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Prusa don't honour warranties  

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Prusa don't honour warranties

Has anyone been able to claim anything on Prusa warranty? They refuse to h

onour mine. Faulty Einsy board. They started ignoring emails when I lodged it as warranty (but they were happy to link me to the shop before that).

Best Answer by .:

Prusa finally responded. confirmed that the components did not work as were expected to. Replacement on its way.

Moral: they eventually respond but still Dont Buy Prusa.

No further need for this thread so unsubscribing. Continue trolling but I wont see it. Unsubscribing. Looks like I got the last say anyway trollers 😉


Posted : 29/03/2022 12:15 am
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Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

Further information... Paraphrased support transcript if you want to see how incompetent / unwilling to help these guys are

Background info: The print started printing fine for about half an hour. It then failed but the print continued so a blob occurred around the print head. When I returned to the printer, the blob had pulled the print from the print bed (as you could expect it to do) and an error was seen on screen for the hot-end thermistor (Err: MINTEMP) and temperature was registering as zero.

The printer failed to detect a failed print. This is a security feature that prompted purchase of this device. Other cheaper printers do exactly the same job but dont have this feature. May as well go for the cheaper options like Ender.

Email responses were within hours until I mentioned it happened within a year so should be covered under warranty. No further emails received from Prusa. Tried three more emails to get a response but no reply.

Contacted via chat and gist of chat went like (paraphrased to shorten exchange):

  • Me: print started but failed and blob occurred around hot end
  • Prusa : oh so you damaged the printer when you cleaned it, right?
  • Me: no. the error appeared before cleaning while blob was attached.  
  • Prusa: You need to watch the print the whole time.
  • Me: what 24 hours a day? I bought the expensive printer because it is supposed to detect failed prints and stop.
  • Prusa: if first layer is not right, blob will occur. No sensor can detect that
  • Me: but I said it printed fine for about half an hour. solidly fixed to printer plate 
  • Me: it is sounding like you are trying to come up with any reason you can find to avoid a warranty claim. Is that what is happening?
  • Prusa: I havent said that but here is an article that says blobs void the warranty
  • Me: here is your website that doesnt mention anything about blobs voiding warranty (at the time of product purchase) . It only lists 6 reasons to void the warranty. Getting annoyed and angry with Prusa.
  • Prusa: sorry you feel that way
  • Me: You are doing everything you can to get out of a warranty claim. 
  • Prusa: Well even if I could send you a part i wont because it is out of warranty
  • Me: it wasn't out of warranty when I first emailed. It wasn't out of warranty when you started ignoring those emails. 
  • (Extra information not in chat... warranty expires today anyway. One year since receiving)
  • Prusa: Nothing I can do. sorry.
  • Me: still trying to get out of it huh?
  • Me: waiting for response for several minutes....
  • Me: are you ignoring me now? the claim was lodged whilst under warranty
  • Prusa: no. It is a mistreatment issue which is not covered by warranty
  • Me: How did I mistreat it?
  • Prusa: by not calibrating the printer
  • Me: The printer is perfectly calibrated
  • Prusa: printer would fail otherwise
  • Me: I have evidence otherwise
  • Prusa: feel free to share
  • Me: if the bottom part of my print looks fine for half an hours worth or so, and then forms a blob, that shows it started fine and stuck to sheet right?
  • Prusa: no the sheet could still be dirty
  • Me: grasping at straws again huh. so now we need to do a chemical analysis of sheet before warranty claims are honoured?
  • no response for 5 minutes
  • Prusa: if sheet is dirty, it wont stick. Could even fail after first layers then cause blob
  • (note, earlier he said the sensor wont work if it <never> sticks. now it looks like sensor doesnt work even if it does)
  • Me: it isnt dirty. You cant just use that line as a get out of jail free warranty avoidance thing
  • Prusa: well by our tests there is no way the printer would fail otherwise
  • Me: poor testing then. Would Josef be happy with the way you are treating customers? All this feed shows is russian-style lies and rubbish
  • Prusa: not my intention
  • Me: I am surprised you havent tried other excuses like my humidity is too high in my room
  • Prusa: your room humidity is not the main reason for failure
  • Me: i know. The faulty Prusa Einsy board is the main reason
  • Prusa: from what you shared, the blob is the cause
  • (actually from what I shared, the failure of the system to detect a faulty print was the cause)
  • ...questioned a few alternative methods just to get printer working
  • ...mentioned that I bought 2 spare thermistors and tried them in both hotend and heatbed ports on Einsy and both worked in heatbed port but neither worked in hotend port so port is faulty (and inspected and swapped both 5A fuses - not blown and no issue with fuses except looks like board shorted without tripping fuse - another failure)
  • Prusa: did you swap heatbed thermistor? I thought it was hotend.
  • (I assume trying to blame me for damaging the port)
  • Me: I havent swapped anything. Just tried new thermistors. Currently plugged in normally.
  • Prusa: could you send me a photo of left side of heatblock
  • Me: Will you then honour the warranty?
  • Prusa: of course but cant promise issue is covered under warranty. At least I can help find issue even if the printer was mistreated
  • (ouch. still trying to blame me)
  • Me: the printer wasnt mistreated. If I plug a new thermistor into hotend port and error doesnt go away, does that sound like left side of hotend or Einsy board
  • Prusa: Let me mansplain it: the blob damaged the cable which could damage the board. Do you have a spare hotend heater
  • Me: no but that wont fix the faulty port on the Einsy
  • Me: We are getting nowhere. Until I can take this further, can you at least give me an einsy at cost price plus free postage.
  • Prusa: of course, if you would like to change your mind and troubleshoot, let me know.
  • Prusa: actually, no wait, I cant do that especially if we dont know if board was damaged or not
  • Me: I previously said "I plugged a spare thermistor into the heatbed port and it worked. I plugged it into the hot-end port and it didnt work."  Please speak to technician if you dont understand what that means
  • Prusa: Sure it is the board then
  • Me: are you able to compromise on a price
  • ( I thought i was being more than reasonable offering to split costs)
  • Prusa: no. here is the link to buy one

