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[Risolto] MK4 Wishlist  

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Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

A smaller step upgrade to the 2560 is towards the M0 or M4 SAMD chips. The ATSAMD51P20 that Adafruit is bringing out on their "coming soon" Grand Central (Arduino Mega compatible plus) board should be fairly straight forward to adapt the existing firmware towards, and comes with a built in floating point unit in addition to more program memory, more ram, and is a faster processor (120MHz).

A agree with others that a better display would be nice, but I'm not sold on touch screen UI on small displays. All the touch "buttons" would have to be large to accommodate all our fat fingers, eating up valuable screen real estate instead of displaying information.

A Red/Yellow/Green status indicator (either on the front display, and/or support a tower indicator lamp) would be useful to see at a glance from across the room if there are any warning or error states that need immediate attention.

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Postato : 03/01/2019 8:49 am
Eminent Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Control interface upgrade is badly desired, I hate how slow and unresponsive my i3's menu system is, it feels like something from 20-30 years ago.

Too many times I've had to press the reset button because I've scrolled through the list of filenames and clicked the one I wanted to print, only to find that a millisecond before I click the main button, it scrolled down to the next name in the list!

It leaves me wondering if it's the rotary encoder at fault on top of the slow menu control system because sometimes nothing happens when I turn the dial, I know it's not the screen at fault because I've programmed 8bit microcontrollers to have menu systems with these alphanumeric displays and they have no discernible delay between turning the connected rotary encoder and the screen updating.

Time for a 32bit CPU? Even if it looks the same on the outside I just want a menu control system that has no lag.

Postato : 03/01/2019 11:50 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

It leaves me wondering if it's the rotary encoder at fault on top of the slow menu control system

It is. I've programmed AVR's, too and when program is "very busy" it happens that encoder doesn't always work. I've spent hours on this with no luck...

Time for a 32bit CPU? Even if it looks the same on the outside I just want a menu control system that has no lag.

I already wrote, i will do it again: one, really big dissapointment when MK3 was out was that they didn't use ARM. Going with AVR was really bad decision. First, ARM's are nowadays cheaper than AVR's, faster, more powerful...

Postato : 03/01/2019 11:57 am
Noble Member
Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

Since Prusa puts out it's own tweaked Octoprint for plugging the Pi Zero directly into the Rambo, how about this:

  • Ship all printers with the Pi Zero pre-installed/part of the kit.

  • Limit the Rambo firmware to just what it absolutely has to do to control the printer and talking to the Octo.

  • Move all user interface and specialty functions (live Z, collision detection?, power failure? etc..) to the Octo.
  • I would expect that would greatly improve the ability to add and tweak features without the limitations of the Rambo storage being as big of a concern. It would also add features (e.g. wireless access) that I think most users would appreciate too.

    Obviously the biggest issue is one of backwards compatibility and Prusa having to support two firmwares (older units without Octo and the newer units). The ability to upgrade and support for older hardware is a big function of what made me go with Prusa. I think it is reasonable, however, to expect an EOL where Prusa only has to support the older Rambo only firmware for a shortish period of time and then only for bug fixes. Especially since adding a Pi Zero is pretty cheap/easy.

    MMU tips and troubleshooting
    Postato : 03/01/2019 5:48 pm
    New Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    hi everyone

    new user here, and I've done a search but can't find the answer to this ... since this thread is mk3S related here goes .... are there any rough release dates for the mk3S ? since I'll be placing my order this weekend for a mk3 and for the sake of a few weeks I can delay until the next version is out



    Postato : 04/01/2019 5:32 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    new user here, and I've done a search but can't find the answer to this ... since this thread is mk3S related here goes .... are there any rough release dates for the mk3S ? since I'll be placing my order this weekend for a mk3 and for the sake of a few weeks I can delay until the next version is out

    Nothing on information has leaked so far regarding new MK3+ releases. And I've heard no rumors about it. You will buy more then one printer anyway .... 😆

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    Postato : 04/01/2019 6:20 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    hi everyone

    new user here, and I've done a search but can't find the answer to this ... since this thread is mk3S related here goes .... are there any rough release dates for the mk3S ? since I'll be placing my order this weekend for a mk3 and for the sake of a few weeks I can delay until the next version is out



    As another new user (Mk3 is my first printer) I would say not to stress about it and just go ahead with the Mk3.

