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How does mesh bed leveling compensation work?
According to
"It creates a virtual 3D map of the sheet and allows the printer to compensate for an uneven surface."
I understand how the virtual 3D map is created, and can even guess how it's represented. But how is the physical compensation achieved? I'm assuming that as the nozzle moves around the bed, the map is used to make very small Z-axis movements.
Is that right?
Best Answer by BogdanH:
Yes, that's correct. That way the distance between the nozzle and print sheet is kept constant on whole print area.
This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by roc856
Posted : 15/10/2021 3:51 pm
Yes, that's correct. That way the distance between the nozzle and print sheet is kept constant on whole print area.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]
Posted : 16/10/2021 7:38 am