Moral of the story: Prusa charges a premium for features that dont seem to work as designed and also refuse to honour warranties with many many ridiculous accusations. 

Posted : 29/03/2022 1:49 am
Illustrious Member

A blob forming and your failure to monitor and subsequent damage is not a case of a part quality or Prusa workmanship (aka warranty) issue. I had no problems with getting warranty swaps for actual failed parts, but I never tried to claim damage I caused as a warranty issue. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 29/03/2022 2:46 am
DarkTeck and Balu liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

You sound like a 'plant'. You are an employee arent you.

By that theory, no-one can ever do a print that goes for longer than 16 hours (leaving 8 hours to sleep) and they cannot take their eyes off the printer for a second or else you are saying it is their fault and they caused it. So that means the 'bells and whistles' that we pay for (e.g. the auto-stop function when it detects a failed print) are completely unnecessary and we should just buy the cheapest printer out there. 


Posted : 29/03/2022 2:49 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

You didn't monitor your printer. Blobs are hardly an uncommon problem, and can be a painful learning experience. This is with any printer. You can't expect a warranty that covers defects in workmanship and parts to cover damage you caused, as frustrating as that can be. The good news is that the parts are cheap.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 29/03/2022 2:59 am
Balu liked
New Member
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

Not to be an A-hole though in all honesty that is my specialty.   I have tried to help people troubleshoot problems at a distance, and you'd be surprised what gets lost on it's way from A to B.   

If this transcript is completely accurate, I would wager that either you were unable to clearly present your problem and/or there was a translator app that the support guy used and was unable to understand what was going on.   I would say that it would not be easy to troubleshoot the issue at that point if key components or failures were (possibly) incorrectly identified, and I for one would hate to tell a customer that he needs to replace his ____ because of a blob unless I was 100% sure.  Remember just because a customer says the problem is ______ doesn't guarantee a fix if _____ is replaced, if he did sell you ____ and it didn't work that would probably not go over well either.         Warranties (which only really cover defects in manufacturing and workmanship that the company carried out) are always a joke as the primary reason for damage is usually pinned on the user and often justified.   

