printing significant undercuts without support?
For some reason I cant get my brain wrapped around this concept. Would it be possible to print parts with significant undercuts without support by setting the entire printer at a 45 degree angle? You'd have to be aware how the part is plated, and not all parts could be printed this way, but some could, no?
Re: printing significant undercuts without support?
in some very limited scenario, perhaps. On the other hand, it's not always gravity that is the problem but warping.
One would have to analyze other parts of the print that used to be good but now might be a new overhang that did not exist before. You also have to consider that now the machine will have to drive an axis or two against gravity in one direction and with gravity 'helping' in the other.
Still, it is an interesting thought. Think you could design a printer that operates inside a mechanism that turns and spins it to all different random orientations as it prints? or... look up if this type of printing has been done in zero-gravity.
Re: printing significant undercuts without support?
Depending on your slicer, you can rotate the model on the bed.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
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