Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
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Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus  

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RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


If you know you are infected, sure, everyone should stay home when sick (or go get medical help).

If you want to wear one forever, go for it.  Demanding others live their life as you decide to live yours is evil.  That is how oppression happens.  Use the power of the Church in the past as a prime example, or the power of Islam in the middle east right now.

I doubt anyone will care of you wear ine forever, except maybe when banks return to normal...not sure there.

Do you force the car to stop, get out, and shout at the person about their blinker?  People consider that road rage and condemn it as horrible and wrong.  Doing to same thing about a mask is just as horrible amd wrong.  I hope that makes sense.

Posted : 11/03/2021 4:16 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


I don't demand anyone does anything, that is entirely their choice.  But if someone is putting me at risk by their actions (or lack of) then that person not wearing the mask impacts everyone around them, and that is far more evil as you put it.

Can I ask, as a matter of interest what your personal standpoint is on wearing masks, do you agree with wearing them, or not,  do you wear one on a daily basis, or have a genuine medical reason for not wearing one?

And no, I would not force a car to stop and shout at someone, but surely you must see that driving your car dangerously is far more horrible and wrong than if you did decide to chastise someone for driving like an absolute idiot.

The same as making a choice not to wear a mask when you could be asymptomatic with covid is dangerous and very, very wrong if you are perfectly able to do so.

Tank you very much!

Posted : 11/03/2021 4:32 pm
pcweber liked
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


I have made no judgment on those not wearing the masks.  The CDCsays there are groups who should not wear them.  Assuming someone is not wearing a mask to personally hurt you is a bad assumption to make.  But even of you do assume it is all about you (generic you, not personal you), it is wrong to rage at them.

Good that you do not succumb to the evils of road rage, I also hope you do not succumb to the evils of mask rage.

I wear a mask, except during very strenuous activities.

Posted : 11/03/2021 4:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @cwbullet

[...] Anyone who thinks the goal is to stop the virus is not too smart.  The goal is to reduce the infection rate to allow beds to be available and lower the work burden on medical staff.  

I think that message sometimes doesn't get through. We're not trying to wait this thing out until it dies off on its own. We're trying to buy time to prevent overwhelming of our medical system until vaccination is sufficient to infer herd immunity. Left alone, COVID-19 can continue to kill many, many more people.

  • Based on today's numbers, approx. 211,049,892 additional individuals in the US must be exposed in order to achieve a low-end estimate of 70% for minimal herd immunity in the absence of effective vaccination.
  • With a case-fatality rate in the US (ratio of deaths to infected patients) of approx. 1.8%, that many exposures can be anticipated to result in 3,798,898 additional deaths attributable to COVID-19, over 7.2 times more deaths than we've seen so far.
  • Assuming herd immunity without a vaccine is possible -- and there's no guarantee of that -- achieving herd immunity without widespread behavior modification will take approx. 3,606 days to achieve, or 9 years, 10 months, and 12 days from today (approx. 01/23/31) with a current daily infection rate of 58,530 as of 03/11/21.

Vaccines can help us get to that 70% or more critical mass necessary to slow the spread to manageable levels by replacing an active infection with a vaccination. Nonetheless, a lot of dying will occur between now and then if healthy people aren't willing to put up with a few inconveniences in order to slow the spread until then. Our society didn't have too much difficulty accepting the fact that second-hand smoke is dangerous and modified our behaviors accordingly. For some reason, there's stubborn resistance to stopping something far more deadly and transmissible that can be significantly slowed down by simple behaviors such as wearing a mask when able, hand washing, and social distancing as much as possible. I have to think there's an anti-masker out there somewhere who pales at the thought of someone smoking around them.

At the current rate of infection, COVID-19 will have killed more people by the end of spring than are killed annually from the COMBINED total of:

  • Suicide
  • Nephritis
  • Influenza & pneumonia
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer's
  • Stroke
  • Chronic lower respiratory disease

"Just waiting it out" is not doing to work. It didn't work last Easter. It didn't work last Christmas. It won't be any different in 2021. If someone is able to help reduce the spread and consciously chooses not to, they are beyond selfish.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:17 pm
pcweber liked
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

Don't forget that the average fatality rate is hugely skewed by the elderly rate.  If you look at the rates for those below 50, it is far lower.  Not that it is good, but it is not nearly as deadly for those age groups...especially the under 18 group.

That said, the evil and selfish acts of one person do not justify the evil and selfish acts of another.  Never has, never will.  It is morally wrong to commit road rage, morly wrong to commit abortion clinic rage, and is morally wrong to commit mask rage.  All should be condemned by everyone.

Everyone can help make the world a better place by not giving into their hate.  Remeber, showering someone with hate has never convinced anyone you are right.  Did not work at abortion clinics,  does not work for car blinkers, and does not work for masks.  Hate and rage are evil and to be condemned in all those cases.

Who here does not agree that mask rage has no place in our society and should be condemned?

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:30 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Waiting it out will eventually work, but it is the suckiest way to do it.  That is how it was done before we learned how the diseases work and how to deal with them.

Far better ways abound, we certainly agree in that.

