3D Printing Price Calculator - page fault
I used many times the 3D printing price calculator at the following web page
Something does not work? No fields available over <job name> and <currency>.
Thanks if someone can highlight the problem or check it if it's only mine!
Works for me...
Sorry I know that doesn't help much but at least you know it's not the site. I use Firefox on Windows 10 by the way, if that helps at all.
Other test, no chance
Sorry I know that doesn't help much but at least you know it's not the site. I use Firefox on Windows 10 by the way, if that helps at all.
Tested again, Windows 10, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, no chance.
Doesn't work.
I suppose some problem at the web page with browser compatibility.
Never used it before as I can do basic math but I just tried now and the only 2 fields available are the name and currency fields. Nothing else is there so there does appear to be some issue.
Hmmm, works for me in Microsoft Edge as well///
Investigating more...
Hmmm, works for me in Microsoft Edge as well///
I tried again and... Pc just started... opening the browser at first time -> it works!
If you try agan in a new page, or new tab... doesn't 🙁
It seems the browser start some pending service at the first opening. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge same issue.
By using smartphone or pad (Safari based) no issue related.
Someone more skilled than me has an idea to play with? It's a challenge for IT guy... 🙂