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camera integration for the XL  

Moto Skwid
Active Member
camera integration for the XL

Hey all, Im looking to find out what the best option for camera integration for my 5T XL.   Are there any apps and cameras that integrate into Prusa Link out of the box. Im using Prusa Link which I like but from what I understand you can not use both P L and P C at the same time.  Basicly want to monitor prints when away from home on the phone, but with a simple app I can just open and automatically log into the camera without a lot of fussing around. I currently use web cam and Google Desktop for my CNC mill but its kind of a pain so I'm looking for more a direct app option from the phone. I want it to be web based no wifi since I will open app away from home. 



Posted : 28/03/2024 4:01 am
Famed Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

I put a Wyze cam on top. I use Wyze cams for all my printers. Easy access from anywhere, with a good app and good picture quality. I also record on Micro-SD cards in them so I can check on what was happening when there was an issue. And before I hear snarky comments from anyone, yes, I know Wyze (like many others) had  security issues but a) they fixed it and b) I couldn't care less if anyone watched my printers do their job, and I prefer their ease of setup and use over a Pi/Pi-Cam solution (which I have also used).

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 28/03/2024 12:51 pm
Eminent Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

What is the Raspberry Pi solution you refer to?  Can you explain more? I’m looking for a tighter integration.   I currently set up a pi zero with a camera using rtsp.  How do you integrate that with Prusa link or connect?  


Posted : 28/03/2024 1:00 pm
Reputable Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

You can absolutely use Prusa Link and Prusa Connect at the same time. I actually do that and there are no issues whatsoever.

As far as camera support goes, that's another issue. It's bad in Prusa Connect and, if I am not mistaken, non-existent in the embedded version of Prusa Link. My personal solution for this was to use my existing install of Home Assistant with the official Prusa Link integration. I added a temperature sensor using a NodeMCU board, BM680 sensor and ESPHome as well to monitor the air in my enclosure. Lastly, I integrated an ESP32-based Camera  to the mixas well. With the camera mounted to the Z idler of my MK4, I have a nice nozzle cam that's more than sufficient for monitoring my prints. The dashboard I created looks like this:

The only drawback here is that I only have cancel/pause/resume as control options because that's all the Prusa LInk integration offers - but this is more than enough for most situations, and if I need more, I simply open Prusa Connect.

My models on Printables
Posted : 28/03/2024 1:54 pm
Eminent Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

Wow.  that is awesome! I use homeassistant for everything.  I just got my printer two weeks again and haven’t looked into the Prusa Link integration yet.   I’m gonna check it out.  

Thanks for the reply.

Posted : 28/03/2024 4:17 pm
Zappes liked
Moto Skwid
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: camera integration for the XL

I like this solution I checked them out, and seems like the simplest way to go. I agree Ras pie PIA!!  I do have a question regarding the app, when you open it on your phone is the live video feed displayed at all times or do you have to log into your account or jump thought a bunch of hoops just to see the live feed? 

Posted by: @fuchsr

I put a Wyze cam on top. I use Wyze cams for all my printers. Easy access from anywhere, with a good app and good picture quality. I also record on Micro-SD cards in them so I can check on what was happening when there was an issue. And before I hear snarky comments from anyone, yes, I know Wyze (like many others) had  security issues but a) they fixed it and b) I couldn't care less if anyone watched my printers do their job, and I prefer their ease of setup and use over a Pi/Pi-Cam solution (which I have also used).


Posted : 04/04/2024 8:04 pm
Famed Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

I can only speak for iOS. Like most other iOS apps, once you're logged in you stay logged in, until an OS or app update, which may require you to log in again. I found the app to be very non-intrusive.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 04/04/2024 9:30 pm
Moto Skwid
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: camera integration for the XL


Posted by: @fuchsr

I can only speak for iOS. Like most other iOS apps, once you're logged in you stay logged in, until an OS or app update, which may require you to log in again. I found the app to be very non-intrusive.

Hi there again I finally got a WYZE camera and been using it for a while works great.  Also just set up Prusa Connect and wanted to ask you if you have you ever set up your WYZE cams inside Prusa connect are they compatible? 

Posted : 10/05/2024 8:03 am
Per S.
RE: camera integration for the XL

I use an old iPad pro in split view. One side Prusa Connect, the other my HomeKit app. Let me monitor and control both print progress via Connect as well as print video feed. 

I have Aqara G2 or G3 on all my printers, and it is a stable and reliable system. I also have all my printers on smart plugs, letting me turn on and off my printers from my office where I do my design work.

Posted : 10/05/2024 9:37 am
Famed Member
RE: camera integration for the XL

Simply FYI. I recently added the enXLosure to the XL, and the Wyze cam didn't fit into the "top hat" of the enclosure. So I made a simple mount for the Wyze that attaches to the top 3030 extrusion. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 11/05/2024 11:39 pm