400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Hello everyone,,
My CR-10 is down again! I am wasting so much time on that piece of crap! My Prusa MK2s keeps printing away like a workhorse. I just need a bigger build volume. A while back, Prusa sent a questionnaire checking interest for a bigger Prusa printer. I would love to purchase an "Original Prusa XL". Yes, you can use that name. It is all yours! Just make the printer! If it is 400 x 400 and sells for $995 kit / $1200 built USD, then it would fit perfectly into the Prusa line-up!
When can I purchase a 400 x 400 Original Prusa XL? I would love to have it for Christmas!
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
I think it's a matter of time - Prusa are behind the curve now in this regard. They remind me a little of Apple who swore blind that no one needed a bigger iphone...... Until they realised their irrational stance meant competition was threatening their market.
Josef showed some really positive stats from the same survey of Prusa users, however reading the charts closely, you'll see one of the weakest scores was in print bed size.
They'll need to revise the design a little to achieve this (although creality et al are leaping ahead in large bed innovation at low cost so certainly easy to achieve).
I'm not entirely sure why Prusa are remaining secretive here as at least hinting at something in the works would retain a large swathe of customers.
I've got an eye on the new CR10 Max (450mm X 450mm) due the lack of apparent interest from Prusa, but would happily wait if I thought something might come along rather than leave for another competitors ecosystem...
We'll see, but as I say I'd be surprised if nothing came out this year.....
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
I've got an eye on the new CR10 Max (450mm X 450mm) due the lack of apparent interest from Prusa, but would happily wait if I thought something might come along rather than leave for another competitors ecosystem...
Now that is a little bit of a push. I severely doubt that the CR-10 Max anything to go with inaction by Prusa.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Oh I agree, no connection - think you misunderstood me. Just saying that I'm looking elsewhere as there's no much activity from Prusa.
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Oh I agree, no connection - think you misunderstood me. Just saying that I'm looking elsewhere as there's no much activity from Prusa.
Ok. Being a guy that owns 2 creality printers, I can tell you there is no comparison to a Prusa. I own a much upgraded ender-3 and a CR-10S Pro. I like the build volume of the CR-10S pro, but would not trade the Prusa for it.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Heh, then we're in complete agreement - ie why do you own a CR10S pro....... 😉
I'd love to stick with Prusa and there's a clear demand, hence I think they'll move - but otherwise I'll probably join you....!
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Heh, then we're in complete agreement - ie why do you own a CR10S pro....... 😉
I'd love to stick with Prusa and there's a clear demand, hence I think they'll move - but otherwise I'll probably join you....!
I fly high power rockets as a hobby. Most of what I print have to do with rockets. I bought the CR-10S Pro to print large nose cones. I also own an AnyCubic Predator for the same purpose. A large nose cone can go for hundreds of dollars and I can print one for 30-40 dollars of petg. I printed a 1/37 scale Saturn V and I am in the process of assembling it for flight.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
I join the wish for a bigger Prusa.. My last two machine purchases have been for bigger areas.. Like @charles-h13, I added a CR10S-Pro and have been generally happy with it, it requires a bit of tuning and I actually fine-tune z-axis-spacing during the first layer for every print, but since the prints are always 24 hours plus, I don't really mind the extra effort.
Just ordered a Sidewinder to add to the mix as well, love the specs on it and looking forward to giving it a go..
Of course, none of this would have been necessary if I could have gotten my requirements for a larger build area here..
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
When can I stop working on converting my Tevo Black Widow and buy a Prusa XXL?
I have a Tevo BW about 80% there but with several compromises. All Prusa firmware, walks through XYZ Cal (sometimes) and fails PINDA probe. I need a little bit of help and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
The XYZ Cal failures are due to the Tevo wheeled design on the X-Axis. Moving to limit switches should fix this, but I can figure out in the firmware source code where to use limit switches for the end stops.
if you can help point me in the right direction or point me to someone who might know, it would be appreciated.
if we can get prusa to build an XL version with a dual extruder, then the Tevo is parts. --Don't want MMU2, just want big with soluble supports (400-500 XYZ). From what I can tell in the firmware source code, this printer will easily scale if mechanically built like the MK3S. The frame, rails, motors, electronics are all fine at most any size (up to a point). The issues to overcome are the MK52 heated bed, print surface and real dual extruder support.
Ben Park
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
500x500 to 500x700 would be perfect. Heck, I would love to 500x1000.
I print nose cones for rockets and I am tired of printing them in multiple pieces or having to Settle for the Piece of Crap Creality. Don’t get me wrong, Creality printers work, but I spend most of my time fighting with them to get them to work.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
500x500 to 500x700 would be perfect. Heck, I would love to 500x1000.
I print nose cones for rockets and I am tired of printing them in multiple pieces or having to Settle for the Piece of Crap Creality. Don’t get me wrong, Creality printers work, but I spend most of my time fighting with them to get them to work.
