Strange issue where the web interface wont load
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Strange issue where the web interface wont load  

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Noble Member
Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Hi there 

Not sure if it's prusalink fault but pretty sure it is

So if I connect a official Raspberry pi pwm fan to the pi and put it inside case I get error on Google carnt find adress like if you google a random ip adress if I disconnect the pwm wire and leave fan powered and spinning all is fine the pi boots fine with pwm fan connect just doesn't allow to connect to local 

I don't know if it's prusalink or my pi but since pi boots fine it seems like prusalink how it's related.or affects it is beyond me please help or give advice @tojik

Any logs or tests you need me to do I'd be more then willing I'm on windows so commands for windows if you need anything.

Pi 4 2gb

Printer 2.13

Prusa-Link latest on github from today

No mmu


Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/08/2023 9:23 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Hi, this looks like your pi does not even boot. Try looking at the SD activity LED when you got the PWM signal wire connected. If it does not even blink then there's a real problem somewhere. I would assume a short circuit getting created. Is it a PWM signal wire? Could you have confused a tacho wire for a PWM signal one? Anyway, you can try with a clean Pi OS SD and see if that boots. Also, you can connect the peripherals and verify it booting that way.

Posted : 07/08/2023 12:00 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

If I connect to my friends monitor it boots fine it's the official pi4 case fan so it's definitely pwm it is really strange 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/08/2023 7:19 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:

@tojik I wonder if it's interfering with wifi connection is it possible anyway to check via ssh if I plug pwm then unplug and ssh

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/08/2023 7:26 pm
Member Moderator

I wonder the same thing. You can definitely enable the ssh by adding an empty file named "ssh" with no file extension into the sd boot partition.

Also, you can see the /var/log/syslog file and watch for a line saying "carrier lost" appearing after you connect the pwm line

Posted : 07/08/2023 7:29 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

@tojok I already have ssh enabled once I connect pem I also loose ssh capability I will try it later to see if it says carrier lost if it does is it the pi or fan that's failty

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/08/2023 7:34 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

This is the fan

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/08/2023 7:34 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

this is the logs Aug 8 15:49:41 prusa systemd[1]: rsyslog.service: Sent signal SIGHUP to main p>Aug 8 15:49:41 prusa systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Succeeded.Aug 8 15:49:41 prusa systemd[1]: Finished Rotate log files.Aug 8 15:49:42 prusa interesting_logger[585]: WARNING: Was[DEBUG]: Serial ERRO>Aug 8 15:49:42 prusa systemd[1]: man-db.service: Succeeded.Aug 8 15:49:42 prusa systemd[1]: Finished Daily man-db regeneration.Aug 8 15:49:44 prusa[585]: WARNING: Error whe>Aug 8 15:49:48 prusa[585]: WARNING: Error whe>Aug 8 15:49:52 prusa[585]: WARNING: Error whe>Aug 8 15:49:55 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Digest: Authorization header not fou>Aug 8 15:49:55 prusa[585]: INFO: - "G>Aug 8 15:49:56 prusa[585]: WARNING: Error whe>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa[585]: INFO: - "G>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Return file: /main.44fd519fe74a820d5>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Return file: /main.97b8f9c3a3e4f0843>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa[585]: INFO: - "G>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa[585]: INFO: - "G>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Return file: /dfb811cc28f8e3d7c14bce>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Return file: /b891ace1622f34bac5a2b4>Aug 8 15:49:57 prusa poorwsgi[585]: INFO: Return file: /997c391425907810b4a6e4

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 4:08 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

1 other question how do i update prusalink without it loosing my setup

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 4:09 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

This log just says the serial is not connected. Nothing about the wifi. Also, the lines are incomplete...

Anyway. You said you have the latest prusalink from github. Do you mean the dev version or the latest image? If you got the latest image, an update without re-flashing should be finally possible once it's available.

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:21 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

0.7.0 my printer is connected via serial and works with prusalink 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:24 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

@tojik Is it something to be concerned about how it says serial not connected also logs taken from ssh not sure why uncompleted 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:26 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

You are looking at them through a CLI viewer. Likely a nano or less. You can scp the file to your local PC and view it in a text editor which would give you an easier time

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:30 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Or you can copy the file through the prusalink web interface under settings. Or using filezilla

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:30 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Oh I was using command prompt 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:31 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

@tojik never thought of getting it through web interface 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:32 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

@tojik should I be concerned aboutlogs saying serial port not connected 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:32 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Yea, you might be running a command prompt for a terminal emulator, in there you run ssh that connects you to the pi, which is most likely running bash for a shell, which you used to view the file using a CLI text viewer or an editor like vi, nano, less, more and so on.

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:34 am
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

oh right thanks for clearing it up

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 08/08/2023 6:55 am
Member Moderator
RE: Strange issue where the web interface wont load

Jesus, this is not discord. If you'd like discord style messaging. We have a Discord server.

Posted : 08/08/2023 7:07 am
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