I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me
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I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me  

Honorable Member
I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

I'm done.  That's it.  I'm cancelling my orders for my outstanding Prusa gear on Wed the 5th.  Please join me.  Just got the MMU3 email, still don't know about my Mk3 upgrade kit.  I'm going to cancel them in a few days and I hope other people do to. Even if you are going to go back and order them if they ever become available and are less buggy.  If there is anything that gets a business's attention it is a cash crunch.  I know people have cancelled orders,  and I wonder how many XL orders got 'cancelled' because people forgot about them or died in the years since ordering. 

If you are contemplating cancelling, make it so that they actually feel it.  Let's help Prusa fix their backlog.

F U on the 5th.

Fan boys gonna fan, we've put up with this for years.  Obviously, Prusa are not hearing and learning.  They run four businesses- filament, printables.com, Prusaslicer, and Prusa Printers.  The first three are great, the last one- the basis of everything else, is in complete crisis mode.  FIX IT.

Posted : 01/09/2023 7:25 pm
512MB liked
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

Sure it will change NOTHING!

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Posted : 01/09/2023 8:11 pm
Patrick.b liked
Prominent Member

I bet they have corporate clients that are always more profitable and easier to deal with than end users.
Apparently supply chain broke and this manifests in those delays, that will impact their business, and business of the customers. Maybe they tried to eat more that ty were able to?

BTW when did you place an order for the printer, and what was lead time back then? What is lead time for fulfilling orders placed now?

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 02/09/2023 12:43 pm
New Member
RE: I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

I'm not happy, here are my outstanding items not shipped

XL ordered Dec 3rd, 2021.  That's nearly two years of waiting.

MK4 Upgrade ordered May 18, 2023.  Paid in full.  Four months of waiting and could be longer.

MMU3 ordered July 27, 2023.  Paid in full.  Nearly two months of waiting.

I'm not going to cancel, but I would probably advise friends to avoid Prusa if they are shopping around for the first time.  It's an unacceptable business practice to not ship within a week of a fully paid order.  Four months is insane.

Posted : 03/09/2023 10:02 pm
Patrick.b and liked
Estimable Member
RE: I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

Another perspective. I understand you being frustrated, but that said I think a few statements here are unfair:

"They run four businesses- filament, printables.com, Prusaslicer, and Prusa Printers."
They run one business. The filament section is part of Prusa Printers. Prusaslicer and Prusa Printers does not bring in any money - it is just a nice gesture to the community.

As I said I understand your frustration and it is totally fair if you decided you do not want to wait anymore, but I think there are very good sides to to Prusa too:

- Super long term Software support for everything they sell

- Most things Open Source at least a Year after release

- A lot of free Software/Community work (PrusaSlicer and Printables)

- Once the Stuff they released got the kinks ironed out it is always absolutely solid. (my experience)

- They are very honest in their communication in relation to other company's. I honestly believe they are not happy with the late shipping of the XL - the timelines they that for such a complex product were too ambitious and Corona did not help most likely.


But yeahh the unreliable Shipping/In Stock times are a pain -  I agree

Posted : 04/09/2023 8:06 am
Prominent Member
RE: I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

> XL ordered Dec 3rd, 2021.

Ok now I'm surprised that you are actually waiting.

See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 04/09/2023 10:59 am
Estimable Member
RE: I'm Cancelling Orders 5 Sept 23, please join me

I dont have "extreme" opinions towards Prusa. I have an MK3S. mmu2s, SLS1 with curing station and ii order 98% of my filaments from them even if i live in Cyprus. But i have a slight different opinion about some things you said.

Pusaslicer brings them money. Personally and i read the same in this forum from a few others, one of the main reasons  i choose the overpriced sls1 was the fact that i could add it to my Prusaslicer workflow. No other software. Also the fact that the setting work most of the time for the filaments is another reason i buy Prusament. I turned to Siraya tech for resin because honestly i can justify the price of their resin. So indirectly it keeps some customers from going elsewhere.