In my experience it's better to be patient with the support person and do whatever you can to prove your point while being completely honest and not getting heated as it's not on him that the printer had a bad day, maybe next time ask if he would be willing to walk you through the troubleshooting on video as there you could prove your knowledge of the equipment and the steps you took to come to your conclusion.   I straight up told a guy on support i messed up and did a high voltage leak test on a new type of electronic aircraft ignition as nothing said we couldn't otherwise and is a common troubleshooting step with the old analog systems, I could've said the unit is defective and I want warranty but after receiving it they'd call me on that immediately and say I voided their warranty.  In the end I asked if they could give a discount for the core because they never returned the defective unit and it worked out.   


Posted : 29/03/2022 3:04 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

I didnt cause it @Bobstro. The printer didnt do as advertised and stop when there was a failed print. 

@OwlBeHawkward, I did ask for a discount on the replacement part when they wouldnt do anything but they refused. Even if the blob shorted the board, their fusing using in the manufacturing process seems defective. Poor production, poor testing, poor components, poor service, poor printers. Dont buy Prusa. They are no better than the cheap units


Posted : 29/03/2022 3:08 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

And just to be clear... it is correct I did not keep my eyes on the print for the whole hour (but who does). This is not about 'monitoring' as staff member bobstro says. Monitoring is not the same as "dont remove your eyes because if the machine fails its your fault".

But most importantly, if a blob was actually the cause (and who says it was and the Eisny judt didnt break), but if it was, why did the board short out and not blow the fuse? Sounds like a manufacturing issue to me. Hence warranty. Dont buy Prusa. Faulty parts, faulty printers. Cheap printers work the same


This post was modified 3 years ago by .
Posted : 29/03/2022 3:20 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

bobstro, the parts arent cheap. The Einsy that failed is over $100 plus extremely expensive postage

Posted : 29/03/2022 3:28 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

Definitely accurate (some sentences were changed to make more concise etc).

What I wanted was for them to respond to emails that they were ignoring. Those emails contained photos and descriptions of exactly what happened to the printer. Has anyone ever had an Einsy short out because of a blob (that only started forming after at least half an hour or so)...I think no. Faulty Einsy.

Posted by: @owlbehawkward

If this transcript is completely accurate, I would wager that either you were unable to clearly present your problem and/or there was a translator app that the support guy used and was unable to understand what was going on. 

Posted : 29/03/2022 4:21 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

What a surprise. My posts are 'awaiting moderation'. Seems Prusa want to silence my complaints.

Posted : 29/03/2022 4:57 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

You clearly went on here with an axe to grind, especially over damage that happened over a lack of monitoring, rather than actually get the problem sorted.

Feel free to accuse me of being an employee.

Posted : 29/03/2022 5:54 am
Balu and liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

They already refused to fix the faulty Einsy, so yeah, an axe to grind and let everyone know you cant expect them to help when Prusa printers don't do what they say they will...but thanks for your worthy comment. Truly helped me and beneficial to all. Cheers.

btw, what else do you think I should try to get it sorted? emails? tried that. Submit photos and explanations? tried that. Use their chat function? tried that. move along sledger

Posted by: @shledge

You clearly went on here with an axe to grind, especially over damage that happened over a lack of monitoring, rather than actually get the problem sorted.

Feel free to accuse me of being an employee.


This post was modified 3 years ago by .
Posted : 29/03/2022 5:57 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

funny story. 

 shledgeGroup: RegisteredJoined: 2022/03/29

Hey wait... that account was created just before the comment was made. 

Uses the same sentence structure and terminology as bobstro. 

Creating fake accounts are we bobbie boy. How pathetic. 

The Einsy should not blow a port regardless of monitoring, blob, anything. The board should be manufactured so that shorts go through the fuse. Faulty Einsy boards are covered by warranty or would be by a reputable company. Its a $5 cost for Prusa or a $200 cost for me in New Zealand area.