    If you look at the past history of their printers the version to version changes have historically not been something to toss your old printer and upgrade over. Furthermore Prusa has also always offered upgrade kits to bring your older printer up to the new specs (a big reason I went with them).

    So get the 3 now, learn on it, enjoy it, and then when the 3S (or 4) comes out and you really need a new feature that it adds upgrade at that time.

    MMU tips and troubleshooting
    Postato : 04/01/2019 6:34 pm
    Mustrum Ridcully
    Honorable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    one of Prusa's basic principles is to offer upgrades to older printer designs so that you do not have to stress over "is there a new version in just a few weeks" right now they are focused on their SL1 printer launch and I do not foresee an immediate update to the MK3

    Postato : 04/01/2019 11:33 pm
    Moderatore Moderator
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I voted for touchscreen but I would be just as happy with a bigger, colour LCD screen with buttons or better rotary dial...

    My main wish is for a larger print area, 300 x 300 x 300 mm (or larger) would be great!

    Wi-Fi would be great (especially at the moment where my printer and computer have to be on different floors of the house!

    Other than that then any new features/improvements would be a bonus...

    Postato : 06/01/2019 1:54 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I do wonder, given they're stuck between a) neglecting their core income stream with focus on new ventures (eg MMU, sla etc) and b) stretching themselves even further by spending resource on new MK4 innovations.

    Whether they should focus on fast following innovations (ie things that are already being done by others) that are 'safe' for the next upgrade to avoid pushing themselves into a smaller market share.

    - upgrade board - seem to be putting themselves under a lot of pressure to even fit the existing code onto the existing board. Decent upgrade to this would relieve this pressure point and make life much easier

    - larger size - tackle the increasing decision point people are making as larger models from competitors are coming onto the market eg CR10 etc al. Easy way to increase sales from existing customers too. Clearly can be done with good quality results in other Cartesian models, so an easy place to extend and big customer ask.

    - WiFi/usb printing - let's be blunt here, the future is not people huddled round any sort of touch screen. Again we can follow existing paths here, indeed even 20 years ago this played out with 2d printers - what proportion of people print their documents/photos by taking their SD card to their Epson and using the touchscreen. This is of course needed for some tasks, but it is the secondary interface. So let's get this smarter than the rather borky combination and UI standards of slic4r and prusacontrol

    - Slic3r upgrades - extra capacity in the board and the existing drive to merge the fragmented software estate. Know this is ongoing already, but really important Prusa nail this well to remain ahead - like many similar disciplines, once the hardware begins to mature (which it is), victory belongs to the best software.

    With these four, this'd endure Prusa remain in the pack as they go forward and this relieves various pressure points the have got to solve anyway (ie scaling format, mainboard limits, fragmented software) - so all being done, not only would they have a guaranteed hit seller (larger format alone would do that), they'd be making their own lives vastly easier going forward with less software legacy, better hardware capacity etc

    My two cents!

    Postato : 06/01/2019 9:30 am
    Active Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I will buy a Prusa if the include a 32bit controller. The 8 bit is 2 generations behind, the 32 bit is already being maxed out with complex math for the trajectories and motor control.

    32Bit controller is future proof, and the only way to go.

    Postato : 07/01/2019 3:38 pm
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I will buy a Prusa if the include a 32bit controller. The 8 bit is 2 generations behind, the 32 bit is already being maxed out with complex math for the trajectories and motor control.

    32Bit controller is future proof, and the only way to go.

    I am confused. Is the 32 bit being maxed out or future proof. It can't be both.

    Chuck H
    3D Printer Review Blog

    Postato : 07/01/2019 3:54 pm
    Mustrum Ridcully
    Honorable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I will buy a Prusa if the include a 32bit controller. The 8 bit is 2 generations behind, the 32 bit is already being maxed out with complex math for the trajectories and motor control.

    32Bit controller is future proof, and the only way to go.

    I am confused. Is the 32 bit being maxed out or future proof. It can't be both.

    Data and computational requirements always expand to maxout the available hardware. Back in 1979 I wrote one of the first hard disk drivers for a 5 megabyte hard disk drive for an Apple ][ in 6502 assembler. I sweat bullets to get it to fit in about 7 k of space and the disk drive hardware cost $8,000...

