Creality to Prusa worth it?
Hi All, I am based in Australia so getting stuff is a pain down under. I have a creality Ender 3 and a CR-10S. My Ender 3 just died and fixing it will cost half as much again plus weeks waiting for parts. And to be honest I dont want to give any more money to creality to fix their own crappy machines.
I have heard that Prusas and more reliable and just work. I am hoping someone out there has made the move from Creality grade machines to Prusa to give me some real world feedback. Moneys a little tight at the moment and a Prusa Mk3 will be about x5 the cost of a new Ender 3.
I use 3D printing to support other hobbies, so I really want something more reliable. I dont mind some tinkering but not every week.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Are you aware that the new Prusa Mini will be shipping next year? If you can get by with a reduced build size, it will give you the Prusa quality in a smaller and lower-cost package.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
... it will give you the Prusa quality in a smaller and lower-cost package...
Don't promise something we don't know yet 😆
PR does not have extended warranty support. Depends where you live it's one or two years. After that period of time, you have to pay for replacement parts. Beside of that my Prusa printers are just work horses printing 24/7.
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RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
I made the trigger pull and never looked back. The difference in reliability, quality, and customer service is night an day.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
As owner of both, from my perspective, they are both good and do their job well.
Hard to compare them, but I m still using both of them... CR10S for big PLA/PETG prints, and MK3 is reliable allarounder when i m lazy to do all those preprint processes with CR10 and when i print more advance materials etc.
My advice : get MK3, and keep CR10 🙂
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
As owner of both, from my perspective, they are both good and do their job well.
Hard to compare them, but I m still using both of them... CR10S for big PLA/PETG prints, and MK3 is reliable allarounder when i m lazy to do all those preprint processes with CR10 and when i print more advance materials etc.
My advice : get MK3, and keep CR10 🙂
I own both and an Anticubic and disagree. Then again, I might have a lemon.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Hi All, I am based in Australia so getting stuff is a pain down under. I have a creality Ender 3 and a CR-10S. My Ender 3 just died and fixing it will cost half as much again plus weeks waiting for parts. And to be honest I dont want to give any more money to creality to fix their own crappy machines.
I have heard that Prusas and more reliable and just work. I am hoping someone out there has made the move from Creality grade machines to Prusa to give me some real world feedback. Moneys a little tight at the moment and a Prusa Mk3 will be about x5 the cost of a new Ender 3.
issue solved!
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
from what ive seen of reviews of the creality printers the prusas are much better. the prusa slicer software blows though. the mainboard of the prusa also blows: its way at the end of its limit and its been considered justification for why they don't allow certain features.
the prusa mini is a 32bit machine with much more memory so hopefully that paves the way for more sensible features like built in networking or usb live printing with on-board cache. thats just a dream of mine but the 32-bit boards are the future & the prusa mini seems more future proof.
the mk3 is a tank. theres a whole variety of silly 3d printing issues i've never experienced cos the mk3 is my first printer
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
after spending the past week working on my friends ender3, I can't tell you how many times I really said "$&#$&@$! I told him to buy a prusa!" and if I were charging him for rebuilding his hotend, printing parts and tools to prevent his bloody hotend from clogging because of slipping PTFE tubing. flashing a bootloader, updated firmware with safety features on after I mess with the code, general repair because he had an inverted washer on the extruder... he would need to just buy a prusa at the end of it all. at this point, I overhauled 80% of his printer. I knew it would come to this day when he said he ordered the printer.
still, everything I know on how to assemble/service my prusa, came in handy on his printer. I think he will get the mini and slap a 2.5 nozle on it like im planning to. now if they were not 6 months out from delivery, I'd pull the trigger and purchase now. as it is... I may just have to get an ender to hold my needs for a second low cost printer since I know what needs to be replaced/upgradded.
c'mon prusa, figure out how to push the product to eager customers now, not months from now.
and we’ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere … and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Same experience with my Ender.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Same experience with my Ender.
Thanks for making me feel better about buying the i3 lol. Strong believer in "you get what you pay for." Hoping my kit is delivered today! Upgrading from a Printrbot Play (Heated Bed). The Chinese bots have had a lot of safety issues. The Anet, I've seen horror stories of catastrophic fires. Nope, not gonna waste my time on that!
Printrbot Play & new i3 MK3s owner.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Same experience with my Ender.