Posted : 29/03/2022 6:23 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

I cant reply to the PM from Prusa but just a quick thank you to the person who responded about my posts being blocked. The first few went through but then got blocked but I found a way around the block anyway as you would have seen. Glad it has now been removed. Looking forward to Prusa fixing their faulty Einsy so I caqn stop posting here ...and havent started elsewhere but that will be next. If I can stop 1 person from buying a Prusa, that will cost far more than the $5 Einsy Prusa could post me. Electronics made in China are cheap and $120 for a $5 component is crazy. Man up Josef. Your printer didnt do what it said it would and the Einsy port blew but fuse didnt. Manufacturing defect on just mine or is everyone at risk due to systemic manufacturing fault?

Posted : 29/03/2022 6:55 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties


Posted by: @dontbuyprusa

funny story. 

 shledgeGroup: RegisteredJoined: 2022/03/29

Hey wait... that account was created just before the comment was made. 

Uses the same sentence structure and terminology as bobstro. 

Creating fake accounts are we bobbie boy. How pathetic. 

The Einsy should not blow a port regardless of monitoring, blob, anything. The board should be manufactured so that shorts go through the fuse. Faulty Einsy boards are covered by warranty or would be by a reputable company. Its a $5 cost for Prusa or a $200 cost for me in New Zealand area.

... so I'm an employee AND sockpuppet?

Okay, confirmed you're paranoid. A quick IP check can show you're talking nonsense (Irish guy living in the UK), but you'd probably assume the mods/admins are part of the conspiracy. 🤣 

Look, it's quite simple - you damaged the printer due to negligence, and are getting salty because you have to pay for it. I mean, I get it, I've been there in the past with things I've broken, you just have to swallow that pride and take some responsibility.

Posted : 29/03/2022 7:29 am
bobstro and liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

Then I am so honoured that you created an account just to abuse me. Is there a reason you wanted to try and blame me for Prusa incompetence bobstro / shledge? The Einsy blew but the fuse didnt. I didnt blow the Einsy. I didnt touch the machine. I wouldnt expect you to understnad. Intelligence doesn't seem to be your thing.

Posted : 29/03/2022 8:05 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa don't honour warranties

Thankfully sideshow bobstro shledge stopped trolling. Now if anyone else has a similar story about prusa refusing to honour warranties I would love to hear it. Need to keep the posts coming to keep this at the top of the forum 🙂 I am going to aim for 365 days at the top... and all this for a $5 Einsy that they refuse to send after the manufacturing defect occurred.

Posted : 29/03/2022 8:55 am
Eminent Member

I didn't make an account specifically to abuse you. I have been lurking here for a while because I am a recent owner of a Mk3s+.

Generally when it comes to these things, there is more to the story. The way you act, even down to the username you've picked, pretty much proved that it's not as simple as "Prusa were incompetent". They pretty much were on the ball in regards to warranty being voided.

Could have easily just started off with "my Einsy board has failed", didn't eloborate further and they would have likely fixed the issue without issue. The problem is you made it clear it was because of negligence eg. letting a blob to form and as a result, admitting you voided warranty.

(Also, it does list that damage from blobs do void warranty, it was updated a year ago, well before your transcript)

Own up to your mistake, take some responsibility like an adult.



Posted : 29/03/2022 9:04 am
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Illustrious Member

Take the hit and learn.

You printed with a dirty steel sheet* and didn't follow the guides for removing blobs safely* so you shorted the hotend wiring* and fried the electronics. 

Glancing at the start of your transcript I'd have put the 'phone down on you long before Prusa.

We get quite a few users on here with problems they have diagnosed themselves - wrongly - and who are totally unwilling to accept any other cause, we try to help but usually give up when they persist in their erroneous belief and fail to take suggestions; I did so only last week.  Don't be one of those:

Buy the replacement parts.

Replace following the guidelines.


 and learn that cleaning and maintenance matter.



*Look for threads here

Posted : 29/03/2022 9:45 am
Balu, bobstro, shledge and 3 people liked
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