3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )
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3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )  

Estimable Member
3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

While technically still not finished I can now finally call the majority of a mostly 3D printed 1:16 scale E-100 Superheavy Tank my own:

Shot of the model from the front...

...and the back ( with its still unpainted Tracks 😱 ).

The Model with all of the magnetically detachable Skirt segments added to the Chassis...

...requiring a different routing of the Towing Cables.

The E-100 with the rest of my 1:16 scale Tamiya RC Models Gang ( King Tiger, M26 Sherman, Leopard 2A6 ( upgraded to 2A7+ ) and Gepard 1A2 ) lining up for a size comparison shot.

The majority of the ASA FDM 3D printed parts making up the Hull and Turret laid out on my table ( and below my 3D printed Arch Light ) before final assembly using UHU Allplast.

Some of the SLA 3D printed detail parts of the Engine Deck flavoured up with wooden toothpicks where the shape and size would allow their use.

Adding Flame Cut details to some portions of the heavy Armor Plates that would have been problematic to achieve in CAD using a MiniWare TS80P USB-C Soldering Iron and their interchangeable Tips ( Knife Tip ).

Days' worth of heavy sanding to get rid of the layer lines followed up by restructuring the surface using Tamiya Putty ( Basic Type ) and the application of Weld Lines using Tamiya Epoxy Putty ( Quick Type ).

The model after priming and painting but before the weathering - Super bland...

CAD Model of the Turret and Chassis - All Dimensions were extrapolated from two 1:35 scale models and a Maus/E-100 Reference Book I own.

From start to finish this has been nothing but firsts like CAD modelling something of such complexity, figuring out how to deal with the lack of machinery like a metal working lathe to create the Axles, using Tamiya Putty / Epoxy Putty to create Surface Structures of Rolled Steel and Weld Lines, etc...

It's been one hell of a ride since 2019 😅

And yes... At some point the E-100 too will be turned into a Full Option RC Model including the option to have a FPV Camera in the movable Range Finder after I've figured out how to best approach the creation of Cast Metal Parts ( another first ) like the SLA 3D printed Swing Arms that have proven to be suffering from substantial material creep under the currently not even final weight of the model.

Posted : 03/08/2022 1:12 am
Netpackrat, gday, JanLM and 9 people liked
Famed Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Very impressive model!  Congratulations!

That looks like a very large model, and from the photos I might guess that it's about 15 inches long (not counting gun) or about 400mm.  Is that close?

Posted : 03/08/2022 1:35 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

A bit longer 😉

Length of the Chassis is 570mm for a total of 760mm including the Main Barrel.
Width is 280mm including the removable Skirts of the Chassis ( ~15mm without them )
Height is 220mm with the Range Finder on top of the Turret.
Armor thickness is to scale and goes up to 13mm ( with 30% Cubic Infill )
The weight is somewhere in-between 4-5kg ( a scale accurate model would weigh 30kg 😩)

Posted : 03/08/2022 2:36 am
Famed Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Wow, that's a bit larger than I would have estimated from the photos.

Posted : 03/08/2022 10:33 pm
Noble Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )



Very nice bit of modeling, beautiful build.


Seems like only a year ago you were talking about printing ABS without an enclosure.






The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 04/08/2022 7:07 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:

Yea... I kinda stepped up my 3D Printing Game after I got my 350 sized Voron 2.4 that kinda enabled the build of such a model due to its increased bed size and the increase in print speed by like 3-4x ( still took like a solid 4-5 days to print all the parts for the Chassis and Turret 😱 ).

Concerning the FDM 3D Printed parts though the model is all ASA-X, not ABS - I hate ABS so much ever since printing the first parts for the Voron with it 😩
On the other side I've learned about and started to love HIPS as a Support Interference Material for use with ASA! Pure bliss to work with 😍

Posted : 04/08/2022 10:39 pm
New Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