Thanks for making me feel better about buying the i3 lol. Strong believer in "you get what you pay for." Hoping my kit is delivered today! Upgrading from a Printrbot Play (Heated Bed). The Chinese bots have had a lot of safety issues. The Anet, I've seen horror stories of catastrophic fires. Nope, not gonna waste my time on that!
good stuff mate. take your time with the assembly. when ya getting all ya print settings right & stuff you'll feel better that ya took ya time assembling it & stuff.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
the prusa mini is a 32bit machine with much more memory so hopefully that paves the way for more sensible features like built in networking or usb live printing with on-board cache. thats just a dream of mine but the 32-bit boards are the future & the prusa mini seems more future proof.
the mk3 is a tank. theres a whole variety of silly 3d printing issues i've never experienced cos the mk3 is my first printer
probably why the mk3 is such a tank, they've been slow to change the core components. I'm hoping the good stuff from the mini like the new board and screen are the mk4 upgrade.
Printrbot Play & new i3 MK3s owner.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
I spent much of yesterday trying to get my ender-3 to print. All prints failed and it jammed again.
My New Years Resolution may be to sell the damn thing or donate it to a school.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
a follow up to previous post, all of the upgrade I had to do, worked out flawlessly. my friend said it's like a new more expensive printer... yeah, because alot of money and time was put into it. something I didn't have to do with my prusa other than version upgrades to keep current for no reason than go faster stripes, and well ok, some useful updates to cooling and filament detection I was able to print myself on that very machine.
the hotend was rebuilt to be alot like the prusa hotend, but since it's lower quality, it is still going to need hand holding. the extruder, had to be replaced with a metal version. the bed, new springs so it would stop unleveling itself, the leveling sensor, a hall effect blTouch, and it still replies on trigger switches for x/y homing. then it's the firmware, who sells and ships heating machines designed to melt stuff, with safety features manually turned off (thermal runaway) that could melt more than expected, like a house.
so, all of this I learned by just assembling my Prusa mk3 kit, and the minimal work I have had to do to get reliable prints. (other than the bloody extruder grub screw, yay for loctite)
I did all this for my friend free of charge, and I loved doing it, aside from alot of grumbling. so he purchased a challenge for me(accepted), the cheapest Delta printer on Amazon. ezt3d-t1 (oh, it's a nightmare for most, I however am already reverse engineering the unknown board to find programming pins. I've accepted that challenge, and will say that printer stock is utter TRASH. but give me a week, I'll have a new board and PSU and it will hum, maybe. watch my Twitter for foul rants about it at the beginning of next year. 😀
Charles, I'll accept donations. 😎
pictures is the cheap value you get on the primary component of a FDM printer. the hotend. from the ender 3 pro.
and we’ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere … and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
if you really don't want to donate to me, the fix is measuring and cutting a piece of PTFE (not capricorn, it's trash and overhyped) tubing, locking the tubing into the hotend with a delrin washer, or printed piece, and it shouldn't slip back during retractions. look at how the e3d hotend is setup, and that should reduce your clogs. or donate to me, and get another prusa.
CHEP has a vid that will point you in that direction.
or donate to me
and we’ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere … and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
pictures is the cheap value you get on the primary component of a FDM printer. the hotend. from the ender 3 pro.
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Today, I rebuild my Creality Ender-3 with a Titan Aero Extruder. If this works, I am going to be able to swap out 1.75 and 3mm extruders. Fingers crossed.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
[...] so he purchased a challenge for me(accepted), the cheapest Delta printer on Amazon. ezt3d-t1 (oh, it's a nightmare for most, I however am already reverse engineering the unknown board to find programming pins. I've accepted that challenge, and will say that printer stock is utter TRASH. but give me a week, I'll have a new board and PSU and it will hum, maybe.
I'm drawn to the abomination that is the 3" target="true">Kingroon 3D printer on Amazon for $150. TH3D did a walkthrough on it and was surprised that the worst part seemed to be the under-horsed power supply. Sounds like it can be upgrade to a decent printer with just a bit of work. It sounds like it might be a fun one to tinker with, although the saner part of my mind is frantically pointing out that a Prusa Mini will take far less time and probably only cost a bit more in the end.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Creality to Prusa worth it?
Today, I rebuild my Creality Ender-3 with a Titan Aero Extruder. If this works, I am going to be able to swap out 1.75 and 3mm extruders. Fingers crossed.
Any update, are you happy with new extruder 🙂
I'm planning to change my ender-3 with e3d's Hermes (or Hemera, or whatever...why did they change the name....) but titan aero is also in my mind.