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400 x 400 Prusa Printer?  

Strona 4 / 19
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

It is the neck of a lamp base.. 2 more pieces are needed for the lamp base and socket/bulb holder. An electrical cord is connected to an E14 socket at the top. There is a lip that can't be seen to allow the screw cap to hold the socket and the lamp shade holder in place. A snap in base then keeps the cord in place and the actual holder for the lamp shade is attached under the screw cap as well.. not a new approach .. Printed with Prusament Galaxy Black- 350mm height .. X1 piece done .. CR10S-Pro will be done shortly .. came out very nice .. may publish the whole kaboodle at some point .. just playing right now but it looks pretty damn nice.. has potential .. different shade holders for different shade designs and all that ..

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 12:39 pm
CybrSage polubić
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Ok.  It look like the nose cones and transition I print for rockets.  The remainder of the print makes it obvious.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 12:47 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Yeah, wouldn't work as a nose cone anyway .. single usage nose cones probably illegal in the EU .. 😜 😜 

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:11 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: gary.s4

Yeah, wouldn't work as a nose cone anyway .. single usage nose cones probably illegal in the EU .. 😜 😜 

You would be surprised - I have one printed with PETG that has lasted 10-12 flights with a J motor and Mach flights.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:19 pm
Honorable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


My last rocker failed to eject the nose cone, turning it I to a missile that burst I to flames when it crashed into a parking lot.

Too bad I was not filming...but the heart clenching fear of explaining why I blew up a car was too strong to override.   But it hit open pavement.  🙂

Been gunshy since!

This post was modified 5 years temu by CybrSage
Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:23 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Sheesh Charles, .. it was a joke .. ban on single usage plastic in the EU?  And they say Germans have no sense of humor..

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:28 pm
CybrSage polubić
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: gary.s4

Sheesh Charles, .. it was a joke .. ban on single usage plastic in the EU?  And they say Germans have no sense of humor..

Sarcasm and humor sometimes does not come through on the Internet.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:30 pm
Honorable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: charles.h13
Posted by: gary.s4

Sheesh Charles, .. it was a joke .. ban on single usage plastic in the EU?  And they say Germans have no sense of humor..

Sarcasm and humor sometimes does not come through on the Internet.

 Especially when written in English. English needs intonation so much to understand what the person is saying.

 You can't change your friends, but you can change your friends. 

Just look at this sentence. The  word "change" is used differently in both halves. Isn't  English Wonderful!?

This post was modified 5 years temu by CybrSage
Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:32 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: CybrSage
Posted by: charles.h13
Posted by: gary.s4

Sheesh Charles, .. it was a joke .. ban on single usage plastic in the EU?  And they say Germans have no sense of humor..

Sarcasm and humor sometimes does not come through on the Internet.

 Especially when written in English. English needs intonation so much to understand what the person is saying.

 You can't change your friends, but you can change your friends. 

Just look at this sentence. The  word "change" is used differently in both halves. Isn't  English Wonderful!?

Sorry .. Guys .. Not my first language ..

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:34 pm
Honorable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Sorry .. Guys .. Not my first language ..

🙂  Not a problem!  Your Englosh is wonderful!

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:36 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: CybrSage

Sorry .. Guys .. Not my first language ..

🙂  Not a problem!  Your Englosh is wonderful!

I am from the United States so calling what I speak “English” would offensive to England.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:39 pm
CybrSage polubić
Honorable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: charles.h13
Posted by: CybrSage

Sorry .. Guys .. Not my first language ..

🙂  Not a problem!  Your Englosh is wonderful!

I am from the United States so calling what I speak “English” would offensive to England.  

 I always did think the English spoke a strange dialect of American.

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 1:40 pm
New Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Hello, I am new here, and I have not read there entire topic but this is just my 2 cents. 

Technically, all you would have to do is get longer screws for the z axis and longer belts for the x and y. The trick would be the frame, which can absolutely be water jet cut. I have an M3D Promega that is absolutely terrible but has a 400(ish)^3 build volume. My plan was to water jet cut a whole new frame for one of my MK3s and expand it to that size. Rigidity will be the issue but I think I have a solution for it. Will keep you posted if your interested and I can even make the upgrade package, if testing and performance are good enough. 

Speaking of which, which grade aluminium is used for the MK3? Cant seem to find that info anywhere. 



Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 6:29 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Tangent Alert:

I prefer nose cones that have radical incandescent trajectories and end with loud booms few hear.  