This is a form of sheptr's remix Gepard that has a more straightforward to print turret. I split the firearms and the two radars off the primary turret body, and added built up variants for the radars, since they could without much of a stretch sever during help expulsion. Moreover, the first turret doesn't fit the case, as it doesn't clear the skeleton's elevated back, so there are adaptations that address that too. I did this fairly foully in blender, so there are cutting antiquities, particularly where the firearms plug into the turret, these ought to anyway be covered once collected. The parts likewise could require some sanding, in any case, as far as I might be concerned, the firearms pressure fitted impeccably into the openings, the front radar snapped into its opening, right from the printbed, soon after eliminating the backings. Exclusively the back radar could require some paste. There are numerous principal turret parts in the pack. They all do: * gepardturret is the first non-altered record * Gepard_Turret_Main_Body is just the first document cut up for measured gathering * Gepard_Turret_Main_Body_Rotatable is the first turret with an additional pattern to make it fit on the Leopard Chassis this. This implies that the back boxes are fairly slight, and I needed to move the recieving wires up a little. This turret looks altogether too little when contrasted with the genuine article. * Gepard_Turret_Main_Body_Redesign doesn't remove material from the back yet rather adds material in the middle to make it rotatable. This additionally makes the actual turret higher, which makes it seem to be its genuine partner. This alteration follows no certifiable estimations however, it was basically finished to have the option to make it rotatable. * Gepard_Turret_Main_Body_Redesign_HighAngle is one more change of the abovementioned, that removes a touch of material on the sides to empower you to pivot the firearm barrels in a restricted point. The barrels can't be turned on some other turret. The see pictures follow this request too. The image of the completed tank includes the High Angle Redesign. The other picture contrasts the first turret and the Redesign. All parts were printed at 115% scale, with a 0.25mm Nozzle and at 0.05mm layer level (generally: portions of the frame's tracks are printed at a higher layer level to accelerate the print - around 0.1mm). I likewise added two adaptations of the Leopard Chassis with severed tracks for more nitty gritty printing. One of them is straight forward, V2 is made as it were, that ideally disguises the creases. I have not test-printed both of them, so on the off chance that you have done as such, hopefully you will leave a remark with how they printed! Furthermore, User EntilZar contributed a bar radar for the model to seem to be a Dutch Cheetah. This document can be printed rather than the ordinary radar and be opening into a similar spot. Much obliged to you for your commitment!

Posted : 04/09/2022 1:08 pm
Trusted Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

WOW!!! Incredible workmanship.


Posted : 07/10/2022 4:18 am
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

What a great build! Could you tell me where the STL files be purchased and downloaded, If possible? Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Have a great Day!

Posted : 19/01/2025 8:42 am
Prominent Member
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Thats awesome!

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 22/01/2025 10:44 pm
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Could you tell me where the STL files be purchased and downloaded, If possible? Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. Have a great Day!

Posted : 23/01/2025 4:20 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Unfortunately for those interested in building their own I feel like - even if the model works - I shouldn't be selling the files because of various reasons:

  • It was my first Project of this kind leaning more towards the aesthetics & realism than scale functionality and as such parts like the fairly important Suspension ended up being a pain in the ass I in the end had to remake from Casting and Machining them in Metal due to its 3D Printed Variant suffering from Material Creep within Days ( the finished model ended up being weighting almost 6kg ) - As I cannot expect customers to whip out their Gas Torches to cast their own from ZAMAC like I did I'd essentially have to provide a means to have them 3D Printed in Metal instead which gets expensive FAST ( I'd also have to provide a Machining solution for the whacky Road Wheel Axle design I whipped up ).
  • In a similar manner the Drive Sprocket too ended up being 3D Printed in Metal because the torque coming from the Drive Shaft resulted in the Keying Feature within the 3D Printed Plastic Part to get stripped with only minimal use from just running it on a Carpet. The model is also only compatible with one Set of no compromise Tamiya Gearboxes which are neither cheap nor easy to get ahold of and with me only being familiar with that Set the compatibility list isn't going to widen.
  • Some Parts of the Model are large enough where Parts Shrinking during the cooling process can become an issue and being something that needs to be accounted for by 3D printing certain Parts first, performing a dry fit to measure the required change for the following parts, scaling those Parts in the Slicer, etc...
  • Some Screws - while perhaps only a convenience issue - are a royal fuckin' pain in the ass to access if the need ever arises to service the parts attached to them essentially necessitating a rebuild of those parts I'd rather invest into time spent elsewhere.
  • The Model also heavily relies on the use of Scale Model Screws in the below M2 Range both for Aesthetical but also Structural reasons so yea... This really isn't one of those 3D Printed Models you just glue together from like 4-5 parts together in an evening. It requires a really solid Scratch Building Modelling Knowledge on top of a comprehensive Manual akin to that of a Voron Assembly Guide which at this moment in time I have even less time for.


To add Salt to the Wound a size comparison shot of the finished E-100 with my four same scale Tamiya RC Tanks:

Posted : 23/01/2025 9:09 pm
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

good information 

Posted : 05/03/2025 8:52 pm
RE: 3D printed E-100 ( with Maus Turret )

Very impressive.  Many hours of design well worth it. 

Posted : 06/03/2025 10:46 pm