Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification
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Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification  

Trusted Member
Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification


Weeks ago, I printed a file that had a filament change in the code, and I rightfully got a 5 minute warning in PrusaConnect about it. I loved that.

But now, literally EVERY file I print triggers a 5 minute filament change notification immediately after the print started notification.

I normally print by selecting the file from the SD card manually at the printer, so I thought maybe the one with the filament change was from PrusaLink, but I can't even find it in my print history.

Anyway, it's annoying, and I'd like suggestions on how to make it stop. 

Posted : 05/06/2023 6:05 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification

Wow... the time window to edit a post is pointlessly short. I get not letting people edit in perpetuity, but that was like... 5 minutes? That's stupid short. Might as well not allow any editing after posting.

This is what I was trying to edit in to the OP:

  • PrusaLink type: Raspberry Pi ZeroW
  • PrusaLink version: 0.7.0rc3
  • Printer type: Mk3s+
  • Printer UUID (you can find it in Printer detail page - address line): could not find this. did it move?
  • Printer firmware version: 3.11.0-4955
  • PrusaSlicer version (if applicable): 2..6.0 beta 2
Posted : 05/06/2023 6:16 pm
Tojik liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification

power cycling the printer and/or upgrading to the release version of 0.7.0 seems to have made it stop for now.

Posted : 05/06/2023 9:52 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Printed with M600 once, and now every print gets a 5min filament change notification

Interested to see, whether it went away for good, or whether it comes back the next time you print with a color change. Here's hoping it doesn't come back

Posted : 05/06/2023 9:54 pm