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Payment issues  

New Member
Payment issues

I'm not sure this is the best place for this, but I'm not having a lot of luck with their email either.

I placed an order two weeks ago (on the 26th), and it still shows as "waiting for payment". I've searched around, and all I find is advice for "if the funds haven't left your bank, try again".

But the funds have left my bank. Initially I got replies from "Tristan" at support, who said they'd deal with it. And then nothing. They've quit replying, my order still hasn't been paid for, and my money is still missing.

I've already spoken to my bank. They've confirmed the transaction was successful, it's not just a hold on an incomplete payment. But they can't do a chargeback because it was Visa Debit, not credit, so they've referred me to the "european consumer centre".

There really must be a better way to deal with this? Is there a support process for the web shop that I'm simply not spotting?

Posted : 07/04/2019 5:22 am
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Payment issues

Prusa does not do well with email support taking up to a week or longer to respond
This forum is user to user support and Prusa seldom responds directly here.

contact prusa online chat system 24/7 support
log into your account on one of the prusa store pages and in the bottom right corner you will see the Chat system box click in it enter your Invoice number for you Prusa and start the chat system they do an excellent job and will take good care of you.

Posted : 07/04/2019 5:30 am
Dave J
Trusted Member
Re: Payment issues

I had a similar problem earlier this week. Dealt with Michele
le on Chat. Sorted immediately.

Cheers,Dave Jackson"Enthralled Nooby (not so much maybe, ~58 years old)... If 3d printers had been around 40 years ago... "

Posted : 10/04/2019 3:53 pm
RE: Payment issues


It sounds like a frustrating situation. Try contacting the shop’s customer support again or reach out via social media. Since your bank confirmed the transaction, contacting the European Consumer Centre might be your next best step.

Posted : 24/08/2024 8:18 am