Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
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Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus  

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Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Sadly, it appears your love for bullet was not enough to end your hate and your vile acts upon others.

Sad, for I honestly hoped you would become a good person.  I was wrong, you are obviously unwilling to be a good person.

Respondido : 10/03/2021 11:25 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

Regardless of Bob's refusal to condemn hate, verbally attacking another person for not wearing a mask is wrong and hateful.

Wear the mask that makes you feel good and safe.  Don't demand others live as you do amd don't demand the world be fair before doing the right thing.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por CybrSage
Respondido : 10/03/2021 11:28 pm
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

bad bot, bad bot

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 11/03/2021 12:14 am
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


I see that instead of your love for Bob making Bob a good man, Bob turned you hateful.

The world is worse off for it.

Respondido : 11/03/2021 12:16 am
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

There is a severe issue with the proposed use of N95 masks.

That is, they are just not available to buy, at least not in the UK.

A search on Google gives the below message, is this the same in the US?


Tank you very much!

Respondido : 11/03/2021 12:19 am
Honorable Member
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

Those look pretty poor, and are even listed as not for medical use in the advert. I would be very sceptical at buying medical masks from sites like amazon and ebay, they are littered with poorly manufactured knock offs. I have had some very poor 3 layer medical masks from Amazon that had good reviews.  Most went in the bin.

This study from the American chemical Society shows the type of filtration one can expect from a wide range of mask types, including N95. Some pretty eye opening figures.  Check Table 1.

N95 are equally as effective as a multi layer material mask if properly fitted, and of substantial quality.


Don't waste your money, get a few well fitting quality 2 layer masks, wash them and your hands regularly and stay 2 metres away from everyone.  Common sense works far better than a cheap N95 mask ever will.

Tank you very much!

Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:01 am
CybrSage me gusta
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


I wasn't endorsing them, just saying there are many out there to be had. 

Properly fitted anything is preferable, but a proper fitting is dine per individual.  Well fitted is the best most people ever get, and thatbis rare too, sadly.

But yeah, a two layer cloth is better than the standard single layer most have now.

Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:48 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

There are a lot of "KN95"  masks for sale out there. Again, anything is better than nothing, but given the number of counterfeit products, I wouldn't rate those much higher than a well-made mutli-layer washable. Probably good as one layer. It's all part of a mutli-layer approach. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 11/03/2021 2:01 am
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


The standard is the 3M N95.  The KN and its cousins are not even close to being equivalent.  If you are so high risk or that concerned that you are going to wear an N95, it should be combined with a face shield.  Most of us, in normal day-to-day life during covid, do not need an N95.  It is unneeded.  The social distancing of 6 feet or more will reduce the viral load enough.  

I caught COVID because I got sloppy.  The mask and social distancing worked for 10 months. On 1 January, I was diagnosed with COVID.   I caught it 4 days prior during a patient code in public.  All I had was an N95 in my car and not a face shield.  I had not public exposure for 10 days prior to that or the 4 day incubation period.  My story is not unique.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 11/03/2021 3:42 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @cwbullet

The standard is the 3M N95.  The KN and its cousins are not even close to being equivalent.

I strongly suspect most of the "KN95" out there don't meet the KN95 spec for that matter. There's a flood of stuff coming in off AliExpress and other doubtful sources, and people willing to pay a premium for them. If nothing else, I figure they can be used as an additional layer for a cloth mask, especially if you need/want disposable filters. Agreed that layered defense -- mask + distancing -- is what works.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Respondido : 11/03/2021 6:14 am
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

3M are certainly one of the only I would consider if going down the N95 route, which I did look into, but the lack of availability, and cost per unit were restrictive. 

I even looked into a full respirator, but again cost of filters and uncomfortable wearing put me off.


Tank you very much!

Respondido : 11/03/2021 11:02 am
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus

I am a libertarian.  I do not like mandates, but we are in a state of emergency.  Seven of my nine supported hospitals had full ICUs and the other two were a matter of days from doing so.  We were nearly out of PPE, testing capabilities, and ventilator supplies.  Drastic measures were needed.  

A mask works,  It works by two means.  It reminds us to social distance and not touch our faces.  It also lowers the viral load when transmission occurs.  This virus is incredibly sticky and it sticks to the mask.    The virus is very contagious but it still needs a significant viral load to cause an infection and overload our immune system.  