Yes kudos to Prusa for their open source support. Another reason i stay with them. I can fix most of the part on my printer without waiting to ship expensive plastic parts. But again i can say that they "iron out" everything after a while and everything is fine. My mmu2s goes with the weather. Some days print somedays sucks. And this after some of the community mods and Antimix's dribbling slicer. In my perspective is a failure. On others is a success but again from the amount of people that have a problem with it (at least in this forum), it cannot be considered an ironed out success.

And the thing i personally disagree the most is when you say that they are honest with their communication. They are not. This two years with the XL, we had from no communication at all, to vague excuses. There was a problem with supply lines for the hardware parts. But for some reason another product called MK4 didn't suffer much from this supply line and got released BEFORE ther two year in production and almost one year delayed XL. And it shared the same tech improvements. I ordered a semi two head on the first day at 6 PM. I wanted to chance it to a 5 head semi -something that on the preorder clainmed that could be done later with no overhead on out place in the shipping que-. Called the chat twice from early August and they said they would send me an email when i could go ahead. The second time they said i would be able to perform the change when i got my order finish email. After that they again changed the song to another couple of weeks (i got my email a few days ago). No reason for all the above and no follow up email (like they promised). Prusa's customer communication only works when the chat can solve the problem while on call. And guess what. The one head printers are now shipped for November 2022 and im still waiting for my first day order.

Prusa had a huge hit with MK3 and justifiable so. Great printer, used a lot of tech gimmics that were out there and improved its quality. But even with that lets not forget that you had to wait 3 moths to get it and 5 to get the mmus. Lets not forget the texture sheets delays and promises. But after that there was no actual improvement. 5 years now and the still havent successfully supplied something new. SLS1 was an acquired tech that personally i thing is overpriced and if not for Prusaslider's compatibility i cant find a reason to buy it. Mini is just another MK3 just on smaller scale. Mmu2s a failure and Delta printers another company. Still waiting for the XL and MK4 users  were promised input shaper, better network (at least acceptable transfer rates) etc that  will arrive at "some point". I hope not before this printer becomes old.

Again MK3S was a great product. Prusament a great filament. Prisaprinters vs Thingverse , well i dont care. I was doing fine with thingverse but i appreciate PP. PRusa though never learned how to function as a company. Still promises and doesnt deliver on time, keeps having "supply chain problems" (from texture sheets to power supplies for the XL - not the MK4$-) etc. Chat support is great , email follow up not always.

Personally i wont cancel my order, since i waited for 2 years already, but i would advice other to choose an alternative company if they can find what they are looking for there. Especially one that you dont have to wait a month, if you are lucky, for them to ship your product.

Posted by: @acht

Another perspective. I understand you being frustrated, but that said I think a few statements here are unfair:

"They run four businesses- filament, printables.com, Prusaslicer, and Prusa Printers."
They run one business. The filament section is part of Prusa Printers. Prusaslicer and Prusa Printers does not bring in any money - it is just a nice gesture to the community.

As I said I understand your frustration and it is totally fair if you decided you do not want to wait anymore, but I think there are very good sides to to Prusa too:

- Super long term Software support for everything they sell

- Most things Open Source at least a Year after release

- A lot of free Software/Community work (PrusaSlicer and Printables)

- Once the Stuff they released got the kinks ironed out it is always absolutely solid. (my experience)

- They are very honest in their communication in relation to other company's. I honestly believe they are not happy with the late shipping of the XL - the timelines they that for such a complex product were too ambitious and Corona did not help most likely.


But yeahh the unreliable Shipping/In Stock times are a pain -  I agree


Posted : 04/09/2023 11:13 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:

It is done.

I was going to use the chat to drop the orders, but there is a 30+ minute wait time....

This post was modified 2 years ago by MileHigh3Der
Posted : 05/09/2023 9:35 pm