A novel use for 'transparent' filament.
I discovered another handy use for the so-called transparent filament.
It works quite well as a 'light pipe', to externalize the light from LEDs on circuit boards buried within a project.
The light pipes below are ~2cm pieces of Gizmo Dorks so-called transparent PLA, 2.8mm, from a partial spool that came with a printer I bought last year. It's easy to smooth the ends with a razor scraper, giving a nice flat 'lens' on the surface.
(And for those who might have noticed, yes, that panel is what appeared yesterday in the Hall Of Shame section.)
RE: A novel use for 'transparent' filament.
I've done this before as well, and your right some of this stuff acts as a fiber optic cable, I have this stuff from 3d Solutech (See Through yellow) they call it, its flexible 1.75 filament that can cast light like a flashlight through 12 to 16" of the stuff. I always thought it would be great for lighting up a model you could run multiple pieces from one LED.
The Filament Whisperer