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Ht90 shipping box  

Ht90 shipping box

The packaging on the ht90 is out of this world. The packaging team has built a system where it’s almost impossible to damage the printer while moving the shipping box. The unpackaged unit has 3 nice, thick straps to lift which makes it 10x easier to lift.  It’s next level and I’ve never seen anything like it. You would have to try really hard to damage the unit while lifting. Bravo Prusa team! 
  Ps The printer is amazing too!

This topic was modified 7 months ago 2 times by kanedog11
Posted : 27/08/2024 6:30 am
Estimable Member

As a hobbyist with an Mk4 (soon to be Mk4S), I'll likely never have the chance to see or run an HT90 or similar higher end printers.  I've watched the videos of it though, and am intrigued.  If you are able, I'd love to see/hear some follow-up on your experience once you have put it through its paces for a while.


Posted : 27/08/2024 3:55 pm