Serious Mini Server / NAS Case
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Serious Mini Server / NAS Case  

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Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

I do have one recommendation for anyone that takes on the MK735 project...and that is to consider using a textured build surface for some of the front exposed surfaces.  As seen in the above photo and the DSC00111.jpg attachment posted on 6/22, we printed the front facing objects on a Prusa textured powder coated PCI plate (both "Front Panels", "Door Frame Upper", "Door Frame Lower", "Front Insert" (switch panel), "Door Grill Dovetail" and "Lockset Bezel".  We love the results.  It hides all those minor little build surface lines, helps hide the join between the upper and lower door frames and throws a bit of sparkle in there to boot.  It really helped achieve one of the original MK735 objectives; "It should not be obvious that it was 3D printed".

Posted : 07/07/2019 2:58 am
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Anyone have a cost estimate on this bad boy?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 07/07/2019 1:59 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

@charles-h13, the 3Dwebe website has a list and links to most items that we used, but there is not a true bill of material there yet... Thanks for asking the question, we'll get something better put together that spells out the items and the expected total. 

Cost wise to get the MK735 to the same state as a typical DIY "off the shelf" chassis, you're looking at a little over $200 US.

That price includes:

  • The MK735 stl files and documentation
  • 3kg of good quality APLA+, HTPLA+ or PLA
  • 1kg of TPU (only about 250g is needed)
  • 3 x 92mm fans (or 80mm fans)
  • Power switch (we used one with a power-on led built in)
  • M3x12mm self-tapping screws
  • Disk drive mounting screws (#6-32 x 1/4")
  • Optional: USB 3 or USB 2 front panel connector
  • Optional: Lockset (printed latch can be used instead)
  • Optional: Magnets for magnetic door latch

You will of course need to add to that whatever computer gear you prefer, such as:

  • Motherboard, CPU, memory
  • Power supply
  • Disk drives/SSD
  • SATA cables
  • etc...

No special tools are needed.  If you have a 3D printer, you'll most likely already have what you need.

Posted : 07/07/2019 3:14 pm
Active Member
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

@toby-k, I'm not familiar with the website which is hosting the files, what happens if you update the model files? Will we be able to get the updated files for free?

Posted : 07/07/2019 3:38 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Bill of materials with costs for the MK735:

Posted : 08/07/2019 8:54 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case
Posted by: Andrea Guarnaccia

@toby-k, I'm not familiar with the website which is hosting the files, what happens if you update the model files? Will we be able to get the updated files for free?

Yes, that is my intent...but I'm double checking to make sure.  I have added a .jpg file to the MK735 download package and that file is now listed in the package of a previous purchaser.  However, when the package is re-downloaded, that new file is not included.  I believe that is because the new file has not yet been checked and approved by MyMiniFactory (it still has a pending status).  They go out of their way checking what we post and the approval process can take days.  I'll confirm here when I see that new file appear in the package download. 

Posted : 09/07/2019 4:03 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case
Posted by: gnat

Wow. Initially I thought this was cool, but seeing the details in the blog... Wow

Awesome job and now I'm realizing that my 7 bay Thecus is 10 or 11 years old now 😯 (5 or for 7 WD green drives are still original too!)

I have looked at replacing it a few times, but it sits partially between floor joists which drastically limit my replacement options. Can't wait to see the final details (e.g. outer dimensions) and how you''ll distribute/license it (e.g. if it doesn't fit the space, can I modify it myself). I have a feeling that the way the door opens will make it not work for me as is 🙁

One thing that would be really nice is built in support for installing filters to help control dust. Any time I've looked at non-datacenter storage solutions I've always been surprised they don't think of that.

Really nice work though.

@gnat, good news...  An available add-on filter kit has cleared prototyping and is currently running through beta testing.  Full front door and power supply airflow filtering, all 3D printed except for the washable "off the shelf" filter material (about $2 in the USA, and you can make at least 2 sets of filters from that).  Hoping to release it in about two weeks.  Requires about 20 hours of printing and 200g of PLA if you are retrofitting an MK735...much less if you print the filter add-on instead of the standard door grill when printing your MK735.

Posted : 28/07/2019 2:43 am
New Member
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Any chances this could be adapted for printing on a Prusa Mini?

Posted : 21/06/2021 5:44 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Not something I'd like to attempt, it was a bear getting the MK735 sized to print on a MK2/MK3 and an awful lot of the design was dictated by that 250x210mm bed size.  Although I do think the mini could print something in the same class (size wise), the design would have to be a bit different due to the smaller bed and you'd end up with a lot more parts needed to be assembled.

This post was modified 4 years ago by toby.k
Posted : 23/06/2021 1:18 am
Damian Gaffey
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Hey Mate, I have been looking all around for a nas case this is absolutely perfect, is this still available to download and print at all? if you still have the files but don't have it hosted anywhere I'm more than happy to send money to you I think it will print fine on my x1 carbon

Posted : 03/11/2023 8:37 am
Brian B.
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Hello.  Is this design still available for download or purchase?  Thanks.

Posted : 24/12/2023 11:11 am
Active Member
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

I'd also be interested. 🙂 

Posted : 04/02/2024 3:26 pm
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Looks like the original links are unreachable.  here are a few


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 04/02/2024 4:45 pm

I have the original files if you can't find the original site! But I don't like giving them without the original designers consent!


This post was modified 1 year ago by alex3223223
Posted : 12/02/2024 9:14 pm
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Do you have the hinge file? I got the files a long time ago but did not print it until now. The zip I have is missing the hinge stl file. Everything is printed except for the hinges just noticed it was missing.


Posted : 26/02/2024 5:51 am
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

I have the same problem. I bought the files but can't find the hinges. They were in the "MK735 Test Objects package" which I can't find anywhere on the internet and unfortunately it isn't in the bought files.

Posted : 27/02/2024 8:18 am
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case


I found them there.  Link should download them.

Posted : 01/03/2024 2:26 am
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Thank you.

Posted : 04/03/2024 11:41 pm
Stefan van den Hoff
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Hi there,

I try to figure out if the MK375 is still available to purchase. MyMinifactory doesnt have it listed anymore.

This case fits my current need 100%, there is nothing out there which is a fit for my hardware.

Can anybody help me with a way to purchase the case?

Posted : 01/04/2024 8:58 am
Riker the Sergal
RE: Serious Mini Server / NAS Case

Do you happen to have the very top lid, and the HDD rails? I bought the files a couple of years ago but seem to have lost the files.

Posted : 29/04/2024 1:05 am
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