    Postato : 07/01/2019 5:11 pm
    Active Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I will buy a Prusa if the include a 32bit controller. The 8 bit is 2 generations behind, the 32 bit is already being maxed out with complex math for the trajectories and motor control.

    32Bit controller is future proof, and the only way to go.

    I am confused. Is the 32 bit being maxed out or future proof. It can't be both.

    The 32 bits is future proof when compared with the 8bit. Since 64 Bits controller is a waste of resources for this type of application, 32 bits is the next logical step. Do you understand now?

    The next Prusa will came with a 32 bit controller, Marlin is now focused on 32 bit with stable versions for Arduino based MCU's.

    I really think that we are very near the announcement of a new FDM Prusa, if I was to bet I will say until April, maybe sooner.

    Postato : 07/01/2019 9:26 pm
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    Graphic LCD and better MCU sounds reasonable. But we will never get rid of control encoder and buttons. Small touchscreens are clumsy 🙂

    That is good. I like the control wheel.

    Chuck H
    3D Printer Review Blog

    Postato : 08/01/2019 10:58 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    nothing wrong with buttons but should be a capacitive touch screen, a resistive touch sucks hard. You can't advocate easy of use (like for kids) but have a retro LCD... you need graphics and shit to compliment text... since they have one on the SL1, might as well keep them and put them on the MK4...

    Postato : 09/01/2019 7:13 am
    Reputable Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    Graphic LCD and better MCU sounds reasonable....

    Hm...that is basically not true. It doesn't sound reasonable, but it sounds the only logical thing to do. Biggest mistake (and one of very few ones) on new MK3 is MCU. I really, really expected ARM, or anything faster than ancient mega2560.

    ...But we will never get rid of control encoder and buttons. Small touchscreens are clumsy 🙂

    First of all: never say never!
    Second: if above statement (second part) would be true we wouldn't have ANY smartphone with touch capabilities. Touch screen is the way to go (capacitive, of course!). Encoders and especially physical buttons are thing of the past. You can, say, roll that encoder like crazy to get from 0 to 255, or you can simply press 2, 5, 5 and you're done. You're way more flexible with touch encoder.
    Of course, LCD itself must be "reasonable big" - i'd say some 3.5 inch seems reasonable.

    Postato : 10/01/2019 11:26 am
    Prominent Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    I think as an incremental upgrade and to go forward, a new controller motherboard is a must, the current Einsy Rambo mobo is really being pushed to it's limits leaving very little headroom for improvement and feature upgrades.
    This as an upgrade would be a first step into further product upgrades and releases going forward and would be a good stepping point going forward.
    The existing I3 Mk3 would be supported whilst leaving headroom for further upgrades, whatever they may be, dual extruder immediately springs to mind, a larger print area, how about dual extruders with seperate x drives, two prints could be carried out concurrently side by side (Possible in theory, not sure about practice though!, unless identical parts.).

    Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

    Postato : 10/01/2019 9:21 pm
    Prominent Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    Forgot to add, no touchscreen, but use phone / tablet / PC for additional screens, control, just keep the basics and ability to drill down through an LCD control as is. (Basically the existing control would become secondary whilst still being able to do most things).

    If your running a farm, there is no need for every unit to have a touchscreen, just some basic controls, everything else should be possible from an app or terminal access which could then allow users to create personal interfaces / skins which could be shared amongst users and make each printer really personalised.

    Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

    Postato : 10/01/2019 9:28 pm
    Alex Naranjo
    New Member
    Re: MK3S / MK4 Wishlist

    Wish list:

    More onboard ram
    Optimized mesh bed leveling with higher resolution and smarter dynamic leveling to account for shifts in level over time
    Extruded frame (completely) like the Bear upgrade kit
    Linear rails on all axis
    hardened nozzle as standard
    Built in LED lighting
    dual nozzle cooling fans or one HUGE fan with 360 degree cooling
    Low profile stepper motors
    Bed level adjusters (manual) in case the mesh bed leveling takes a shit or the code that runs mesh leveling sucks...

    I want a machine that I dont have to upgrade or fine tune by buying better gear. I want it all from the start....even if the cost increases several hundred dollars.

    Postato : 12/01/2019 1:07 am
    Pagina 11 / 28