Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
anybody here who knows the name of these 4 pin connectors with the lock clip ?
RE: Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
I've always called them 'wire to board' or simply 'pin plug' connector. I know that Molex makes them as well as others.
RE: Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
Do you mean a JST-XH 4 Pin Connector to molex connector? Such as this:|pcrid|373088259772|pkw||pmt||slid||prid|2703&pgrid=77962658353&ptaid=pla-297220718041&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsdGluYOj6wIVg7p3Ch0l1QDvEAQYASABEgJu-_D_BwE
RE: Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
@3delight Yes, like those just with the lock.
RE: Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
be careful. Not all motor cables have the same connection diagram
Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.
RE: Name of the stepper connectors on the Rambo board?
I know, that is not the question, besides you don´t destroy a stepper by a wrong wiring, it simply isn´t moving then 😉 No, I just cut the original wire once and want to change to a different motor again and I don´t like resoldering the wires all the time. I could use that XH4 (I have a bunch of these floating around here somewhere) but I usually just see those without lock online. My fault, I just ordered smth at prusa and forget that one. Just don´t want to spend ~15 EUR for that wire now 😉