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Prusa dont respond  

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Reputable Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

I have experience with family members on the autism spectrum & narcissism. What you are doing is called gas-lighting. I'll give you the same advice I give them: just stop. You're not improving Prusa, this forum, or yourself with these tactics. If you want to improve things, you'll need to learn a persistently patient & cooperative approach - even when you perceive the people on the other side of the interactions are not exercising that approach.

This is how it looks to us:

  • You are a recent participant in this forum; your ID is less than a week old.
  • You chose an obnoxious & offensive alias.
  • You are spamming multiple threads on the forum with the same frantic obnoxious message.

Please excuse us if we're not buying it. Take a breath, pause, cool-down, think, start over with a softer approach. The people on this forum have a lot of experience dealing with Prusa. They're not perfect, but they're generally reasonable when you give them a chance.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2022 4:29 pm
Balu, Gordon W, bobstro und 1 weiteren Personen gefällt das
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

neophyll. look back at the feeds. I post and instantly get trolled like so many people in the past especially if you search fro posts by the usual trolling offenders here. Not one person tried to honestly help. Just criticism. Every single post to me was a troll post. Trolling is bullying. I will never succumb to bullying. I am the anti-troll. I will always stand up to bullying. 

" You call other people trolls but ALL you have done since posting is act like one yourself.  "

actually all i have done is respond to the trolling to stand up to the bullies. period! And i will always do it so if people dont want me to stand up to a troll post, dont do a troll post. simple.  Every time you see me 'act like a troll', it is a response to a troll. troll me back and see what happens.

Bobstro. I have been critical of you when you troll but your recent post said "Most of the parts are sourced from other manufacturers. Just be aware that some parts are not standard E3D dimensions. The cables for the thermistor and heater cartridge are different for Prusa versions of the E3D parts. I've used a number of non-Prusa, non-E3D parts and they work just fine. I have found that the really cheap replacements (e.g., AliExpress) sometimes suffer from finish problems. There are some really bad nozzles and heatbreaks. TriangleLab makes some nice nozzles and hotend components if you're looking for cheaper but still good quality parts."

Perfect. Thank you for adding valuable information. Wouldnt it be nice if that is what had happened all along. My responses would be far less anti-trolly

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2022 9:24 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

burtronix, my intention here is to demonstrate to Prusa (who havent responded for a week) to respond. It is a consequence to their inaction. Everyone berating me will get the expected result. Yes, the threads are annoying and if Prusa decide they want it to stop they will respond to emails. simple. Just ignore my posts, dont troll me, dont criticise me, dont engage with me and this will be between Prusa and me. Comment in any of my threads and you will get the subsequent notifications. That will annoy you not me. btw, I only changed the alias recently and that seems to have reset my join date. The nickname is designed to get Prusa to respond to emails.

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2022 9:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

That may be your intention, but it's totally ineffective. You're not hurting anybody but yourself. I'm not responding to you because I'm annoyed, but because I'm concerned about you. I think I understand your personality type. If I'm not mistaken, this is a repeating pattern on your life - perhaps online but maybe also face-to-face. Are there people in your life who try to advise you on personal interactions, or are you somewhat isolated? Please reach out to someone who can coach you on interacting for better outcomes.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Veröffentlicht : 30/03/2022 11:13 pm
Balu und Clemens M. gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

I wonder who is the bully here. Is it possible it might be the guy trying to hold a company to ransom by spamming a forum and its users that have nothing to do with that company's support and service? You are shaking the wrong people to extort your lunch money.

If you tried a similar approach with the service guys, I am not surprised if they put you on hold.

As for helpful hints: Either be patient or sell your Prusa and buy a proper one from a manufacturer that offers better quality and support.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 7:23 am
Noble Member
RE: Why?

@Dontbuyprusa  What baffles me is why you persists in posting here, surely you'd get much more traction on The Facebook et al.

One good thing that might come out of all you're nonsense, is that Prusa will add a facility to allow users to hide threads started by named individuals. I know who would be first on my list.

BTW have you ever heard the term economies of scale.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 12:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa dont respond
Posted by: @burtronix

[...] You're not hurting anybody but yourself. I'm not responding to you because I'm annoyed, but because I'm concerned about you. I think I understand your personality type. If I'm not mistaken, this is a repeating pattern on your life - perhaps online but maybe also face-to-face. Are there people in your life who try to advise you on personal interactions, or are you somewhat isolated? Please reach out to someone who can coach you on interacting for better outcomes.

@burtronix, I commend you for your compassion. However, we also need to protect the purpose of the forums. 