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:33 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

Say it again:

  • Yelling at people for not wearing a mask when they can't is selfish and sucks.
  • Not wearing a mask when out around people when you have no medical reason not to do so is selfish and sucks.
  • Not wearing a mask when out around people and attempting to disrupt a business that is trying to stay open and keep people employed is selfish and sucks.

Wear a mask if you can. Don't be selfish and suck.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:39 pm
CybrSage liked
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Far too many suck, but I simply keep my distance even if I've got to cross the street. 


Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:42 pm
CybrSage liked
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

The big reason I say to yell at no one is because we cannot tell who can and cannot wear a mask.

Glad to see some of the people here agree. 

And as I said, I wear one.  Easy to do and no reason not to...except when I am doing very strenuous work.  The mask has to come off else the sweat makes it impossible to breath through it.  I say no to self waterboarding.  🙂

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:56 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Distance definitely works, no doubts about that.

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @pcweber

[...] Far too many suck, but I simply keep my distance even if I've got to cross the street. 

It's the people who have to work and are forced into close confrontations I feel the mostfor. I saw an article today where someone got upset with an Uber driver, pulled down their mask, and coughed on him. At a Mexican restaurant, entitled customers not only fought against requests to wear masks when moving about but called INS on the employees. Weaponizing COVID in an argument is detestable. Anybody that jeopardizes a business or employee trying to work in this environment deserves whatever they get.

The good news is that these assaults are being treated as such. At least in some cases, the attackers are facing serious assault charges, and airlines are having disruptive passengers added to the No-Fly list. Good luck getting off that once you're on it!


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 11/03/2021 5:58 pm
CybrSage liked
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @cybrsage


I have made no judgment on those not wearing the masks.  The CDCsays there are groups who should not wear them.  Assuming someone is not wearing a mask to personally hurt you is a bad assumption to make.  But even of you do assume it is all about you (generic you, not personal you), it is wrong to rage at them.

Good that you do not succumb to the evils of road rage, I also hope you do not succumb to the evils of mask rage.

I wear a mask, except during very strenuous activities.

I never said someone not wearing a mask is out to harm me or others, but they are being very selfish and/or lazy by not wearing a mask if able to do so.  And even although they may not realise it they could be putting my life, and others at risk if they are asymptomatic.

Not wearing one if undertaking strenuous activities is understandable, I tried to go out on the bike with a mask on and nearly passed out at the top of the hill, as long as you bear in mind this can impact you, and others as you can breathe very heavily during strenuous activity.

What I have no time for is healthy people walking into a shop without a mask as they think the rules do not apply to them, I think this practice is appalling, but would not "rage" at someone for this, it is completely pointless as you will not change that person's mind by doing so.

If I had a pound for every time I saw this happen I could buy another MK3 😉 

I don't think anyone on here would agree that attacking or shouting at someone is acceptable behaviour, so let's just make that perfectly clear.

Tank you very much!

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:02 pm
CybrSage liked
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

I don’t make judgement either.  I just remind them that they should be 6 feet from me.  I am not worried about COVID.  I am immune now.  I am very confident I can’t catch a serious infections.  I am not confident that I cannot pass it.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:07 pm
CybrSage liked
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Sadly, you are wrong.  There are people here who refuse to say shouting at the maskless is wrong and they condemn it.

Part of the issue is writing English is that you is both personal and for the masses as a whole, so sometimes it appears to be directed at a person when itnis being used generically. 

Regardless of that, glad you do not.  I think people should wear a mask of they can, if for no other reason than to stop the irrational fears so many have.

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:07 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Like the couple whose 2 year old refused to keep the mask on so they were booted from the plane and added to that list.

Will you condemn mask rage yet?

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:10 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @bobstro

Say it again:

  • Yelling at people for not wearing a mask when they can't is selfish and sucks.
  • Not wearing a mask when out around people when you have no medical reason not to do so is selfish and sucks.
  • Not wearing a mask when out around people and attempting to disrupt a business that is trying to stay open and keep people employed is selfish and sucks.

Wear a mask if you can. Don't be selfish and suck.



Sucking sucks almost as much as it blows


This post was modified 4 years ago by Clarmrrsn

Tank you very much!

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:11 pm
CybrSage liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @cybrsage

[...] Like the couple whose 2 year old refused to keep the mask on so they were booted from the plane and added to that list.

If somebody disrupts air travel, they are very likely to wind up on the No Fly list. I support that. You don't disrupt transport carrying large numbers of individuals, no matter what the cause. I once shut down a guy that was yelling at a couple when their newborn was crying mid-flight. Yes, being awakened by a screaming baby sucks, but it's not like the parents weren't trying.


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:13 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Will you condemn mask rage yet?

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:15 pm
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


The airline is free to dictate policy, they're not a government entity. Since their policy is, in their opinion, to protect their customers I see nothing wrong with their decision. I'd venture that there is more to the story than a mask problem. However, that falls into the  category of two sides to each story. We can find a large group of stories that validate our thinking; however, how true is the source? 

Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:21 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


We will probably never know the truth to it.  But have you ever tried to make a 2 year old do something they absolutely refuse to do?  Sometimes it is hard to get a 2 year old to keep normal clothing on.  🙂

I suspect that is part of why the CDC says 2 year old don't have to wear masks.

Posted : 11/03/2021 6:28 pm
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