How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?
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How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?  

Active Member
How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

Hi, why does PrusaSlicer not offer any other filaments by Polymaker in the Filament menu selection, while Fiberlogy for example is well represented with all their filaments? Does Prusa hate Polymaker for some reason? Why???

How can I add all the Polymaker filament profiles to the Filament menu selection in PrusaSlicer? I googled for several hours now but I don't get it, there are all the Polymaker profiles available here but if I try to add them to PrusaSlicer, the standard selection is gone? Also, the profiles in the link seem to be designed for the MK3S, but I do have a MK4. What next?

Thanks for your help!


This topic was modified 1 month ago 2 times by bdlwn
Posted : 21/01/2025 4:17 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

The Fiberlogy profiles are probably there because Prusa has this filament in their web-shop. For the Polymaker filaments you can start with a default profile for the respective type and see if that works. I have had success with many Polyterra PLA variants using the Prusament PLA profile. Just give it a try.

Posted : 21/01/2025 9:17 pm
Illustrious Member

Contact <filament provider of choice> and suggest they supply Prusa with profiles for all their filaments as they are the experts on their own products and Prusa are almost certain to include them.


Posted : 22/01/2025 3:39 am
Brian liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?


Posted by: @diem

Contact <filament provider of choice> and suggest they supply Prusa with profiles for all their filaments as they are the experts on their own products and Prusa are almost certain to include them.


See my link above, Polymaker did already supply all profiles. But I can't find a way to correctly import them into PrusaSlicer so they are available to choose from amongst the other filaments of the other manufacturers.

I am really confused how to solve this, there are thousands of MK4 with Prusaslicer out there and Polymaker is one of the most popular filament manufacturers, I can't be the only one with this problem?


Posted : 22/01/2025 12:11 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Found a way to add them by copying them into the filament profile folder, now they show up next to the other profiles.

But I still have the problem that Polymaker only supplies filament profiles for MK3+Prusaslicer, not for the Mk4. But there must be thousands of MK4+Prusaslicer users out there that use Polymaker filaments, these profiles MUST already exist?? 

Posted : 22/01/2025 3:35 pm
Illustrious Member

Polymaker did already supply all profiles.

They need to supply them *to Prusa* for inclusion in the standard presets list.

I can't find a way to correctly import them into PrusaSlicer

File > Import > Import Config     and save the new preset.


Posted : 22/01/2025 3:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

I was curious, so I downloaded the polyterra pla ini file as I happen to have some ( read as a LOT) of that filament and I have my own profile already for it.  For a modified MK3 too anyway.  Thought I would compare.

Junk.  For a start the ini file when loaded shows the filament as "Generic PLA (modified)".  If you did want to continue using it then you would have to click the save icon next to the filament dropdown and then save it as a custom one with your own name.  The ini file also loads in a print profile and a printer , a modified MK3s variety.

Then lets get on to the contents of the filament profile itself.  It has filament over rides enabled for Retraction Length and Retraction Speed.  Totally unnecessary for PLA.  It also has an over ride in there for the seam gap distance.  Basically all of those need turning off.  Then we get to the Filament>Custom Gcode.  Thats set up for a mini.  Again pointless.  Filament profiles that are generic for printers shouldn't have anything in there.

Then we come to the Dependencies.  That is set up with compatible printers conditions for Mk2.5 and Mk3 printers.   So yeah its or a Mk3 based printer.  If you happen to have your preferences set to show incompatible profiles then you would see the profile in the dropdown for a Mk4 but if you dont ... which default is not, it would vanish from the list when you changed printers.  Those conditions need removing and then the filament resaving.

Basically you are better off creating your own.  Just start with the generic PLA, modify the print temps after testing with a temp tower and save.  

Posted : 22/01/2025 4:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

Ok, conviced. Will do my own profiles. But I am still confused why there isn't a place already where those thousands of MK4+PrusaSlicer users which have a lot of experience with Polymaker filaments have shared their fine-tuned and well-working profiles.

Posted : 23/01/2025 10:17 am
Illustrious Member

I confess I didn't examine the profiles. I assumed the manufacturers would have done their best to ensure that customers have a good experience with their product and so increase resales.  Which suggests they don't really use and understand what they are making so maybe other inherent problems with their filaments might be missed.

I have never used Polymaker and now I'm less inclined to try.


Posted : 23/01/2025 11:43 am
Illustrious Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

Polymaker Polyterra is one of my favourite filaments.  Reasonable priced, available in so many colours in PLA, perfect windings, their charcoal black in particular hides layer lines really well.  I've had about 10+ different colours and have gone through more rolls than I've kept track of, certainly 50+.

The one point is with the steel nozzle x on my Mk3 my print temps are at 230c, so around 220 with a normal brass nozzle.  Which incidentally is what my new SV08 is set to for printing it.  On the hotter side for a PLA.  Which doesn't necessarily help someone with a Mk4.

Same with their petg, never had a bad roll yet.

One thing you have to be careful of with the filament profiles supplied is the reasons the lists are different for different printers.  Things like Linear Advance values are stored in the filament profiles and as such those are going to be different for different printers.  It one of the main reasons why they are not 'common' across many printers.  Unfortunately with the way things are structured there's not really any way around it.  So it means I have to have separate filament profiles for different printers.  So I have 3 Polyterra PLA filament profiles on my system, the MK3, the Max3 and the SV08.  'Price of doing business' as they say.  

By all means load in profiles from places but for the love of <insert deity of choice> check, check and check them again with a test print or 2 before saving them to your system permanently.

Posted : 23/01/2025 12:05 pm
Sembazuru liked
Illustrious Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

I've been late to the Polymaker party but it has become one of my favorite filaments. I've used PETG and PLA and still have to come across a spool that's giving me problems. And that's with Generic This and That profiles. My other go to brand is Overture, and while they have an Overture PLA profile, truth is, I usually just go with Generic PLA (and Generic PETG). And with the other brands I use on and off, such as Proto-Pasta, Atomic, Sunlu, again Generic profiles usually work fine. 

I would dare to say that in this day and age most brands—unless they're super cheap or you're using a specialty material—are very good and run just fine with the Generic profiles, especially now that I think they are set a bit hotter than they used to be. I can't even remember the last time I felt the need to run a temperature tower or adjust MVS, retraction, etc. Not saying you'll never run into issues but I currently have about 60 different materials and colors in my storage cabinet and I don't have any specific filament profiles for any of them. Okay, I have one, for a purple PLA from some n0-name Chinese brand.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 23/01/2025 5:48 pm
_KaszpiR_ liked
Reputable Member

I have found Polymaker to be one of the best filaments I've ever tried (PLA, PLA+, Polyterra, PETG). as good as the few Prusament ones I've gotten. I actually just start with one of the Prusa profiles for PLA or PETG and then adjust and save it as Polymaker PLA or PETG..  (but I also have started with the Generic profiles for some) Most times all I've had to tweek is the temp.. sometimes the retraction..  but great filament. Often more expensive than .. say .. Overture or Eryone.. but I buy it whenever it goes on sale.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Crab
Posted : 25/01/2025 6:41 am
Reputable Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

I love their ABS...  I buy it by the 5 kilo spool for my Voron 2.4.
Posted : 25/01/2025 10:39 am
Eminent Member
RE: How can I add Polymaker filament profiles to the PrusaSlicer Filament selection?

I use Polymaker (Polyterra PLA and PETG) filament and have created my own profiles, which I continue to improve over time.

Posted : 28/01/2025 11:03 am