Sorry - been talking global temperature rise with a guy and he's a denier.  Talking glacial decline in North America and Europe had no effect.  Then showing him the average temperature increases for all of Maricopa County from 1880 to today (a 7f increase) didn't even cause him to pause. 

Makes the nuclear option seem more appropriate.

This post was modified 5 years temu by --
Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 7:41 pm
Sink polubić
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

The funny thing about global temperatures and water levels.  Some research indicates the oceans were higher and the temperatures were warmer during the time of the dinosaurs.  I am not an expert but I am a skeptic that Europe and North American can make a difference on their own.  <ore research is needed.  

I do not like rockets that go boom.  After 20 years of military experience, I avoid them at all cost,  Loud noises have a harsh effect on me in general.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 10:26 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Love the randomness of this thread..... 😉

Gary - really useful photos btw - this is one of the strange elements here where there's folk who will swear blind you can't have a cheap large format printer and then there's photos like that which as you say show high quality prints.

Reminds me of when I was building my CNC and had similar comments that the gantries wouldn't be stable beyond 4 foot and would wobble - my 8 X 4 ft design has been running grand for several years now and works excellently....!

That might just sway me to grabbing one of these firm's printers.

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 10:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: charles.h13

The funny thing about global temperatures and water levels.  Some research indicates the oceans were higher and the temperatures were warmer during the time of the dinosaurs.  I am not an expert but I am a skeptic that Europe and North American can make a difference on their own.  <ore research is needed.  

I do not like rockets that go boom.  After 20 years of military experience, I avoid them at all cost,  Loud noises have a harsh effect on me in general.  

Yes, the world has been warmer, but not during the million or so years the homo-  species has been present and advancing; the same is true of the GMO drought resistant crops the world depends on for feeding itself.  But droughts are getting worse, and arable land is diminishing.  We were able to reverse the effects of CFC's on the ozone in time; but in that emergency the western companies making the CFC's convinced themselves they were damaging the zone layer and stopped producing (well, until several Chinese firms recently figured out CFC's are easier and cheaper to make).

But I'm convinced we'd already lost the heat war.  Most of us won't give up driving gas guzzlers, Asia won't give up lower cost coal despite the air quality in Beijing or Seoul or Delhi, and emerging nations want the prosperity high energy usage provides. 

Until people want change, it won't happen, and until the change occurs, it will only get worse.  And despite the wishful thinking there is no tipping point, I wonder if we've already crossed it.

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 10:44 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: katie.o

Love the randomness of this thread..... 😉

Gary - really useful photos btw - this is one of the strange elements here where there's folk who will swear blind you can't have a cheap large format printer and then there's photos like that which as you say show high quality prints.

Reminds me of when I was building my CNC and had similar comments that the gantries wouldn't be stable beyond 4 foot and would wobble - my 8 X 4 ft design has been running grand for several years now and works excellently....!

That might just sway me to grabbing one of these firm's printers.

It has gotten off topic a few times.  I love my Prusa and as i have said before, if they don’t make a bigger one, I will.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/08/2019 10:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: charles.h13
It has gotten off topic a few times.  I love my Prusa and as i have said before, if they don’t make a bigger one, I will.  

There's a new thread with a guy wanting to start his own 3D printer company/business and is asking for interested parties to contact him.  He wants to start by splicing four Prusa heat beds together to make a 4x bed size (aka -400x400 printer).  Do a cursory search for it.

Opublikowany : 01/09/2019 3:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: charles.h13

The funny thing about global temperatures and water levels.  Some research indicates the oceans were higher and the temperatures were warmer during the time of the dinosaurs.  I am not an expert but I am a skeptic that Europe and North American can make a difference on their own.  <ore research is needed.  

That's pretty well known as fact, even to casual readers such as myself. PBS Eons is a great series on YouTube that covers this well. As I recall, it had to do with the fact that all the continents were one and moisture simply couldn't make it in far enough inland to affect conditions. Continental drift since then is responsible for moisture making it further inland into more areas and the resultant cooling, thus enabling the habitat that we are able to live in. That's also what put the ocean dwelling fossils atop rocky mountains. A bit has changed since then and we kind of like it the way it is now instead of then.

We're very likely past the point where any research will help and will instead be looking for means of surviving. The smart ones will have already started looking.

I do not like rockets that go boom.  After 20 years of military experience, I avoid them at all cost,  Loud noises have a harsh effect on me in general.  

I'd imagine hobbyist Scuds are frowned upon.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 01/09/2019 4:31 am
Strona 4 / 19