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 4:08 pm
Balu, burtronix und sylviatrilling gefällt das
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

No helpful replies as expected on the 'trolling prusa forums'. Just criticism 

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 8:56 pm
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

Congratulations - your strategy seems to work really well!Last info from my side to you: This forum is usually hosted by Prusa, but not necessarily read - maybe you should rethink your communication channel again.

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 9:00 pm
Balu gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Prusa dont respond


Posted by: @dontbuyprusa

No helpful replies as expected on the 'trolling prusa forums'. Just criticism 

Says the guy who came only here to criticise and ignore any helpful replies that the forum is the wrong place to complain.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 9:19 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

Hahaha another fake trolling account set up just for little ol' me. Three posts. Three trolls. I am glad I am getting to you so you have to reinforce your troll army with fake accounts, troll

 tw-1    Group: RegisteredJoined: 2022/03/31


Clemens: glad you wont be trolling any more. I look forward to your silence. btw, this is only one communication channel.


Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 9:33 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

I have just looked into what your actual issue was, so I might be able to help. But I can't.

You did not monitor a print and it failed - as prints do. As a result a blob formed that resulted in the thermistor wire breaking and shortening the Einsy board? I am still unclear if that happened while you tried to clean the blob or earlier.

If you to cleaned it with the printer being powered on and caused a short, that is the cause for your faulty thermistor circuit. The knowledge base explicitely warns about that. Either way - both variants are not warranty cases.

You also complain that Prusa printers are made to "detect failing prints, but don't", even after your printer noticed the broken thermistor and stopped the print. That is an issue that could've otherwise easily resulted in a burning printer as it happened with a lot of the cheap clones you are trying to sell as the better option now.

Reading your post also makes me wonder what made you think that a Prusa printer has an "auto-stop function when it detects a failed print" - "a security feature that prompted purchase of this device".  The only advertised safety feature "recognize issues with heating and stop operation to prevent damage" is exactly what saved your house from burning down. There's also "crash detection", but that isn't even listed as a feature on the product page (or I migh have overlooked it just now) and even if - it won't help you with blobs or spaghetti prints either.

Then you contacted support, immediately started getting angry for not getting it your way and them not following through with an unjustified warranty case. In the end you even suggested to "compromise on a price" which shows that you did understand that it might've been your fault after all.

My helpful advise would be to sell your broken printer and get out of the hobby. You are expecting features from printers that don't exist and you don't seem to have enough patience to learn what they do.

Living out a temper tantrum on the forum by trolling with your username, holding the forum to ransom by "not stopping until you get it your way" and calling people "bullies", "trolls" and "company plants" when they try to explain the problem to you are obvious signs for that.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:16 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

thanks fake troll account. I will definitely follow your trolling advice. I also wont waste as much time on you as you did on me. cheerio


Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:22 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa dont respond


Posted by: @dontbuyprusa

Hahaha another fake trolling account set up just for little ol' me. Three posts. Three trolls. I am glad I am getting to you so you have to reinforce your troll army with fake accounts, troll

 tw-1    Group: RegisteredJoined: 2022/03/31

My username and registration data on the forum is currently broken, because Prusa employees manually changed my email address for after I asked them nicely. The linked user data on the forum got messed up doing that which is what they are currently fixing. Reference:

As I said before - you are the guy with the trolling account registered just to have a place to throw a temper tantrum.

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:23 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:

Hey look. I am now a 'trusted member'. Three stars when literally all I have done in my posts is stand up to trolls. brilliant 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:25 pm
Reputable Member

Don't feed the troll, don't feed the troll, don't feed the troll...


Ah bugger the temptation is getting too hard to resist...


Are you really, really sure it is all on Prusa? I mean there could be so many more possibilities whose fault this could be:


- the govermint?

- Jacinda  Ardern and the Labour Party?

- the woke brigade?

- Bill Gates?

- 5G masts in your neighbourhood?

- Winston Peters?

- unfortunately not the tourists as there haven't been any for the last two years, but I'm sure with a bit of mental gymnastics that could be possible too


So, mate stop winching, take a concrete pill and own up to potentially screwing this up yourself and accept your luck that your house didn't go up in flames.

But most of all get a life!

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:44 pm
Balu gefällt das
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

The printer was 1 meter away from me so wouldnt go up in flames.

but hey, good troll post. I have a life. Its standing up to trolls like you. bring it on. argue back. you know how that ends

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:53 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

btw, when do I get to 'estimable member'. Four stars can't be far away with the number of troll posts I have to reply to. and troll reply in 3...2...1..

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 10:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa dont respond

Congratulations. Enjoy all the winning.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 11:19 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa dont respond

I am . thanks. "Last" bahahahahah

Veröffentlicht : 31/03/2022 11:28 pm
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