How to turn off warning messages from MK4
The context:
With my MK4/MMU3 I got the message : Printer has detected multiple consecutive filament loading errorts. We recommend checking Nextruder main-plate. Visit
So if followed the link, followed the instructions, changed the Nextruder main-plate, and quit having filament loading difficulties.
BUT now I still get the same error message repeated at the end of every print run.
I have tried to find something telling how to acknowledge the messge and turn it off. I have tried searching on the Prusa web site(s) for how to turn it off. I have looked through each menu item on the MK4 screen. Reset & reboot have no effect. Perhaps it is just that my glasses are very dirty and I am not seeing something but
HOW does one turn off/silence error messages? How does one find that topic in the documentation?