Print "STOPPED" with no reason? (2 days later)....
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Print "STOPPED" with no reason? (2 days later)....  

Print "STOPPED" with no reason? (2 days later)....

I was giving our new MMU3 a real workout (~46 hours) by printing a Cinderwing Rose Dragon. 4 colors involved. Only required one manual intervention over 24 hours ago. .......


BUT.... with 12 hours left, it stopped at 8:38AM EST. It just stopped??????


There's no error, theres plenty of filament, Im not aware of any power outages, I was here. I was literally in the shower at that moment, TMI, but still....... No one bothers the printer, so how did it stop????


My question: is this a thing?!?!?!?!?!! Does a Prusa (MK3S+) just ... stop .... with no given reasone???? What could cause it to do this? I'd have been happier maybe... if it stopped for a reason, but I cannot resume... its now wasted.


Posted : 23/09/2024 1:06 pm