I am a leader.  I will lead from the front by wearing a cloth mask during flu season.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 11/03/2021 11:11 am
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Certainly can see the value in wearing masks going forward after the pandemic is over, and hope I am not the only one.

Unfortunately though, I can see things going back to the viral spread society we have always been, people are lazy and if they can avoid spending 2 seconds putting on a mask, they will.

Tank you very much!

Respondido : 11/03/2021 12:48 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @clarmrrsn


Certainly can see the value in wearing masks going forward after the pandemic is over, and hope I am not the only one.

Unfortunately though, I can see things going back to the viral spread society we have always been, people are lazy and if they can avoid spending 2 seconds putting on a mask, they will.

They will go back to how things were before, if we use history as our guide.  When the Spanish Flu ended, masks went away.  When the Wuhan Virus ends, the same will happen. 

It is how humans are.  Even those who now verbally attack others for not wearing them and who say "save just one life" will also stop.

It is not lazy or uncaring.  It is the desire for normalcy that will drive it.  The desire to see a stranger smile again amd such.

Don't be so quick to put a hateful label on others.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por CybrSage
Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:18 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


People in quarantine in old folks  homes who see only one person ever are still getting covid.

Don't beat yourself up over it, it is nigh impossible to stop the spread. 

Getting enough people immune is the goal now.

Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:23 pm
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Stop the spread in a pipe dream.  Reducing the spread is possible.  Anyone who thinks the goal is to stop the virus is not too smart.  Ther goal is to reduce the infection rate to allow beds to be available and lower the work burden on medical steff.  

I have folks who imply that social distancing did nothing.  If that is the fact, it is because people did not perofrm social distancing or we are have the wrong goal.  For some reason, peopel though face masks and social diatancing will reduced infections to zero.  Not event he best vaccine will do that.  The only way to do that is to live in a bubble.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:38 pm
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Immune may nto mean what you think it does.  Immunity will reduce infections and their severity.   Immunity will not eliminate them.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 11/03/2021 1:39 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus
Posted by: @cybrsage
Posted by: @clarmrrsn


Certainly can see the value in wearing masks going forward after the pandemic is over, and hope I am not the only one.

Unfortunately though, I can see things going back to the viral spread society we have always been, people are lazy and if they can avoid spending 2 seconds putting on a mask, they will.

They will go back to how things were before, if we use history as our guide.  When the Spanish Flu ended, masks went away.  When the Wuhan Virus ends, the same will happen. 

It is how humans are.  Even those who now verbally attack others for not wearing them and who say "save just one life" will also stop.

It is not lazy or uncaring.  It is the desire for normalcy that will drive it.  The desire to see a stranger smile again amd such.

Don't be so quick to put a hateful label on others.

Allow me to clarify what I mean, if for example I go onto a plane knowing I have the Flu, and could wear a mask but decide not to, or sit ill and coughing/sneezing in a crowded room, but don't put my hand over my mouth/nose I am either lazy, or selfish.  How else would you classify that?  And I am sorry wanting to see someone else smile has nothing to do with me personally wearing a mask, or sneezing/coughing respectfully if I am ill.

There is nothing "hateful" in this statement, you seem very quick to label others with this, when looking objectively at this, it is a sad fact of life that many people are either selfish or lazy.

I drive around 30000 miles a year and watch this mindset every day with people, driving is a prime example, it takes 1 second to move your finger 2" and put on an indicator, takes around the same time to use your mirrors before the indicator or look in your blind spot, when a person does not do these things it is not because they don't know how to, everyone is taught to drive to the same standard, Granted it is occasionally forgetfulness, and I have forgotten myself on a rare occasion.

However, when you are driving behind someone and watch them not use their mirrors, then indicators and not look in their blind spot all in one incident, and then do it again, and again they are paying no attention to other road users safety because they choose not to consciously, I am sorry if it offends, but this is more often than not either selfishness or laziness. 

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 4 years por Clarmrrsn

Tank you very much!

Respondido : 11/03/2021 3:43 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Which Mask is Better to Protect Covid-19 Virus


Are you talking about during the two week or so build up while the body creates antibodies?

Respondido : 11/03/2021 4:09 pm
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