My experience with the Prusa Customer Support
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My experience with the Prusa Customer Support  

Eminent Member
My experience with the Prusa Customer Support


I had contact with Prusa Customer Support twice now, Well actually 3 attempts.
First time I used the contact form on the website on 08-09-2018 and they answered on 12-09-2018. I asked them if a website that sells Prusa MK3 was a legit reseller and the are.

Second time I used the form on 08-10-2018 and so far no answer so I jumped on the live chat,. Usually I wait for an answer though I was a bit impatient because I wanted to order something.

I want to buy a MK3 and then MMU 2.0, On the MMU shop page they advice to place a separate order for the MMU. While the shipping table website says they can split your order.
If you want your printer sooner, please contact our support at to split your order, we'll help you.
I didn't want to wait too long before they answered my email with the question if I should place a separate order or not so I ordered a MK3 Kit, After a few days still no answer from the contact form so that's why I got on the live support.

I wanted to know how I should place the MMU order because for the MK3 I had to pay €23,43 shipping costs and when trying to order the MMU they want to charge me another € 9,35 which I think is quite unfair.

I'm buying a printer rol of Prusament and MMU for over € 1100 and have to pay shipping for both MMU and MK3. That's not even 1% but makes a customer feel appreciated.

The support guy said they also have to pay for shipping which I understand though Prusa takes my money immediately and has a 3 months lead time before they start to ship the MMU so I think there should be a bit of support for guys like me that spend half a months salary on something.

I know it's my choice to get the printer early and the MMU later but the says the are splitting orders so why can't they give a discount on shipping or discount if I order some more Prusament,.

At the end of the conversation i didn't feel happy about it and now doubt if I'm buying the MMU or not, They are quite stubborn IMHO.


Posted : 11/10/2018 2:55 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: My experience with the Prusa Customer Support

The delay is one thing, The additional shipping costs for someone spending over € 1100,- in you shop and a potential returning customer is the biggest bummer for me.

Posted : 11/10/2018 4:32 pm
Reputable Member
Re: My experience with the Prusa Customer Support

First, I don't have a dog in this altercation. What I do have is a little experience running a business that shipped all kinds of orders--combined and separate.

My MK3 arrived well-packed in a box in which there was no extra available space (except for maybe an additional build plate that might be slipped in). As I haven't received it yet, I can only speculate that the MMU2 is packed/shipped in a similar manner. Therefore, even if shipped together, there will still be 2 packages, with 2 separate shipping charges. IMO, this is reasonable.

If a significant percentage of customers ordered the 2 units together (and PR had their act together a bit better) it might make sense to revisit whoever makes their packaging, and pack both units in a single box, but I have no information about that.

It's possible I'm wrong about how PR is shipping combined orders; I'll certainly defer if that's the case. I don't know why they can't just be upfront/candid with customers about some matters, rather than cryptic/obtuse.

As far as PR's "customer service", I have no use for them either--unless absolutely necessary, particularly one individual I would have re-trained or let go. I responded to a feedback form sent by PR, but I have no idea if it was actually read, ignored, or what. It was never acknowledged nor responded to.

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 11/10/2018 6:37 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: My experience with the Prusa Customer Support

When placing 1 order for a MMU and MK3 the shipping costs are the same as just a MK3.
I have a business as well and when I deliver a backorder it's for the same price, to mee the MMU is a backorder.

I know, They could add a certain amount on each product and then offer free shipping. Just in this case I'd like to see something from PR. The money they receive 3 months before shipping also gives them more room for R&D. I don't mind paying now and receiving in 3 months.

Posted : 11/10/2018 6:54 pm
Reputable Member
Re: My experience with the Prusa Customer Support

The money they receive 3 months before shipping....

This fact has been brought up before, and I agree with those who object to a company that charges a customer's credit card, then leaves them hanging with (effectively) open-ended delivery dates--sometimes several months out. There really is no reason/rationale for this, other than basically getting interest-free loans. IANAL, but in some places this violates terms of the credit card issuers.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, however, many credit card issuers do not allow merchants to charge your credit card before they ship. If you want to pursue this, you should contact your credit card issuer and ask about its policies for prematurely charging your account. You can then send a complaint letter with specific information about this merchant. According to the FTC, "If you can't ship within the promised time (or within 30 days if you made no promise), you must notify the customer of the delay, provide a revised shipment date and explain his right to cancel and get a full and prompt refund."

I wasn't aware they charged the same shipping for both units as for one. If that's what's happening, it's a good point.

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 12/10/2018 6:24 am