Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS
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[Closed] Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS  

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Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

Something that I saw here on printables today was enough to make me delete ALL of my models, my makes and anything else I've contributed to this site. I saw in today's trending 3d models a FULLY FUNCTIONAL GUN. When I reported it I was told that users were allowed to post whatever they want here, but I find that absolutely appalling and want to share this with as many users as possible so that maybe someone can talk some sense into them. I apologize for the name I'm using here but it's to prove a point. I was a level 16 user and had thousands of model downloads and had donated all of my points towards filament for education but this experience today made me realize that printables is not as altruistic as they seem ...

I'm pretty much done with Prusa at this point, to not only allow it to be posted, but also to literally PROMOTE it is a HUGE disservice to the 3d printing community in general.  Please share this information far and wide as this is really not acceptable.  I've also reported this to several large news outlets and some of the larger content creators in the 3d maker space.  This is absolutely reprehensible.

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:28 am
JMH714 liked
Illustrious Member

There is a disturbing level of gun obsession among uploaders on Printables (and not just Printables) that gives the 3D printing community plenty of grief - I've long since lost count of the number of times I've been asked if I print guns - my stock answer would also apply to the upload you linked (there are lots more) - I say 'I doubt it would survive a single shot and I certainly wouldn't like to try a second round.'  If it did fire it's unlikely to hit a barn door accurately but just waving it around in the wrong place is quite likely to get the wielder shot.

If you want to make a gun, a lathe is a far better tool.  I'm not saying a 3D printed gun wouldn't work - but I'm not going into the design criteria required to make it.

There is a lot wrong with Printables; perversely the lousy search facility is likely to allow this one to be buried irretrievably among the floods of rubbish prints.


Posted : 19/10/2023 6:49 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

Well, the linked model has been removed from Printables. The moderation process may not work exactly as you expect or want it to, but it seems to work.

Although, as a European, I have a hard time understanding the gun-crazed americans, I guess that all of the gun accessories on Printables are hard to critize. Guns are legal for many people and even though I neither like nor understand that, I have to accept it as a fact of life. The red line for me is the distribution of models that can actually fire a projectile - but the removed model tells me that Prusa shares that opinion.

My models on Printables
Posted : 19/10/2023 8:43 am
Antonio liked
Illustrious Member

It looks like the OP and my comments were before the moderator(s) started work in the morning and they got to it reasonably promptly.  Fair enough I suppose.


Posted : 19/10/2023 9:43 am
Zappes liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

thats your right same as every other person but i am sure they can make up there own mind 

Posted by: @prusaprintsguns

Something that I saw here on printables today was enough to make me delete ALL of my models, my makes and anything else I've contributed to this site. I saw in today's trending 3d models a FULLY FUNCTIONAL GUN. When I reported it I was told that users were allowed to post whatever they want here, but I find that absolutely appalling and want to share this with as many users as possible so that maybe someone can talk some sense into them. I apologize for the name I'm using here but it's to prove a point. I was a level 16 user and had thousands of model downloads and had donated all of my points towards filament for education but this experience today made me realize that printables is not as altruistic as they seem ...

I'm pretty much done with Prusa at this point, to not only allow it to be posted, but also to literally PROMOTE it is a HUGE disservice to the 3d printing community in general.  Please share this information far and wide as this is really not acceptable.  I've also reported this to several large news outlets and some of the larger content creators in the 3d maker space.  This is absolutely reprehensible.


Posted : 19/10/2023 11:10 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

I would find it amusing that you were so upset at the idea of people exercising freedom, that it caused you to delete all of your models, except you probably didn't actually do that.  And since you made up a new account for the specific purpose of whining about others using their freedom and technology in ways that you don't approve of, I guess we'll never know.
Posted : 19/10/2023 11:42 am
Antonio, Jay, and 1 people liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

Sorry, but I have an objection here. The concept of "freedom" applies when you ask if the state forbids publishing those models. That's not even close to the point here. The question here is if Prusa's idea about what is permissible on their commercial platform aligns with that of the community or not. Thingiverse, for example, is known for not caring about those things, and that's fine - but it's also one of the many reasons why I don't use that platform.

