PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Is there a difference between the PEI on my Mk2 and the PEI on my MK3 spring steel surface? I find that my prints stick much more aggressively to the Mk2 surface.
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Clean bed with dish soap, how does it stick now.
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Have been cleaning the surface with alcohol after each print for over 2 years now on my Mk2. Recently got an Mk3. Both surfaces are totally without contaminants, both have same PLA print. No problem with adhesion to the Mk3 spring steel PEI but sticks very aggressively to the Mk2 PEI. Wondering if PRUSA have changed the type of PEI they use since the Mk2?
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Dish soap is a lot better.
After long printing, a a few years, i had some problems with sticking.
Cleaning with dish soap did a lot, and of course a good first layer.
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
It sticks very aggressively to the Mk2 surface and it is difficult to remove the prints. Don't know why there is a difference between the two PEI's.
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
I am confident that Prusa are using a different stock of PEI for the Mk3 compared to the PEI they used when you bought your Mk2.
What next?
If My Mk3 Smooth or Textured Build plates stop gripping prints as well as I want,
I wash them with Soap and water, rinse with hot water and dry immediately with paper towels.
I also have Mk2 and Mk3 printers and I have stopped using the Mk42 heatbed on the Mk2, because I find the removable build plate of the Mk52 heatbeds, much more convenient.
below is a picture of PLA parts sticking to my textured build plate on my Mk2
as you can see they have very little contact area but they stick to the textured sheet. (which is notoriously more difficult than the smooth sheet)
My preparation ... ...
Alternatives include
Painters Tape,
Glue Stick,
PVA adhesive,
Kapton tape,
Thee Kking
Acetone wash
ABS Juice
Scotchbrite abrasion,
Fine sandpaper abrasion
no doubt there are other alternatives.
or you could go 'old school' and use glass...
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Thanks Joan! What brand of PLA do you use and what temperature do you have your first layer set at?
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Hi Zubonzo,
wasn't there a subtle hint at temperatures in the picture 😀
I use either Prusament, for posh jobs or cheap and chearful. for other jobs.
Most of my filament is no name filament
because of the Lockdown I am away from home at the moment, (long story)....
But I have my newest Mk3 with me, including a selection of filament, so from the top of the pile
White YS PLA,
Black no name PETG
White no name PETG,
Black XYD TPU,
Red No Name PLA,
Purple, Totally anonnymouse PLA (not even a sticker on the roll)
Green Filamentive PLA (My best bargain... FREE)
Galaxy Black Prusament PLA, and
Galaxy Purple Prusament PLA.
In the car I have a Pink, Blue and yellow. but i have no idea what brands they are , the Blue may be VanGough, it has a similar reel to the no name PETG
and for PLA, I usually use bed temperatures of 60C to 70C (on the display) no idea what the real temperature is, because I don't have a suitable thermometer! 🙂
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: PEI surface Mk2 vs Mk3
Wow! Lotsa stuff! Do you know what your nozzle temp is for the first layer when you print PLA?