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Perfect Accuracy ?!  

Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Perfect Accuracy ?!


This is just to show how accurate the Prusa i3 mk2 can be. I think these are good values for a "Desk" printer 🙂

What do you think ?

Cube 20x20, hollow 🙂

Posted : 06/09/2016 12:10 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

Very nice. What filament? Is that PETG? What temperature extruder?

Posted : 07/09/2016 4:53 am
Shree Kumar
Trusted Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

What's the brand of the caliper ? The accuracy of the best models seem to be about 0.02 mm - so that's really good !

Posted : 12/09/2016 3:42 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

How is the brand of caliper related to accuracy of the printer? 😉

Posted : 12/09/2016 3:55 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!


You obviously don't own a cheap Chinese Vernier caliper... 😉


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 12/09/2016 4:11 pm
Shree Kumar
Trusted Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

You obviously don't own a cheap Chinese Vernier caliper... 😉

Rightly said. I am now feeling the pinch with my 10$ Chinese digital vernier. Mitutoyo seems to be a good option here - costs the equivalent of 100$ US here in India. No much in-between options 🙁 So I have to ask...

Posted : 12/09/2016 5:02 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

Mitutoyo seems to be a good option here - costs the equivalent of 100$ US here in India.

I've got a Mitutoyo. Sometimes you can find them for sale used.

Posted : 13/09/2016 1:07 am
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

Very nice. What filament? Is that PETG? What temperature extruder?
Hi John,

That i clear PLA. Extruder 215 bed 60.

My cali is from hogetex and it was like 39 Euro or something. i read they make good calis 🙂 offcially the accurcy is 0.1...

Posted : 14/09/2016 12:21 pm
New Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

Hi, I'm new to the MK2. I've been trying to get really tiny 1inch prints. I've learned I need to work on the support material...Its super strong. Slic3r default settings make insanely strong support material. Anyway, that cube looks like something I can help tune my printer with, and is great for my "tiny things" collection. Where can I get that calibration cube? Is it best to just look on Thingiverse? Does someone have it already sliced for Mk2? Thank you.

Posted : 01/11/2016 1:54 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

You can find tons of calibration cubes (or other objects) on Thingiverse.

Posted : 01/11/2016 9:39 pm
New Member
Re: Perfect Accuracy ?!

The iGaging ABSOLUTE ORIGIN Digital Electronic Calipers look like they are really nice. They have received some good reviews and are reasonably priced.

Posted : 07/11/2016 3:06 pm