If Prusa should decide that they wish to help with printing firearms, that is a valid decision. The OP and me sincerely hope that this is not the case, but it's not our decision to make. The only decision we can and must make is if we want to be part of this platform, and we feel that it's important to let Prusa know how we feel about the topic.

My models on Printables
Posted : 19/10/2023 11:49 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

I don't think it should have been removed either. 
When I checked the OP's link last night it was behind a NSFW/age restriction anyway at that point.  It was an educational model that couldn't actually fire anything and not illegal in any way that was available only to adults.  I think every adult has the right and responsibility to make up their own mind. 

I do not think sites should impose a moral choice on others for things that are perfectly legal.


Posted : 19/10/2023 11:51 am
Antonio, Jay, Netpackrat and 2 people liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

Please don't forget that Prusa is a European company. Our laws with respect to firearms are much stricter than in the US, and so are most Europeans' views on the topic. It's just one of these cultural differences - on the flip side, nobody here would have a problem with models of naked people, which would probably trigger a similar reaction as ours in many americans.

My models on Printables
Posted : 19/10/2023 11:54 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

I'm not American.  Technically not European either since Brexit 😉 

My point is that models such as these are not illegal in the the vast majority of the world, I think they are still legal in the EU too ?
I have no problem with Prusa deciding what should or should not be allowed on their platform.  However what type of content is allowed should be clearly stated in the sites terms and conditions.  I am not aware of any official policy written down with a ban on firearm related models.

There are MANY related ones on the site already and have been since it was started.  So if there's been a change in policy that should have been highlighted and communicated clearly before hand.

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:04 pm
Zappes and liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

With that I fully agree. Rules should be clearly stated.

My models on Printables
Posted : 19/10/2023 12:06 pm
Thejiral and liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

best not get to woke on the whats right and whats not or we will end up with nothing all because some pratt got out of his pram and felt the need to put the world to rights 

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:22 pm
Jay liked
Noble Member

I am pretty sure posting designs for selfmade weapons, ie tools  with the main function to kill, even if they are just single use, maybe even some that can evade metal detectors being illegal in the EU. So that's a red line and I am not aware that such things can be found on printables. 

A different matter are non-functional (scale?) models of weapons. It is the right of Prusa to restrict those or some of those but I agree that this needs to be clearly defined in the rules. This is the service from a company which is allowed to make its own decision. We as users can decide if we want to use it or not. 

Models that are theoretically functional but would be actually dangerous to use and couldn't perform as needed are a grey zone. I wouldn't rule out that this could get you into legal troubles in the EU at least in some member states. 

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by Thejiral

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:32 pm
Zappes liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

While as a general rule I am against censorship in whatever form it may take, I don't actually care that much one way or the other whether or not Prusa allows firearm models on their site.  There's plenty of other places where people can find those things if they want them.  As I said, I found the idea amusing, that somebody would delete all of their models over somebody else posting a model that they didn't approve of.  Which they probably didn't do, or they would have posted their whine under their "real" account name.  And now as it turns out, according to what Neophyl posted, wasn't actually a real firearm model anyway.  😆 

Posted by: @zappes

Sorry, but I have an objection here. The concept of "freedom" applies when you ask if the state forbids publishing those models. That's not even close to the point here. The question here is if Prusa's idea about what is permissible on their commercial platform aligns with that of the community or not. Thingiverse, for example, is known for not caring about those things, and that's fine - but it's also one of the many reasons why I don't use that platform.

If Prusa should decide that they wish to help with printing firearms, that is a valid decision. The OP and me sincerely hope that this is not the case, but it's not our decision to make. The only decision we can and must make is if we want to be part of this platform, and we feel that it's important to let Prusa know how we feel about the topic.
Posted : 19/10/2023 1:13 pm
tsamisa and Zappes liked
Extra Fox
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS
Posted by: @zappes

Although, as a European, I have a hard time understanding the gun-crazed americans...

