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Help identifying 3d Printer?  

New Member
Help identifying 3d Printer?

Hi, I got a used 3d printer from a kind of makerspace which folded...

Now I'm trying to figure out how all of this works!

What I learned thus far: It's not just Plug-And-Play! 😀

So... I had some success using the Ultimaker Cura Software for printing *something* at least... the printer I chose there (I think it auto-selected it) is "Prusa i3".

BUT I can't find a 100% match on the internet so far, at least none that I'm sure of.

I'll provide some photos in the hope that someone is gonna be able to help me identify the printer...

I've got so much more questions, as, how to calibrate it, how to figure out the correct model / firmware / what the current nozzle size is etc...

So I hope somebody can give me some hints!

(actually right now it seems like it's printing something alright now that I calibrated the z-axis in the middle of the printing bed and set the marterial flow to 80%... )

So, I'm very grateful for any hints, pointers & Wikis for my printer you could give me! 🙂

Thanks & best wishes


Posted : 02/02/2019 7:15 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Help identifying 3d Printer?

One more image:

Posted : 02/02/2019 7:17 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Help identifying 3d Printer?

that's a mish mash, prusa like printer...

is the filament 2.85 / 3mm or 1.75mm

the geared extruder is similar to the wade style extruder used on the original, (original Prusa i3) sort of Mk0 (3mm filament)

the wooden chassis is probably home grown

the Y frame is reminiscent of a Prusa i3 printer,

the Z axis lead screws look like 5mm as used on the mk0 and mk1 printers...

the X axis and Z axis brackets do not look like anything I have seen on an original prusa, and

the control board looks like a RAMPS board

and the heatbed looks like a mk2a heatbed as used on early prusa i3 printers

you don't appear to have an LCD panel.
do you use pronterprint to drive the printer?

have you tried Slic3r PE, with the printer

have a look at and look at the Mk1 information... this may be a little helpfull.

there was no auto bed level option on these printers,
there are X Y and Z minimum endstops so autohome should home the axis' to the correct start position...

bed levelling is often adjusted with springs under the heatbed, and nuts to adjust the height of the corners of the heatbed, your printer looks like it uses springs and nuts,

the original mk1 used nuts and bolts at the corners of the print bed, acting like screw Jack's

the user guide at

as far as the programming of firmware goes, the original prusa firmware is unlikely to be any good as the controller boards are different
looking at the X axis, it looks as if the height of the left and right sides may be different, which is not good on the mk1, the instructions were to move the Z axis to the top, to cause the stepper motors to lose steps and level the x axis end brackets... this may level the printer mechanism for you

I hope this helps,

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 02/02/2019 8:00 pm
Noble Member
Re: Help identifying 3d Printer?

Reminds me on the i3 dolly from Tom:
Check his video series about i3 MK2 clone:
He explained all the parts, might help you to understand your dolly 😉

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Posted : 02/02/2019 8:45 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Help identifying 3d Printer?

I was thinking the same Nikolai

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 02/02/2019 10:35 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Help identifying 3d Printer?


thank you to the both of you! 🙂

That's a lot of information to go through.

And a lot of great hints and pointers to check out! 🙂

The filament is 2,85 / 3mm 🙂

The printhead size seems to be 0,4mm (?).

I don't use `pronterprint` so far, I am happy that Ultimaker Cura detected the Printer as Prusa i3 to spit out the right kind of control messages and I can control / setup the axes (x, y, z) with it. It'd be nice to have another tool to make it easier to eg. run the filament forward / back or whatever else might be possible. After "preparing" (slicing) and clicking "print" it takes a few minutes, depending on the layer height and the amount of data I guess, before the printer starts heating the head and printing...

I have to say, it's really fun to discover and tinker with the printer!

I had to tighten a pulley yesterday, and I fixed the z-axis sensor height which had moved a bit I guess... this way I set up the bed height! 😛

And I always had too much material for some reason so I set the flow to like 90% (ah, maybe because it's set to 3mm instead of 2,85? Sounds like a similar factor?). And then I made two well working prints! Its quite addicting I have to say 😀

So now I'll read through your links and tips and will be able to play with it some more! 🙂

Thank you a bunch!

Posted : 04/02/2019 5:32 pm