mini+ or other printer?
if selling my prints works then i wanna print 24/7
has to be very quiet. cause its in my only room.
how many minutes on average do you tinker/repair ender 3 v2 versus mini+?
ive heard horrible horror stories like people tinkering more than printing. i dont want that.
at most i wanna tinker/repair 1h per week. (i think, not sure)
RE: mini+ or other printer?
can ender 3 v2 be as good as the big prusa?
RE: mini+ or other printer?
With either Prusa, you should not have to tinker at all. The ender, will most likely be meaningfully more fussy. And being fussy means, not only tinkering, but also figuring out what tinkering is necessary.
If you are just trying to save some money, be mindful that there are other expenses in addition to the printer. You will have a very nice printer in a stock Prusa. You are quite likely to spend additional coin upgrading/fixing an Ender. You may not be saving as much money as you think, once you see the bigger picture.
Donât trust forum advice.
RE: mini+ or other printer?
not savin money with a upgraded non-prusa-printer compared to a mini. but at least the non-prusa printer has a bigger working volume box then.
RE: mini+ or other printer?
Big working volume doesn't mean you can use it. Depends on the build surface, effective bed heating, bed leveling, frame rigidity, motion accuracy, extruder/hot end quality, filament quality, drafts, etc. And, if you think you are going to do an actual print that big, you may be looking at a print spanning days... And you need a printer that won't need a tinker or repair in the middle of such print. I'm somewhat new to this, but I have done 24 hour prints with 100% success. On a stock printer.
Since buying my MK3, I have had two failures. One, because I didn't properly wash the build plate, and walked away before noticing it lifting off. The second, was a print that needed supports, which I did not include, and again I walked away too early to notice it trying to print in mid-air. Both times, my fault.
Donât trust forum advice.
RE: mini+ or other printer?
eh slicer does the supports for you?
so u recommend mini+
i dont think tinkering 15 min daily for a non-prusa printer is bad?
everybody can do that. whiel saving tons of money. 1000 euro vanilla prusa vs 500 euro upgraded non-prusa printer
why would anyone pick prusa?
RE: mini+ or other printer?
"why would anyone pick prusa?"
As a non Prusa printer owner the thing I miss most is the prepackaged and tested profiles and the general level of support.
RE: mini+ or other printer?
3D printer is 90% mechanical device that needs to run within very small tolerances and because of that, any tiny change in it's geometry will have big impact on print. It can happen it's geometry will change by simply moving the printer to another place (because of cleaning, for example). Other than that, there's no "tinkering" -it's just normal workflow.
Owner should know what his printer is capable of and what are it's limitations. For example: we can expect to use full bed size for printing with PLA filament -however, that might not be the case if we use another filament (i.e. ASA).
Usually more expensive printers have better quality components and so we can expect less troubles when using "difficult" filaments. For example, some cheap printer can have troubles printing with flexible materials (i.e. has very basic extruder). Means, expectations should be within price range.
And finally: print area has nothing to do with "which is better". Buyer should first find out what minimal print size he need, what printing materials will mostly be used, and then decide what printer is the best for his needs (within the budget).
As for "is it worth", maybe this video will explain some things for you: Prusa Mk3S+ vs Ender 3.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]