Missing printer icon on the first page of the PrusaLink Wizard
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Missing printer icon on the first page of the PrusaLink Wizard  

Missing printer icon on the first page of the PrusaLink Wizard

If the printer can't be recognised (I guess), there is no image on the first page of the PrusaConnect wizard.

If there is a correct firmware version installed, the picture appears. But at least in my case, I had to manually insert the serial number. I guess it is because my printer is quite old and this info wasn't in the EEPROM from the beginning.

  • PrusaLink type: Raspberry Pi Zero
  • PrusaLink version: 0.5.2
  • Printer type: MK3s
  • Printer firmware version: 3.10.1-RC1
This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by TimeMaster
Posted : 19/08/2021 9:43 am
McBig liked
Member Moderator
Serial Number

Yup, to get it to the eeprom, you'd need to connect it over USB and open the serial (Pronterface Octoprint PrusaLink, or the multi language FW update through PrusaSlicer should do fine too) 3.10.1 should make quick work of writing the SN to the EEPROM even repairing it if we managed to screw it up (3.10.0 + Update through the Octoprint plugin)

Posted : 20/08/2021 5:52 pm
Topic starter answered:

I see, so once I've used the SN to finish the PrusaLink wizard for the first time, it has been stored in the EEPROM, and next time it will pick it up from there, ok?

It wasn't in the EEPROM since the first version of MK3, correct? Because it is what I have. I assume, if someone is buying MK3s now, it is gonna be with the SN already stored in the memory.

Anyway, this bug report was mainly about the icon. It looks like a bug because even though the Wizard can't identify the printer, it should present some real image, like a question mark image or so. But definitely not a broken link to a non-existent file.


Posted : 20/08/2021 7:28 pm
Member Moderator

Yes, the SN is written to the EEPROM by PrusaLink, if you'd by chance had a typo in there, it would get "fixed" once you'd connect the printer over USB. That would break PrusaLink and would require a new printer registration 😀 But hopefully that will not happen to many people.

The SN is not in the eeprom on any printer, new or old, it is on a separate chip for usb serial, that chip cannot get power from the printer, that's why we need the USB connection for the printer firmware to fish it from there and put it somewhere accessible. It will still get erased by a factory reset thoughI know it was.

I'm not responsible for the wizard UI, but I still wanted to respond in some way 😉

Posted : 23/08/2021 8:27 am
Topic starter answered:

Haha, fair enough, and thank you for all the useful information 🙂

Someone else probably takes care of the icon 🙂

Posted : 24/08/2021 11:49 am