All I want for Christmas...
Dear Prusa Santa,
I have been a really good boy this year. I have social distanced and worn my mask everywhere. All want for Christmas this year is a the large format printer that was hinted upon at the Maker Faire in Orlando last year. Please and thank you.
Merry Christmas,
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Unlikely. They've mentioned in the live streams a few times that R&D has been delayed due to social distancing effects on in-office collaboration, and on the supply chain to get parts for R&D.
The fact they are now in a second wave only serves to delay it further; I doubt we'll see it in any form before well into 2021.
RE: All I want for Christmas...
RE: All I want for Christmas...
And - like the Mini - I don't want to be a prototype test subject. Sure, I don't mind being an early adopter, but not an uncompensated test engineer. If Prusa wants users to buy essentially unproven hardware, they should at least discount early samples sufficient for the effort the user will have to put into making the product work.
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Santa said Christmas is Not coming for me.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Dear Prusa Santa,
I have been a really good boy this year. I have social distanced and worn my mask everywhere. All want for Christmas this year is a the large format printer that was hinted upon at the Maker Faire in Orlando last year. Please and thank you.
Merry Christmas,
May Santa Claus and also Joseph hear your wishes 👍
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Santa said Christmas is Not coming for me.
At this point, I'll count myself lucky to be around for Christmas!
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: All I want for Christmas...
All I want for Christmas make me sing... 🤪
RE: All I want for Christmas...
I would like to see a killer deal on Mk3S printers.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: All I want for Christmas...
I want Covid to be over with and vacines given to everyone in the world. I want the citizens of the world to actually learn from this and to be better humans to one another. I want everyone at Prusa to have time to actually go enjoy themselves and I want for either Prague Maker Faire, or Eastcoast RepRap Festival to be the place where everyone in the 3d printing community takes extra time to finally get to meet everyone again in real life... and a good liver recovery program after that meetup 🙂
Shane (AKA FromPrusa)
RE: All I want for Christmas... about an officially supported 32bit upgrade controller card for the Mk3S....nice little color touchscreen...perhaps an ethernet port...
RE: All I want for Christmas... about an officially supported 32bit upgrade controller card for the Mk3S....nice little color touchscreen...perhaps an ethernet port...
You can have your touch screen, but leave my knob intact! I hate touch screens when trying to do anything but the most rudimentary of tasks. Give me a wheel to spin every time. Now a nice, weighted and balanced spin wheel would be awesome.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Adam FTW!
RE: All I want for Christmas...
All I want for Christmas is for my printer to ship. I figure I have another week to wait.
RE: All I want for Christmas...
It shipped, took two days to go from Prague to Michigan. Took a week to get it after that. It was in the Dollar General's managers office for a week until Prusa leaned on Fedex that leaned on the manager that 'found' it. Tracking still doesn't show I have it.
I'll be assembling the E axis tomorrow after work. I'm taking my time. I'm very impressed by the quality of this kit.
RE: All I want for Christmas...
I too want SARS-CoV-2 to go away forever.
Electronics Technician / Computer Programmer
RE: All I want for Christmas...
Covid going away would be nice. I do not need another printer. I just bought my 4th Mini and have 8 MK3S models. An XL would be nice in the New Year.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog