Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
I finally got a textured sheet for my I3 MK3 a few weeks ago. Been printing PETG exclusively since then.
I get good layer adhesion on 2/3 of the plate. I assume the plate or coating varied.
I haven't experimented yet, but I suppose I'll change the Z offset value in PrusaSlicer for when I print in the area of low adhesion.
Anyone else get a sheet like this?
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
I have had one where that happened. I switched to 7x7 bed leveling and it resolved.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
Thanks Charles! Probably just the answer I didn't know existed.
Can you tell me how to expand the bed leveling area? I have an I3 MK3.
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
I really wish they would make 7x7 with five samples the default, or at least make the option more obvious in the literature. I was not aware of the option until maybe a month or so after I had my printer and I saw it mentioned here.
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
Thanks for the video link! I will give it a try.
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
People read the literature (instructions)? 🤣
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
Thanks again Charles. 7x7 bed leveling appears to have fixed my problem. Getting decent first layers with PETG on all of the textured sheet now.
RE: Anyone else get an uneven thickness textured sheet?
I am glad to hear that. We learn by experience. I have had the same issue.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog