an impenetrable heap.


Forum searching.

Currently the easiest way to search for a topic on the forum is to use an external search engine...Quite a few useful posts/threads and or their support files have been lost. Many posts linking to them are now broken.As a result regular posters are seeing the same questions over and over again; perhaps a derived FAQ and best answers section would help.

Prusa World and some way of contacting 'local' users without compromising privacy.

Before COVID I was planning a maker group, I had the option to contact local Prusa Owners individually but it would have been preferable to contact all within a certain distance. Some are not visible on the map. This sort of facility invites spam but maybe a group message that would wait for a login but expire in due course if unread would be possible. Users looking for local help might also find this useful.

Now these are my opinions. I expect others have thoughts on these matters and would welcome the chance to contribute.


Napsal : 16/12/2021 4:01 am
HexDriver a Yveske se líbí
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