As an American, I have a hard time understanding gun-crazed Americans as well.


Posted : 19/10/2023 2:45 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS


Posted by: @netpackrat

While as a general rule I am against censorship in whatever form it may take, I don't actually care that much one way or the other whether or not Prusa allows firearm models on their site.  There's plenty of other places where people can find those things if they want them.  As I said, I found the idea amusing, that somebody would delete all of their models over somebody else posting a model that they didn't approve of.  Which they probably didn't do, or they would have posted their whine under their "real" account name.  And now as it turns out, according to what Neophyl posted, wasn't actually a real firearm model anyway.  😆 

Posted by: @zappes

Sorry, but I have an objection here. The concept of "freedom" applies when you ask if the state forbids publishing those models. That's not even close to the point here. The question here is if Prusa's idea about what is permissible on their commercial platform aligns with that of the community or not. Thingiverse, for example, is known for not caring about those things, and that's fine - but it's also one of the many reasons why I don't use that platform.

If Prusa should decide that they wish to help with printing firearms, that is a valid decision. The OP and me sincerely hope that this is not the case, but it's not our decision to make. The only decision we can and must make is if we want to be part of this platform, and we feel that it's important to let Prusa know how we feel about the topic.


I in fact DID delete all of my models, all of my makes and changed my username.  My former username was Gerk and I had a couple dozen models and thousands of downloads.  And yes in fact I did remove all of my content because I do not want Prusa profiting from my material any longer.  P.S.  The model moderation does not work as you are assuming it does as that model also received many downloads before it was removed.  That particular model was literally a part-for-part glock 9 mm minus 5 metal parts.  I'm waiting for a reply to have my account completely removed from this entire site because apparently that's also not available from the interface.  As for the "plenty of other places" to find that stuff it doesn't mean that Prusa should literally PROMOTE part-for-part guns on their site, and that's exactly what was happening here.  My initial response from moderation was that as long as it was marked NSFW people were allowed to post whatever they wanted on printables.  So no, in fact the moderation process is severely flawed.  The reason why it was likely removed was because I escalated this issue through other contacts.

So sorry for your false assumptions and please do continue enjoying this platform, but I will not and I personally reached out to a LOT of content creators on this site as well to point this out, so I would imagine that I'm not the only one that will be leaving the platform as a result of this.  My issue was not that someone uploaded the gun specifically, my issue was that Prusa both allowed it and literally PROMOTED it, even after multiple people reported it.  The initial moderation response was basically a big F-U.

Posted : 19/10/2023 3:01 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

There was a paragraph in the description that described exactly how to make it "fully functional" ... so I tend to agree that there could indeed be legal troubles about this in EU.

Posted by: @thejiral

I am pretty sure posting designs for selfmade weapons, ie tools  with the main function to kill, even if they are just single use, maybe even some that can evade metal detectors being illegal in the EU. So that's a red line and I am not aware that such things can be found on printables. 

A different matter are non-functional (scale?) models of weapons. It is the right of Prusa to restrict those or some of those but I agree that this needs to be clearly defined in the rules. This is the service from a company which is allowed to make its own decision. We as users can decide if we want to use it or not. 

Models that are theoretically functional but would be actually dangerous to use and couldn't perform as needed are a grey zone. I wouldn't rule out that this could get you into legal troubles in the EU at least in some member states. 


Posted : 19/10/2023 3:03 pm
Zappes liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS
Posted : 19/10/2023 7:33 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

OK, I just finished reading the “Terms of Service of”. I couldn’t find anything about what is or isn’t allowed. It sounds like if the model is yours or you have the right to upload it anything goes but they have the right to delete it for any reason. My guess would be if enough people complain they will take down a model.

Has anyone else been able to find anything??
Posted : 20/10/2023 3:02 pm
You and liked
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Promoting and making freely available 3d printed GUNS

Wow, what a "community" this is.  Between the proud boys/freedom fighters and the users that are now sending me messages asking me to kill myself ... I'm definitely done with this place.

bad commenter

Posted : 21/10/2023 4:58 pm
Zappes and liked
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