Seems to me that an experiment with a bear mod (or similar) might help your case. You could make the z-axis as tall as you need (up to the limits of the maximum value for whatever datatype the 8-bit einsy uses for z-travel). ...The "Tall Bear" mod? 😉
Unless you are also having issues with the x and y limiting the girth of your nosecones...
See my (limited) designs on:
Printables - https://www.printables.com/@Sembazuru
Thingiverse - https://www.thingiverse.com/Sembazuru/designs
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
500x500 to 500x700 would be perfect. Heck, I would love to 500x1000.
I print nose cones for rockets and I am tired of printing them in multiple pieces or having to Settle for the Piece of Crap Creality. Don’t get me wrong, Creality printers work, but I spend most of my time fighting with them to get them to work.
Seems to me that an experiment with a bear mod (or similar) might help your case. You could make the z-axis as tall as you need (up to the limits of the maximum value for whatever datatype the 8-bit einsy uses for z-travel). ...The "Tall Bear" mod? 😉
Unless you are also having issues with the x and y limiting the girth of your nosecones...
Does anyone have a link to a super tall bear mod?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Lots of people have asked for a larger Prusa printer. I've been told by people smarter than me that the Prusa printers are already close to the size limit for this design. A significantly larger printer will have to be a complete redesign, probably one where the print bed moves vertically and the print head moves in X and Y.
The reasons are that moving a large bed horizontally requires a lot of clear space around the printer, and a taller frame needs to be more rigid than what you can easily get with the flat piece of metal used in the i3 design.
So making a bigger Prusa isn't just a matter of making a larger bed and frame. If you want the same print quality we've come to expect, it's going to have to be a completely different design.
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Lots of people have asked for a larger Prusa printer. I've been told by people smarter than me that the Prusa printers are already close to the size limit for this design. A significantly larger printer will have to be a complete redesign, probably one where the print bed moves vertically and the print head moves in X and Y.
The reasons are that moving a large bed horizontally requires a lot of clear space around the printer, and a taller frame needs to be more rigid than what you can easily get with the flat piece of metal used in the i3 design.
So making a bigger Prusa isn't just a matter of making a larger bed and frame. If you want the same print quality we've come to expect, it's going to have to be a completely different design.
That is what they said about the moon landing. I think it is possible.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Lots of people have asked for a larger Prusa printer. I've been told by people smarter than me that the Prusa printers are already close to the size limit for this design. A significantly larger printer will have to be a complete redesign, probably one where the print bed moves vertically and the print head moves in X and Y.
The reasons are that moving a large bed horizontally requires a lot of clear space around the printer, and a taller frame needs to be more rigid than what you can easily get with the flat piece of metal used in the i3 design.
So making a bigger Prusa isn't just a matter of making a larger bed and frame. If you want the same print quality we've come to expect, it's going to have to be a completely different design.
That is what they said about the moon landing. I think it is possible.
I never said it would be impossible. Just that it would be a completely different design.
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Lots of people have asked for a larger Prusa printer. I've been told by people smarter than me that the Prusa printers are already close to the size limit for this design. A significantly larger printer will have to be a complete redesign, probably one where the print bed moves vertically and the print head moves in X and Y.
The reasons are that moving a large bed horizontally requires a lot of clear space around the printer, and a taller frame needs to be more rigid than what you can easily get with the flat piece of metal used in the i3 design.
So making a bigger Prusa isn't just a matter of making a larger bed and frame. If you want the same print quality we've come to expect, it's going to have to be a completely different design.
That is what they said about the moon landing. I think it is possible.
I never said it would be impossible. Just that it would be a completely different design.
My CR-10S Pro is the same basic design. I do not think it would take a completely new design.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
What are the diameters of the linear bearing rods on the CR10 X and Y axis?
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
What are the diameters of the linear bearing rods on the CR10 X and Y axis?
I get you point, but just because you increase the size of the rods does not make it a redesign. It would simple be an upscale.
The Mega Prusa project is 300x300 and uses 12mm rods.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
I think there's a bit of reality shifting here.
Prusa are not needing to protect their innovation against Chinese competitors as their competitors are already ahead (ie we're up to the fourth or fifth iteration of a large scale design in makes like Creality). Prusa need to catch up so their customer base doesn't become fragmented away - to a degree it already has as this thread demonstrates but most I think would prefer to remain within one ecosystem and one set of parts, tools, software if possible.
All Prusa need to do is introduce a large scale version which just nudges up the standard with their typical quality - most of this is instant through better quality parts they already use, better quality control etc.
Likewise there's no need for massive innovation here or fundamental redesign as we can see by peers using very similar designs and receiving 'best of' awards for the same.
We know Josef is lurking and isn't daft, hence I'm confident Prusa will be announcing something this year on this.....
Given this is simply a scalar challenge, it'd be a very smart move to design a 500mm X 500mm architecture (or something robust enough) and then release 300mm, 400mm and 500mm versions for people to pick. This'd create a full product range and reassert Prusa's position for the next couple of years.