Definition of "order lead time"
Dear Prusa team,
i am wondering how you define the order lead time of your printers?
a) Time between order date and shipping date.
b) Time between order date and start of production.
c) other definition.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours.
RE: Definition of "order lead time"
Prusa Team dont really monitor these forums. They are more for user to user help. You would be far better off using the online support chat function on the prusa shop to ask them directly.
RE: Definition of "order lead time"
Based on my experience it's c). A rough estimate when the order can be shipped.
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RE: Definition of "order lead time"
Definitely c)
RE: Definition of "order lead time"
Prusa Team dont really monitor these forums. They are more for user to user help. You would be far better off using the online support chat function on the prusa shop to ask them directly.
Thank you for the information and advice!